66.67% • 14 votes • A. One winner in a given month, that poet cannot win again in the calendar, and should not be nominated until the next year.
19.05% • 4 votes • B. Any poet can win in the given month, and poets can multiple times per year.
14.29% • 3 votes • C. Choice A or B with the addendum that least three competitions set aside for new poets and or those with less than 10 wins
Total votes: 21
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Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

David_Macleod said:

Would it not be a better idea to keep prior winners nominations but to disable the voting???

I’m not 100% sure what you mean in this, but the submission (nomination) of prior winners is what slows the whole process down.  

The omitting of prior winners from the competition, self nominees and random chatter in the competition thread  - literary cuts the number of pages in the competition in half, sometimes more - making it easier for readers to peruse the relevant poems and vote accordingly

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

On not being able to vote for your nomination ... this is my opinion as a member/writer - not a Moderator ...

The inability to vote on one’s nominee is a default for all competitions sent to voting in the DUP system.

For the majority of voted competitions this ensures a certain amount of integrity.

Personally if I submitted a poem in any given voted competition, and said poem won - I’d feel better about the piece, knowing it won without me having to vote for it as well ...

The same logic can be applied to Poem of the Month.  When a nominee of mine has won without my vote, I feel good knowing that others saw what I did in the poem I nominated.

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

Should the limit be one nominee per member?

That’s not to say a writer can’t be nominated multiple times, by different readers - each submitting a different poem of said writer ... but again, should it be one nomination per month to speed up the process?

Side note: So far I haven’t seen any compelling push back on one win per year, and no self nominations - so those rules will stand.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17533

LobodeSanPedro said:Should the limit be one nominee per member?

That’s not to say a writer can’t be nominated multiple times, by different readers - each submitting a different poem of said writer ... but again, should it be one nomination per month to speed up the process?

Side note: So far I haven’t seen any compelling push back on one win per year, and no self nominations - so those rules will stand.

Good! Getting back to the roots of this baby!  

Edited to say:  On the other question, I thought one nomination would be fine; however, I believe it will be too constrictive.  Two is a good balance.

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 3awards
Joined 17th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 868

anyone got any rough stats on ratios of how many nominate and how many vote?

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17533


Nominating members – 12
Voting members – 24

nutbuster, LivDiane, Kinkpoet, Hunterapsych, AspergerPoet56, SweetOblivion, Stoney223, JusTim_, TIG, Heaven_sent_Kathy, Erotic_Goddess, David_Macleod, ImperfectedStone, Amorous_tryst, crimsin, Juvenalis66, cold_fusion, brokentitanium, Marks, eswaller, PoetsRevenge, _shadoe_, SilverBeaver_42, SkyeCebh


Nominating members - 17
Voting members – 23

RevolutionAL, BeginningPoet, nomoth, MysticalRose, Miss_Sub, hrshykss, AnonymousBystander, JusTim_, RexDurkin, Billy_Snagg, AspergerPoet56, Carpe_Noctem, eswaller, Jade-Pandora, PlaydateWithFire, summultima, highlyfunctional, Hepcat61, MadameLavender, wallyroo92, Stoney223, snugglebuck, Layla


Nominating members - 12
Voting members – 29

BeginningPoet, Ahavati, JohnnyBlaze, MysticalRose, JusTim_, highlyfunctional, AspergerPoet56, AnonymousBystander, DanielChristensen, Stoney223, lepperochan, Jade-Pandora, Marks, Honoria, Jestalessa, Kinkpoet, MadameLavender, InNomine, Josh, RevolutionAL, LivDiane, Eerie, Tallen, admin, ImperfectedStone, SexyInkMaster, brokentitanium, da_poetic-edifier, HadesRising


Nominating members - 21  members
Voting members - 21

_shadoe_, AspergerPoet56, LunaGreyhawk, Tallen, Tenderloin, PlaydateWithFire, CharlotteMae, Jiminex, nomoth, Ely, _boybrains, Brando, 24601, LJRoundTown, Layla, AndyJHale, brokentitanium, Carpe_Noctem, Sky_dancer, FromTheAsh, Amorous_tryst

Octobers aren't ready for obvious reasons. . .

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 3awards
Joined 17th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 868

hmmn, they don't appear (for the most part) to garner a great deal more votes than noms. perhaps these bigger site challenge competitions need a bit more exposure, promotion *shrugs*

thanks, Aha :)

Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2327

butters said:hmmn, they don't appear (for the most part) to garner a great deal more votes than noms. perhaps these bigger site challenge competitions need a bit more exposure, promotion *shrugs*

thanks, Aha :)

I've always found it a wee bit eerie to vote in these types of comps where i nominated some spills only to vote but unable to vote the spills i nominated.
I suspect i am not the only one who has felt this odd feel.

It's why i think a poll type of vote would be more appropo

only my 2 cents, here  

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

LobodeSanPedro said:

I’m not 100% sure what you mean in this, but the submission (nomination) of prior winners is what slows the whole process down.  

The omitting of prior winners from the competition, self nominees and random chatter in the competition thread  - literary cuts the number of pages in the competition in half, sometimes more - making it easier for readers to peruse the relevant poems and vote accordingly

Seems like a simple suggestion

Ok, when I am hosting a comp I put my content on too, but it is submitted as a non-entry and cannot be voted for. That then shows the best of DU every month rather than not accepting great poets on DU you might want to read who won 9 months ago

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 3awards
Joined 17th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 868

did i read that right? :blinks:

yes, yes i did

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

David_Macleod said:

Seems like a simple suggestion

Ok, when I am hosting a comp I put my content on too, but it is submitted as a non-entry and cannot be voted for. That then shows the best of DU every month rather than not accepting great poets on DU you might want to read who won 9 months ago

The simple of it is ... all the of extraneous submissions creates unnecessary clutter.  As I clearly said, when self nominations and previous winners are allowed in the thread it more than doubles the number of pages, making it harder to draw in voters as they have to shift through votable and non votable.

poet Anonymous

LobodeSanPedro said:

The simple of it is ... all the of extraneous submissions creates unnecessary clutter.  As I clearly said, when self nominations and previous winners are allowed in the thread it more than doubles the number of pages, making it harder to draw in voters as they have to shift through votable and non votable.

I'm all for simplifying things even further without drastic changes.

Don't enable anonymous public voting at the end of the comp - SKIP that nightmare entirely.

Let the nominations be the votes.

The poems with the most nominations wins the trophy.

Any and all ties are settled by the entries being written down, put into a hat and we trust you Lobo to pick a random winner.

Does this sound feasible?

Possibly 5 minutes of extra effort required and so many problems solved!

One can't win more than once a year.

One can't self nominate.

And if you aren't satisfied for whatever reason, run your own monthly themed comps with your own rules.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17533

lepperochan said:of course,  and look, I'm not trying to aggravate a situation. all the comps, even your own have some parameters. some aspects of this comp became open to confusion

I would ask for some patience here. we have a chance to put this comp together again. I'm sure all our inputs will be taken into account. it may not suit everyone. but, come on, everyone is free to start a comp

let's see what the host decides to do.

Yep – Here you go! Anyone wishing to run either of these competitions beginning next month, please message JohnnyBlaze or me.

The new member aspect will alleviate that concern from the current poem of the month competition; and, the spoken word will address most of the anonymity issue.  There is still that signature issue left - but I don't know anyway around that one without Webmiss.

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17533


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