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Corona Time

Dangerous Mind
United States 25awards
Joined 31st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 941

But hemi, the people must be free to lie, cheat, steal and hurt each other with reckless abandon!

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

Carpe_Noctem said:https://youtu.be/2FNLJfcelCg

Do you know the reason for social isolation. Its easier for the facial regognition software to track, rather than clusters of people.
The video is a long one but they are discussing the technocratic control.

What you actually mean is “did you know these people think....”

They have a hypothesis. A baseless, fear monger img hypothesis that greatly overstates the capabilities of the technology.

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

SatInUGal said:But hemi, the people must be free to lie, cheat, steal and hurt each other with reckless abandon!

Well....I guess! :-)

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

Carpe_Noctem said:https://youtu.be/tjTwx55tkxI

5G towers going up everywhere

Corbett report. What nobody is saying about the corona crisis.

The 5G conspiracy is laughable. A mash of bad science.

The Corbett report is this guy:

“In addition to the history of oil, power, and economics,[6] alleged false flag events like the Oklahoma City bombing conspiracy theories,Wikipedia's W.svg the 9/11 conspiracy theories, and Operation Gladio.Wikipedia's W.svg Corbett claims to detail scandalous corruption, injustices, and expose conspiracies, psy-ops, black-ops, and the covert "deep-state secret", "ghost politics", globalist control, and domination agendas of the NWO advocating a "revolution of the mind" to counter-cultural brainwashing dogmas to ultimately foil all centralized governments' monopolistic use of violence. Ultimately however, all he achieves is talking to an echo chamber of other dangerous morons about nonsense. He is also a vigorous skeptic of climate change and the IPCC.[7]

He is a YouTuber who makes money by hooking in views, feeding frightened people what they will click on to make his pay check.

Great human being.

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

drone said:Dr Andrew Kaufman Rejecting CoronaVirus

Comment from a conspiracy theory website. This guy doesn’t even meet their low standards;

This video has been discussed before and at that time I pointed out that he can't even get his quotes correct let alone the actual facts. Dr Robert Hldreth who he quotes as saying "the virus is fully an exosome" he never said that. He is also another pushing the 5G theory and attempting to make data fit his theory These youtube doctors always look professional with a nice list of credentials, looking to be the next Gallileo always thinking they will be the ones to "crack" it despite the millions of actual virologists and bacteriologists who actually know what they're talking about.

Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1863

hemihead said:

The 5G conspiracy is laughable. A mash of bad science.

The Corbett report is this guy:

“In addition to the history of oil, power, and economics,[6] alleged false flag events like the Oklahoma City bombing conspiracy theories,Wikipedia's W.svg the 9/11 conspiracy theories, and Operation Gladio.Wikipedia's W.svg Corbett claims to detail scandalous corruption, injustices, and expose conspiracies, psy-ops, black-ops, and the covert "deep-state secret", "ghost politics", globalist control, and domination agendas of the NWO advocating a "revolution of the mind" to counter-cultural brainwashing dogmas to ultimately foil all centralized governments' monopolistic use of violence. Ultimately however, all he achieves is talking to an echo chamber of other dangerous morons about nonsense. He is also a vigorous skeptic of climate change and the IPCC.[7]

He is a YouTuber who makes money by hooking in views, feeding frightened people what they will click on to make his pay check.

Great human being.

From what you've quoted, Corbett sounds to me like a guy who likes to ask questions and play the role court-jester speaking the unsayable in front of authority.
Case in point - 9/11. I was an explosives engineer long time ago, albeit in the mining industry, but I know a demolition job when I see one. And building No:7 (the 3rd building?)

Valeriya Long
Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 1st Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 705

These are a few examples of medical breakthrough that were mocked ridiculed and scoffed by the medical community Today they would have been known as just theories without facts to back them up The people who believed in these individuals who continued their work defying what others would say would have been conspiracy theorists

To discount what others believe in concerning the numbers related to COVID-19 you place yourself alongside the unbelievers who have changed Medical history
Below are just a few examples of what i speak

Traumatic Brain Injuries in Sports
When a purely scientific advance stands to jeopardize a very powerful interest, rejection can turn threatening.

