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Corona Virus ( Covid-19 )

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3042

Ahavati said:

Yes; as the thread starter I had/have every right to request off-topic posts be removed ( and many were ). Also a moderator even suggested an alternative thread be started.  Why do you think that is?

An intelligent person utilizes intellect, not name calling or labeling others who do not agree with them blind or ignorant.  

So basically let me get this straight you want a thread about the hottest topic to date. You want to control the information seen in this tread. Deaths which many medical professionals are questioning the accuracy of said numbers.
You want to post facts from known mainstream propaganda sources with out discourse.

No I will continue to post the counter narrative on this public forum.
I will not directly throw insults at members, scoff them as tin foil hats,nor will I shout them down group bully style.
I will continue post what I deem relevant to this.

If we do not question if we blindly follow history WILL repeat.

Also if people find my statements insulting perhaps they need to look within themselves and ask why they find it insulting.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17379

Carpe_Noctem said:
So basically let me get this straight you want a thread about the hottest topic to date. You want to control the information seen in this tread. Deaths which many medical professionals are questioning the accuracy of said numbers.
You want to post facts from known mainstream propaganda sources with out discourse.

No; I do not want to control what is seen in this thread as long as it's about the Coronavirus,, which happens to be the TOPIC. Not vaccines and the like, which goes off on a completely different tangent.

No I will continue to post the counter narrative on this public forum.
I will not directly throw insults at members, scoff them as tin foil hats,nor will I shout them down group bully style.
I will continue post what I deem relevant to this.

A counter narrative is completely different than another subject, such as FORCED VACCINES and the like.

If we do not question if we blindly follow history WILL repeat.

I agree with that. But, being we've survived pandemics in history by adopting certain measures, I feel confident that we'll survive this one too, without being herded into cattle cars.

Also if people find my statements insulting perhaps they need to look within themselves and ask why they find it insulting.

My answer is simple, I am not a blind ignorant swallowing the Kool Aid.  

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3042


UKIPS Nigel Farage raises so interesting points in the video.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3042

Ahavati said:

My answer is simple, I am not a blind ignorant swallowing the Kool Aid.  

Since government measures that relate to covid 19 relate to this thread, what I post is relevant.

Carry on

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17379

Carpe_Noctem said:

Since government measures that relate to covid 19 relate to this thread, what I post is relevant.

Carry on

What MAY come, ie - FORCED VACCINES ( or the like ) is NOT relative here unless it actually happens.  Got it?


Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17379

Carpe_Noctem said:https://youtu.be/hVmb51qNthg

UKIPS Nigel Farage raises so interesting points in the video.

He does raise some interesting points, by starting out saying this virus is a real threat, and no one is denying that.  Basically, he is saying "Don't put us under house arrest because of a few idiots that aren't observing social distancing."  Not that he IS under house arrest.

He is concerned authorities MAY assume too much power, not that they ARE assuming too much power. He is confused as to why public transit is still operating, such as planes, etc. He is questioning why those flying in are not quarantined vs being told to go home and isolate.  

If this is true ( he provides no verification links or proof of such, other than saying he had seen photos ), I would imagine those flying in are natives to the country then, being they are told to go home and self-isolate.  Natives are allowed to fly home ( or that was my understanding ).

Lastly, I agree with him about not trusting China.

Now, you need to play catch up and watch this series ( this is number 3, but 2 & 1 have been posted in this thread ). It addresses conspiracy theories as well as other pertinent topics:


Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3042


What's up with the Italian mortality rate?

Report breaks down the numbers we are being shown are unreliable including the WHOs

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17379

This is my issue with you, Carpe—it's all YOU, carpet bombing this thread with YOUR links and/or opinions of an impending police/government apocalypse. You don't seem to take the time to read the articles or watch the videos of other's posts, nor respond to replies to your posts ( including my last two, well-thought out posts ).  

So, carpet-bomb away. I will be ignoring you going forward.  

Carpe_Noctem said:https://youtu.be/bM9aZflBoOU

What's up with the Italian mortality rate?

Report breaks down the numbers we are being shown are unreliable including the WHOs

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3042

Ahavati said:

What MAY come, ie - FORCED VACCINES ( or the like ) is NOT relative here unless it actually happens.  Got it?


You do know they are be written into effect as we speak.
Denmark various states in America. I'm sure if you look in the coming days and weeks more will be doing this.

Also explain why 2/3rds of the planet are not on lock down.

Explain how flights are still coming and going on countries supposedly on lock down?

poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:This is my issue with you, Carpe—it's all YOU, carpet bombing this thread with YOUR links and/or opinions of an impending police/government apocalypse. You don't seem to take the time to read the articles or watch the videos of other's posts, no respond to replieis to your posts ( including my last two, well-thought out posts ).  

So, carpet-bomb away. I will be ignoring you going forward.  

It's the only thing we can do when someone is bent on repetatively ramming the same political or religious message down everyones throats.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3042

Ahavati said:This is my issue with you, Carpe—it's all YOU, carpet bombing this thread with YOUR links and/or opinions of an impending police/government apocalypse. You don't seem to take the time to read the articles or watch the videos of other's posts, no respond to replieis to your posts ( including my last two, well-thought out posts ).  

So, carpet-bomb away. I will be ignoring you going forward.  

Good thing you don't have the ability to censor this thread as you tried earlier.

This thread is not about you or me.

This thread is about information, letting those on here who are reading make up THEIR OWN MINDS. Not have you censor and control the narrative here.

You don't have to click any links people questioning this provide.

I will continue as I have.

Have a nice day Avahati and stay safe
I sincerely mean that

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17379

JohnnyBlaze said:

It's the only thing we can do when someone is bent on repetatively ramming the same political or religious message down everyones throats.

Yep. Attempting to intelligently discuss and/or debate with an argumentative-I'm-right-and-don't- have-to-read-anything-you-post-but-can-carpet-bomb-because-I'm-right mindset is impossible.

Carpe_Noctem said:
[ . . . ]

You don't have to click any links people questioning this provide.

[ . . . ]

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17379

Commentonly said:https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/coronavirus/many-hand-sanitisers-are-ineffective-against-coronavirus-experts-warn/ar-BB122sOC?ocid=spartanntp

I've said it once I've said it twice: Thieves Oil ( for self and house ), Quantum Health Zinc Spray or lozenges, and probiotics ( since almost 70% of our immune system is in the gut ).  

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3042

For those wondering what this is about, it is citizen journalists investigating this so called over run hospitals, these stretched to capacity war zone hospitals as the media claims.

The media are providing inaccurate information relating to covid19 deaths, ie not taking into account other morbidity patients had at time of death, pneumonia, heart conditions obesity for example.

All this going on is being  perpetuated because of a media lie
There are medical professionals coming out questioning this.

Those agreeing with these harsh measures, even calling for harsher measures.
Remember the police state preceeds the dictatorship.

Possibility of martial law in the next 2 weeks

The question that should be asked here, who to trust. The media known proven liars, or citizen journalists on the ground investing them selves.

National guardsmen at NY testing site says media have over blown covid19 "its just the flu"

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