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Corona Virus ( Covid-19 )

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Ahavati said:Today's Worldometer

Coronavirus Cases:  540,832 ( + 53,820 )
Deaths:  24,293 ( + 2,268  )
Recovered:  125,297  ( + 7,734 )

The U.S. now has more diagnosed cases than any country in the world.  

US Cases:  85,612 ( + 17,031 )
Deaths: 1,301 ( + 265 )
Recovered:  1,868 ( + 1,440 )

Relieved to see the recovery number exceeding the death toll for the first time in the U.S. My heart goes out to all the families dealing with the loss of loved ones at this time.


Maybe that's why the ventilator deal was cancelled, they are overrun with them in New York.  

Stay safe and healthy, DUPeeps.

We have better testing in the USA and are testing more people.

If the model of this disease's spread was as dire as previously predicted, Italy would have 400,000 dead by now.

The New York news appears to be hyping and scaring our nation with their reporting - over a single hospital! Typical fake news. Better revenues for greedy advertising.

Other New York hospitals are reporting good empty beds. It's wrong that the news implied if you get sick there won't be a bed.

I think you would love yesterday's WhiteHouse briefing! It's full of very reassuring facts.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17614

EdibleWords said:

We have better testing in the USA and are testing more people.

If the model of this disease's spread was as dire as previously predicted, Italy would have 400,000 dead by now.

The New York news appears to be hyping and scaring our nation with their reporting - over a single hospital! Typical fake news. Better revenues for greedy advertising.

Let me repeat this for those who may have ( and obviously ) missed it:

Hospitals [ plural ] in the city are facing the kind of harrowing increases in cases that overwhelmed health care systems in China and Italy.

Other New York hospitals are reporting good empty beds. It's wrong that the news implied if you get sick there won't be a bed.

Can you provide a source for that?

I think you would love yesterday's WhiteHouse briefing! It's full of very reassuring facts.

Actually I quoted Dr Birx's statement from the video you posted yesterday, right above the statements from the doctors and nurses who are on the front line.  The one where she says there are a surplus of ventilators, and yet the EPICENTER of New York's Corona breakout is saying the opposite.

Elmhurst, a 545-bed public hospital in Queens, has begun transferring patients not suffering from coronavirus to other hospitals as it moves toward becoming dedicated entirely to the outbreak. Doctors and nurses have struggled to make do with a few dozen ventilators. Calls over a loudspeaker of “Team 700,” the code for when a patient is on the verge of death, come several times a shift. Some have died inside the emergency room while waiting for a bed.

A refrigerated truck has been stationed outside to hold the bodies of the dead. Over the past 24 hours, New York City’s public hospital system said in a statement, 13 people at Elmhurst had died.

“It’s apocalyptic,” said Dr. Bray, 27, a general medicine resident at the hospital.

[ . . . ]

So Dr. Bray is lying?  That is what you are saying? What do you think they're getting paid to hype and scare our nation?  Or, perhaps they are just telling the truth because they've living it, unlike US in our homes.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Ahavati said:

So Dr. Bray is lying?  That is what you are saying? What do you think they're getting paid to hype and scare our nation?  Or, perhaps they are just telling the truth because they've living it, unlike US in our homes.

If there are two stories, who do i trust the most? The one who makes the most sense to me. Maybe I am bad at math or something. I don't know...

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17614

EdibleWords said:

If there are two stories, who do i trust the most? The one who makes the most sense to me. Maybe I am bad at math or something. I don't know...

Who makes the most sense? The doctors and nurses treating patients with a surplus of ventilators they DO NOT have, the ones loading bodies on a refrigerated truck, or Dr Birx comparing models?  These doctors and nurses could care LESS about models.  They are ONLY concerned with saving patients and having the tools they need to save them.

Which, currently they do not have.

I am not disclaiming Dr. Birx's conclusions about the models. That's what you are not ( or don't appear to be) understanding.  I am refuting her claim that there was a surplus of respirators at that hospital when obviously, according to the physicians and nurses in that designated hospital, there were only a few dozen.  

You trust who you want to trust, whitehouse sources, whoever.  But to refer to the actual doctors and nurses cry for tools they need to save people's lives fake, or a hype and scare tactic is just sad.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Ahavati said:
I am not disclaiming Dr. Birx's conclusions about the models.

I'm often behind the curve in a conversation...

I am refuting her claim that there was a surplus of respirators at that hospital when obviously, according to the physicians and nurses in that designated hospital, there were only a few dozen.  

Oh! See, usually i try not to jump in the deep end... but here i be.

I thought we were afriad for a nation because one human interest story was being hyped to unduly panic a nation. Check out Jeffry Star's reaction.... poor doll.

You trust who you want to trust, whitehouse sources, whoever.

Id like to start with trusting myself,

 But to refer to the actual doctors and nurses cry for tools they need to save people's lives fake, or a hype and scare tactic is just sad.