Such was the case of forensic pathologist Bennet Omalu, a native Nigerian working in the Allegheny County coroner's office. Dr Omalu had no idea just how powerful the National Football League (NFL) was when he published the first diagnosis of chronic traumatic encephalopathy in Neurosurgery.

The NFL immediately mobilized a cadre of physicians on the organization's payroll to attack Dr Omalu's research. Dr Omalu, however, continued publishing, and the NFL continued its attack in kind, very often through physicians with a long history of working with, and for, the NFL.

"I was naive," Dr Omalu told GQ in 2009.[22] "There are times I wish I never looked at [former professional NFL player] Mike Webster's brain. It has dragged me into worldly affairs I do not want to be associated with. Human meanness, wickedness, and selfishness. People trying to cover up, to control how information is released. I started this not knowing I was walking into a minefield. That is my only regret."

Even experts without any ties to the NFL initially discounted Dr Omalu's work.

"The credit must go to Bennet Omalu," neuropathologist Peter Davies, of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, said, "because he first reported this, and nobody believed him, nobody in the field, and I'm included in that. I did not think there was anything there. But when I looked at the stuff, he was absolutely right. I was wrong to be skeptical."

Because of Dr Omalu's persistence, the NFL has been forced to acknowledge chronic traumatic encephalopathy, and the wider sports culture has begun questioning the costs of repeated brain injuries in sports.

Germs Cause Disease
Though Louis Pasteur was not the first to propose the germ theory of disease, he is forever linked with this critical leap forward in medical science because he was the first to conduct convincing experiments that demonstrated the underlying role of micro-organisms in disease, thus firmly overturning the concept of "spontaneous generation" as their cause.

Less well known is the bitter and long-running resistance to Pasteur's ideas spearheaded by Pierre Béchamp, a successful French chemist and biologist. Béchamp, a contemporary of Pasteur's, believed that tiny organisms present in all things called "microzyma" were responsible for disease, as opposed to external bacteria that invaded healthy tissue.[16]

Though Béchamp was well known at the time of his public dispute with Pasteur, he died in relative obscurity and would be nothing more than a historical footnote had he not become the figurehead of a larger movement of germ theory denialists that continued throughout the 20th century.[17

Infectious Proteins
When neurologist Stanley Prusiner insisted that mad cow disease and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease are caused not by viruses, bacteria, or fungi but by infectious proteins, which he dubbed "prions" in 1982, even he admitted that the idea was "clearly heretical."[13]

It was instantly controversial, particularly among Prusiner's infectious disease and virology colleagues who had staked their entire careers on searching for and studying the pathogens behind these diseases. They simply could not accept that a mere protein, with its lack of genetic material, could transmit disease. (Some still cannot.) Prusiner himself described this first publication as setting off a "firestorm," and he suffered a series of "very vicious" personal attacks in the press.[14]

Prusiner continued publishing, however, further characterizing prions and adding diseases to the list of those he believed were caused by infectious proteins. Slowly some in the medical community accepted his hypotheses.

And then in 1996, more than a decade after he had initially described prions, the first cases of the human form of mad cow disease were reported in Britain. Mad cow disease, or bovine spongiform encephalopathy, had previously been identified as a prion disease by Prusiner.[15] One year later, in 1997, Prusiner won the Nobel Prize for his discovery of prions.

Antiseptic Handwashing
Ignaz Semmelweis may be the best known example of a physician ridiculed for an idea that is now accepted as common sense.

