Poetry competition CLOSED 23rd March 2020 11:26pm
View Profile Poems by slipalong


The Spice Of Life

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

Relate a spice from your kitchen to an aspect of your daily life

Choose a spice from your kitchen cabinet, and relate its flavour to an event that has happened recently in your daily life. This poem is all about metaphor and how you choose to reflect that within yourself.

You can approach this anyway you like as long as the brief is met.


* Up to two entries per human being
* Audio / visual entries welcome
* Poem must contain the name of at least one herb or spice. This should be in the poem, not in the title.
*New entries only.

Good luck!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Just a Little Sin, eh, Mon?

Just a little theivin'
Gonna smoke 'im out
She gettin' spicy
Screamin' - shouts
somethin' about
a ribbon, red
Nothin Edible  
hardly a  
fashion statement  
but to a three year old
it wouldn't be sold
Mr 5 yr must relent
give it back,
may they both repent
My pretty ears  
are a ringin!
The spice!
It's bad baby spice,  
but not really a cinnamon
or a sin....

Eh, Mon?
Written by EdibleWords
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poet Anonymous

@ediblewords - Please can you modify the poem to contain the name of at least one herb or spice as per the guidelines to make this entry valid. Thank you.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Miss_Sub said:@ediblewords - Please can you modify the poem to contain the name of at least one herb or spice as per the guidelines to make this entry valid. Thank you.

Oh! Sorry, cinnamon in non-pun form to be included ASAP!

Edited to add.... very glad for the little change it was a marked improvement in the end. 😎🙏

Love your comp, btw! Super fun. 💖👍

Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 18th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 274

Infatuated Love

My moods effect
The morning rise
It’s swings perfect
These sodden eyes
My coatings ground
Brown lumpy flesh
Reanimated by sound
Maxwell’s the fresh
Stiff as boards
Squeal gray joints
Save zombie hoards
My Folgers points
Vocal melodies contract
On scapegoat horses
Hold the black
My Keurig courses
Confusion swept clouds
Emancipate my soul
Lined up crowds
Self must control
Pent-up irritations
Complex and spunky
Where’s the plantations
Dunkin Donuts junky
My body jitters
Hear that perk
Its aroma slithers
Here to work
Relaxed and new
My flavors toffee
Hurry and brew
My herbal coffee


Written by Sex_on_the_Joe (Joe-D)
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 43awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864


 Like some old and woody shrub
just spears that stand towards the sun
 it's stand is just a clump

But just like me I hear it hum
it has a life, insects succumbed
in haste before its necar gone

I drop my hand to touch its bud
that tendril, between, finger and thumb
its essence without stain it comes

To nostrils, wends a fine fragrance
like poetry it fills my head, perchance
and waves infused in that balance

I take its bounty like the bee
that hidden beauty not plebeian
 those accents, are fruit for me

 It's blue flower and autumn seed
in pomander, live and breath
like my words; that I bequeath

Written by slipalong
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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

My Sweet Zest

Colorless unhappiness, racking my mind
Existence tedious, life is a grind
Lugubrious emptiness, depression combined
Ravenous appetence, ungratified

I yearn a kick - of zip and bliss
To inspire a bit of blitheness
I need a hit - of Lemon Zest

Loan me some from your spice rack
I promise that I will pay you right back

With an exciting tangy kiss
Laced with a bit of sweet citrus
Upon your luscious lips

Only Christ knows how much I love lemons
And you - My Lemon Zest
Written by snugglebuck
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poet Anonymous

Related submission no longer exists.

Lost Thinker
United States 2awards
Joined 20th Aug 2016
Forum Posts: 53

Spice me up Scotty

I guess I can be like cinnamon since I am the man,
but seriously I'm sweet until you bring out the spice,
then I'm something else entirely. Oregano on the counter,
my girlfriend trying to make me eat Parsley, I tell her
hell no and keep on moving sideways through the living room.
I can't be defined son, I'm multiple personalities in one.
I'm not saying that's a good thing, I'm only saying that I'm
more complicated than a ginger shot.

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878

A Favorite Herb of Mine

Every time I use thyme to cook,
It takes me to a place I’ve never been before,
It’s like age old stories from a book,
As if the aroma allures me with traditional lore.

And when the recipe calls for thyme,
I know it will always enhance the flavor,
It’s a favorite herb of mine to rhyme,
With a taste, sight and sound I like to savor.

I try to expand my skills in the kitchen,
So I know I must use the right spices and herbs,
And thyme is always there ready to pitch in,
That's why I follow the direction word for word.

Thyme is of the essence, minty and pleasant,
It adds spice to life to make the flavors last,
It’s where I find some nostalgia in the present,
When grandma and I talk about recipes of her past.
Written by wallyroo92
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 43awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864

Thank you for the award Miss_ Sub and for an interesting comp

Strange Creature
Joined 16th Dec 2020
Forum Posts: 2

Cooking is something special for a person and for his culture in general. Especially spices add new aromas and flavors to food. Not so long ago, I attended an open-air exhibit where different chefs gathered and shared their steak recipes. You could walk and see how they are cooked on the grills or in other ways. You could also taste the dish, appreciate the taste and smell of the masterpiece. I was especially attracted by the spices they add for cooking meat, the range of smells and tastes is simply amazing. I would also like to note the competent design of this event, thanks to https://www.outdoorstages.co.uk/, a wonderful atmosphere was created that provided an opportunity to enjoy every dish and created a competitive moment between the chefs. It was very cool!

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