Not exactly what I meant to make you feel from my words. Talking heads are on an agenda path... I don't fully understand it. 😕

Fire of Insight
Joined 15th Apr 2016
Forum Posts: 236

i don't believe anything i cannot myself at least somewhat verify.  That doesn't mean that i exclude it as a possibility, it just means that experience has taught me not to believe governments or their hired experts.  i don't exclude that the virus came from bats, nor that it may have been made in a lab, released intentionally, or not, or that it's dangers are being over hyped.  Under uncertain circumstances i however choose to be as responsible as i can be, in case it is what it is claimed to be, a plague.  i have been ill for the last 3 weeks, the fever is gone, but the headache and eye ache is constant and so i stay inside with my family.

i appreciate that folks have differing views on the situation at hand, but please, let's try and keep it civil.  We are all under duress.

poet Anonymous

She says her friends ignored city leaders’ call for social distancing. In fact, after city leader first suggested social distancing and socializing with no more than 10 people, her friends decided to get together at a friend’s house – all 20 of them.
They also went out in publicly, still ignoring the suggestion. Turns out, one of the friends in the group had the virus. Tate got it from her friend.

“Kids don’t, we’re not taking it seriously,” said Tate.

How many of those other 19 have it and have given it to others and those they gave it to, passed it along some more?? Seriously, y’all? C’mon...

As of Wednesday, Tennessee recorded 224 people ages 21-30 who tested positive for the virus.
“If they come in contact with the older people with conditions like diabetes, hypertension or heart failure or lung disease, then it puts the older population at higher risk,” said Dr. Feagins.

[...] “While it may not be affecting you, you could be affecting someone’s grandma or grandpa or aunt or uncle or sister,” said Tate.[...]

She says her outlook has changed because harming someone else isn’t a guilt she believes she can carry.


This is precisely one of the reasons why we have surpassed the numbers in China. And as we know, sadly those reported staggering numbers will never be accurate either because of the limited test kits; many individuals presenting with symptoms are turned away and denied a test if they are felt for one reason or another to not be at risk for eventually needing hospitalization to recover.

We had a case here with a UNL student who had a chronic breathing condition, began feeling symptoms and was denied after several trips to primary doc and eventually one to the ER. She didn’t “fit the profile”, hadn’t traveled and her fever wasn’t high enough. As if that makes any difference IMO, considering there are those who have it and show no symptoms at all. She was tested for everything BUT the virus and all other tests came back negative. She was sent home to stay isolated. How many people did she come in contact with when going to and from docs office or while in the ER? How many out there actually have it which we don’t know about and how many deaths will actually be attributed to this virus? The truth will never be known.


Just stay the hell home for whatever time has been declared necessary for this country to come back from this. Follow the guidelines given. They are not that difficult. Have some respect for those people who have selflessly fought with no regard for their own lives or limbs for the freedoms we DO have here. Have respect for all other lives outside of your own.

Just take a moment to consider that if you (meaning anyone and everyone) were to have it and be one of the asymptomatic people at a moment in time; doing whatever the hell you wanted - coughing without covering, not standing at least 6’ away from the person ahead of you in line at the pharmacy who happens to be getting their asthma medication, used some hand sanitizer before touching a shopping cart etc and then found out you have it and you infected someone — a friend, a sibling, your parents or grandparents, another relative and yes, even an innocent stranger with an underlying health condition.

Now take a moment to think of the two of you lying in a hospital bed right next to each other, both of you with family members and friends loved dearly, who need you and a CHOICE has to be made (because that’s what happening) as to which one of you efforts will be focused on while the other is left to die in pain while slowly suffocating because well, they need the bed or don’t have enough ventilators. Let’s say the one chosen to survive is you — and you got to witness the struggled and painful passing of another KNOWING it was because of you — how does that sit with you? Are you okay with that? Being responsible for leaving another family without their loved one - someone they needed and loved?

Or let’s say for argument sake, you happen to be even just slightly older than the other — ummm — let’s say even both of you 65 — and you are one they decide “meh - this other patient would have a longer life expectancy, he was born a few months later, followed the governments requests and besides, this one is the individual who actually gave it to this poor bastard — and they did everything right” — now you’re suddenly faced with knowing you will leave this earth much earlier than you would have expected and it will be a horrible departure at that. Does that circumstance sit with you better?

Rhetorical questions of course. I wont waste energy by replying to argumentative responses to them, as tempting as it may be - they’ll only show how selfish you are anyway - it’s one’s selfless actions / behavior which speak louder than any words.

Be part of the solution rather than the problem.

Lastly, I have to give credit where credit is due and thank Ahavati for the efforts she’s put into this thread. As she knows, my mind will always be amazed and boggled with how many different things she can get her fingers and toes dipped into within 24 hours and unfortunately, not all of us are afforded to stay home when there are other individuals dependent on people like myself, my sister Willow, my niece and countless others to aid them with their everyday existence, when they’re incapable of doing it on their own. Keeping up with current statuses and latest news briefs etc is not something easily done in our profession but getting the latest pertinent updates by popping in here right quick, is. So, thank you again.