A Hungarian physician working in the maternity ward in Vienna in the mid-19th century, Semmelweis noted that puerperal fever was contagious—students and physicians were performing autopsies and then contaminating new mothers in the maternity ward with what Semmelweis, working prior to the germ theory of disease, termed "cadaverous particles."[1]

Semmelweis advocated that doctors in obstetric clinics disinfect their hands following autopsies; at the clinic in which Semmelweis's hand-washing policy was implemented, the puerperal fever mortality rates dropped 90%, from 18.3% to less than 2%, in fewer than 6 months.

Despite Semmelweis's demonstration of the value of antiseptic techniques, by and large his ideas were rejected by the medical community, with a few notable exceptions. Semmelweis had believed that antiseptic hand washings would be widely adopted and save thousands of lives; when they were not, Semmelweis began publishing a series of vitriolic "open letters" against his critics.[2] Increasingly isolated and unpredictable, Semmelweis was admitted against his will to a Viennese insane asylum, where he was severely beaten; he died after 2 weeks

If i am a conspiracy theorist then you are a denialist

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3042

hemihead said:

No it isn’t.

And yet the federal reserve bank is....

Although the CDC Foundation was chartered by Congress, it is not a government agency nor is it a division of CDC. It is a private, nonprofit organization classified as a 501(c)(3) public charity.20 Dec 2019

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3042

Josh said:

From what you've quoted, Corbett sounds to me like a guy who likes to ask questions and play the role court-jester speaking the unsayable in front of authority.
Case in point - 9/11. I was an explosives engineer long time ago, albeit in the mining industry, but I know a demolition job when I see one. And building No:7 (the 3rd building?)

9,11 clearly an inside job. Look who benefited after that. Patriot act any one, police state.

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

Carpe_Noctem said:The Gates Family, Eugenics and COVID-19

How many people are aware of the vaccine damage payment? Did you even know such a thing existed.

This is the guy who claimed the Australian bushfires were all staged to clear the land for a high speed rail project. He even did a map.

That the fires were right across Australia did not deflect him from “the truth”.

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

Josh said:

From what you've quoted, Corbett sounds to me like a guy who likes to ask questions and play the role court-jester speaking the unsayable in front of authority.
Case in point - 9/11. I was an explosives engineer long time ago, albeit in the mining industry, but I know a demolition job when I see one. And building No:7 (the 3rd building?)

The role of court jester is certainly an important one, no denying.

Re 911, you have extropolated your experience in mining to a structural failure. I would say your observation has very low merit.

For example, the plastic mode failure of steel at temperatures beyond about 400c is well understood, and is very closely designed for in fire engineering of things like industrial plants. It was not accounted for in high rise design previously.

While studying at university we used the computer there to model plastics failure of steel structures in earthquakes. One way to bring early failure was to reduce the plastic limit of the structural steel. This is the same effect as what heating does.

I have also done a shitload of blasting for construction (quarrying, demolition, tunneling)  and the views of a powder monkey on the behaviour of a high rise steel frame building exposed to moderately high temperatures and the subsequent multiple plastic buckling failures would need a thorough review by a structural engineer (hint, my majors were geotechnical and structural engineering).

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

Valeriya said:These are a few examples of medical breakthrough that were mocked ridiculed and scoffed by the medical community Today they would have been known as just theories without facts to back them up The people who believed in these individuals who continued their work defying what others would say would have been conspiracy theorists

To discount what others believe in concerning the numbers related to COVID-19 you place yourself alongside the unbelievers who have changed Medical history
Below are just a few examples of what i speak

Traumatic Brain Injuries in Sports
When a purely scientific advance stands to jeopardize a very powerful interest, rejection can turn threatening.

Such was the case of forensic pathologist Bennet Omalu, a native Nigerian working in the Allegheny County coroner's office. Dr Omalu had no idea just how powerful the National Football League (NFL) was when he published the first diagnosis of chronic traumatic encephalopathy in Neurosurgery.

The NFL immediately mobilized a cadre of physicians on the organization's payroll to attack Dr Omalu's research. Dr Omalu, however, continued publishing, and the NFL continued its attack in kind, very often through physicians with a long history of working with, and for, the NFL.

