

Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 24th Feb 2018
Forum Posts: 21

Poetry Contest

Poem about why you like, love, hate or despise spring break.
Why do we look forward to or run away from spring break. All poems excepted. Spring break experiences, your feelings about it pros and cons your choice.

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1880

Never Have I Ever...

I’ve never been one to enjoy a spring break,
Ever since my old college days,
I mean after finals I could barely stay awake,
It was difficult to keep up with up the craze.
Then I was back to school for another headache.

I never did take vacations when I was working,
Spring break never meant that much,
I’d see girls on MTV dancing half naked twerking,
Thinking to myself I’d never seen things as such
As that kind fun in the sun but I was lurking.

When I started a family I never took a vacation,
Spring break was just a distant memory,
It was something college kids did around the nation
Enjoying their freedom and some debauchery,
Then again how much can one resist temptation?

When I went back to college to finish my degree,
Spring break seemed like something for the young,
I had too much on my plate but I have to agree,
It was always nice to see that spring had sprung,
But I was just too busy with school, work and family.

Now that I have a settled family, degree and career,
This year I have the means to have a little escape,
A nice getaway right about now seems like a dream,
I can finally have and enjoy a nice spring break,
But this virus now has everyone under quarantine.

So never have I ever.
Written by wallyroo92
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