Now, my rant is over, please continue.

Peace and well wishes sent to you all. Be safe!


Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17614

EdibleWords said:
[ . . . ]
I thought we were afriad for a nation because one human interest story was being hyped to unduly panic a nation.
[ . . . ]
Not exactly what I meant to make you feel from my words. Talking heads are on an agenda path... I don't fully understand it. 😕

The press conference likely had nothing to do with the video of the drs and nurses as that hospital as much as the mayor of New York's request for supplies.

Here's one of the latest stories where Gov. Cuomo rebutted the statements regarding the ventilators.  

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo rebutted comments from President Trump that New York was overstating its need for ventilators


I try to slow down enough to read the links that participants provide. The issue here is that many don't, and they assume and jump the gun to comment on those assumptions.  

You've got doctors and nurses requesting supplies to save patients. You've got the mayor requesting supplies. And he readily admits his request is just an estimate based on diagnosed cases.  

Declining the request for a specific number of ventilators is fine, but to downplay the need and not just get them as much of what they need is yet another delay in the many delays ( beginning with testing ) of our administration.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17614

Here's a fact-checking result in regards to the ventilator issue:

Trump’s Misleading Ventilator Counter-Punch at Cuomo


Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17614

Taryn said:

[ . . . ]

Be part of the solution rather than the problem.

Lastly, I have to give credit where credit is due and thank Ahavati for the efforts she’s put into this thread. As she knows, my mind will always be amazed and boggled with how many different things she can get her fingers and toes dipped into within 24 hours and unfortunately, not all of us are afforded to stay home when there are other individuals dependent on people like myself, my sister Willow, my niece and countless others to aid them with their everyday existence, when they’re incapable of doing it on their own. Keeping up with current statuses and latest news briefs etc is not something easily done in our profession but getting the latest pertinent updates by popping in here right quick, is. So, thank you again.

Now, my rant is over, please continue.

Peace and well wishes sent to you all. Be safe!


Thank you, Taryn. A very nice, detailed post.  Live Long and Prosper. 🖖

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Ahavati said:

Thank you, Taryn. A very nice, detailed post.  Live Long and Prosper. 🖖

Well, this a good place to jump in, because ALSO I appreciate your help here.

(Loved the info in your other post above, too!)

For news, I go here... i listen to family/friends ....watch updates with them a little. This thread was genius, actually. Im a super busy mom, really grateful for your truely balanced desire to help us all. ❤️👏👏👏👏👏🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹❤️

poet Anonymous

JohnnyBlaze said:It never fails.

In times of crisis, people tend to flood the airwaves with New World Order talk general and specific because it makes them feel unique and important through the self perception that they are immune from what the rest of the herd have blindly swallowed or succumbed to.

And all the hysterical noise is simply a distraction from the topic at hand.

Maybe someone can pose a request to the Webmiss to create a Conspiracy Theory or X-Files Group here at DUP.

Honestly I think it’s an epigenetic quirk that has survived in the psyche of humanity in much the same way mice fear a cat without ever having seen one before.

That level of fear causes people to need a scape goat or cosmic answer it’s why god or versions of such a cross cultural cross generational phenomenon.

Take heater and bretts assertion in the video I posted, every organism want to get into the future... extrapolate from that this type of thinking I.e magic numbers gives the thinking animal a rational excuse for their emotional state.

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

I'm sorry for you and your community. Troubled times. 😞

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

JohnnyBlaze said:It never fails.

In times of crisis, people tend to flood the airwaves with New World Order talk general and specific because it makes them feel unique and important through the self perception that they are immune from what the rest of the herd have blindly swallowed or succumbed to.

Is that what you automatically think? I think everyone is played on it. But reasons actually vary.

You forget that the tin-foil mantra is winners write the history books, and in order to thwart anticipated info war moves, they have to squawk. Or they are not real.

Mass vaccination and other wrong schemes have been thwarted by Scooby-Doo and friends before...

And all the hysterical noise is simply a distraction from the topic at hand.

That's very dismissive of people's real emotions, too.

You don't have to be a narcissist to catch yourself in a moment of oblivion.... i absolve you on the basis of your general MO.

Maybe someone can pose a request to the Webmiss to create a Conspiracy Theory or X-Files Group here at DUP.

Social distancing is in!

Commentonly said:

Honestly I think it’s an epigenetic quirk that has survived in the psyche of humanity in much the same way mice fear a cat without ever having seen one before.

That level of fear causes people to need a scape goat or cosmic answer it’s why god or versions of such a cross cultural cross generational phenomenon.

Take heater and bretts assertion in the video I posted, every organism want to get into the future... extrapolate from that this type of thinking I.e magic numbers gives the thinking animal a rational excuse for their emotional state.

Don't forget the curse of religiosity!😇

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