"I was naive," Dr Omalu told GQ in 2009.[22] "There are times I wish I never looked at [former professional NFL player] Mike Webster's brain. It has dragged me into worldly affairs I do not want to be associated with. Human meanness, wickedness, and selfishness. People trying to cover up, to control how information is released. I started this not knowing I was walking into a minefield. That is my only regret."

Even experts without any ties to the NFL initially discounted Dr Omalu's work.

"The credit must go to Bennet Omalu," neuropathologist Peter Davies, of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, said, "because he first reported this, and nobody believed him, nobody in the field, and I'm included in that. I did not think there was anything there. But when I looked at the stuff, he was absolutely right. I was wrong to be skeptical."

Because of Dr Omalu's persistence, the NFL has been forced to acknowledge chronic traumatic encephalopathy, and the wider sports culture has begun questioning the costs of repeated brain injuries in sports.

Germs Cause Disease
Though Louis Pasteur was not the first to propose the germ theory of disease, he is forever linked with this critical leap forward in medical science because he was the first to conduct convincing experiments that demonstrated the underlying role of micro-organisms in disease, thus firmly overturning the concept of "spontaneous generation" as their cause.

Less well known is the bitter and long-running resistance to Pasteur's ideas spearheaded by Pierre Béchamp, a successful French chemist and biologist. Béchamp, a contemporary of Pasteur's, believed that tiny organisms present in all things called "microzyma" were responsible for disease, as opposed to external bacteria that invaded healthy tissue.[16]

Though Béchamp was well known at the time of his public dispute with Pasteur, he died in relative obscurity and would be nothing more than a historical footnote had he not become the figurehead of a larger movement of germ theory denialists that continued throughout the 20th century.[17

Infectious Proteins
When neurologist Stanley Prusiner insisted that mad cow disease and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease are caused not by viruses, bacteria, or fungi but by infectious proteins, which he dubbed "prions" in 1982, even he admitted that the idea was "clearly heretical."[13]

It was instantly controversial, particularly among Prusiner's infectious disease and virology colleagues who had staked their entire careers on searching for and studying the pathogens behind these diseases. They simply could not accept that a mere protein, with its lack of genetic material, could transmit disease. (Some still cannot.) Prusiner himself described this first publication as setting off a "firestorm," and he suffered a series of "very vicious" personal attacks in the press.[14]

Prusiner continued publishing, however, further characterizing prions and adding diseases to the list of those he believed were caused by infectious proteins. Slowly some in the medical community accepted his hypotheses.

And then in 1996, more than a decade after he had initially described prions, the first cases of the human form of mad cow disease were reported in Britain. Mad cow disease, or bovine spongiform encephalopathy, had previously been identified as a prion disease by Prusiner.[15] One year later, in 1997, Prusiner won the Nobel Prize for his discovery of prions.

Antiseptic Handwashing
Ignaz Semmelweis may be the best known example of a physician ridiculed for an idea that is now accepted as common sense.

A Hungarian physician working in the maternity ward in Vienna in the mid-19th century, Semmelweis noted that puerperal fever was contagious—students and physicians were performing autopsies and then contaminating new mothers in the maternity ward with what Semmelweis, working prior to the germ theory of disease, termed "cadaverous particles."[1]

Semmelweis advocated that doctors in obstetric clinics disinfect their hands following autopsies; at the clinic in which Semmelweis's hand-washing policy was implemented, the puerperal fever mortality rates dropped 90%, from 18.3% to less than 2%, in fewer than 6 months.

Despite Semmelweis's demonstration of the value of antiseptic techniques, by and large his ideas were rejected by the medical community, with a few notable exceptions. Semmelweis had believed that antiseptic hand washings would be widely adopted and save thousands of lives; when they were not, Semmelweis began publishing a series of vitriolic "open letters" against his critics.[2] Increasingly isolated and unpredictable, Semmelweis was admitted against his will to a Viennese insane asylum, where he was severely beaten; he died after 2 weeks

If i am a conspiracy theorist then you are a denialist

These are all a fair point. Yes, external forces and cultural beliefs can sway or alter or just plain manipulate “truth”.

I have no doubt this is happening now.

The podcasts from the Weinstein hint at a conspiracy that they are embroiled in right now in regard to the telemore length of lab rats, that appears to be being protected because the other party is a Nobel laureate.

This means we need to be cautious.

It does not mean we have to totally disregard the entire science of biochemistry and virology and decide instead a guy who makes his money by saying scary unproven and scientifically unsupportable things to get viewers is the keeper of the truth.

Said it before and will say it again: I will believe absolutely anything, no matter how it challenges my world view.

What I will do though is consider the science, the motivations of the person saying it, and their credentials, and form an opinion as to the weight of their argument versus current accepted thinking.

I would further note that all the examples you sight were where a highly qualified expert in a field determined there was a problem. This is very different form the sources being cited here, who are invariably provable charlatans, fakers, layman with limited understanding or a heady mix of all of those things.

My favorite insider conspiracy was the work of Ralph Nader in exposing the fact that car manufacturers knew their cars killed people...great read of the anatomy of how powerful organisations silence people.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3042

hemihead said:

This is the guy who claimed the Australian bushfires were all staged to clear the land for a high speed rail project. He even did a map.

That the fires were right across Australia did not deflect him from “the truth”.

Collateral damage Hemi.
Although you seem to think 9 11 was done by a guy in a cave on dialysis.

Put that critical think hat on Hemi, let's say the virus is a smoke screen to cover what the fed is doing behind the scenes.
Crashing the economy to bring in a new digital economy, along with Biometric tracking of everyone, social credit scoring, tracking in live time.
Forced vaccinations ect ect
Why crash the economy and cause millions to be out of work. Easy further reliance on the one world welfare state government.
With the supply chain broken millions will starve, a page out of the bolshevicks.

Where do you draw the line in the sand Hemi, how far is too far. Or rather are content having the government think for you, after all we have always been at war with Oceania

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

Carpe_Noctem said:

Although the CDC Foundation was chartered by Congress, it is not a government agency nor is it a division of CDC. It is a private, nonprofit organization classified as a 501(c)(3) public charity.20 Dec 2019

Your definition was “a privately owned company”. Privately owned companies are designed (usually) to make a profit.

A non-profit is not. In the US, a nonprofit label is used to access tax relief and legal protections that are beneficial when the goal is not to make money, but instead provide public benefit.

I haven’t fact checked the nonprofit statement, but would see that as entirely reasonable for such an organisation.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3042

hemihead said:

The role of court jester is certainly an important one, no denying.

Re 911, you have extropolated your experience in mining to a structural failure. I would say your observation has very low merit.

For example, the plastic mode failure of steel at temperatures beyond about 400c is well understood, and is very closely designed for in fire engineering of things like industrial plants. It was not accounted for in high rise design previously.

While studying at university we used the computer there to model plastics failure of steel structures in earthquakes. One way to bring early failure was to reduce the plastic limit of the structural steel. This is the same effect as what heating does.

I have also done a shitload of blasting for construction (quarrying, demolition, tunneling)  and the views of a powder monkey on the behaviour of a high rise steel frame building exposed to moderately high temperatures and the subsequent multiple plastic buckling failures would need a thorough review by a structural engineer (hint, my majors were geotechnical and structural engineering).

Hemi there have been 1st hand statements from responders there was an explosions in the basement. Thermite was also used.

Hemi why wouldn't the US government do this. Look at the records that got destroyed in Tower 7 and also the pentagon.

Hemi operation paper clip, you think those nazis America got just happened to be nice peaceful nazis.
MK Ultra you seriously think they stopped running that program.
You are dangerously niave Hemi

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