Poetry competition CLOSED 29th October 2019 1:47am
RUNNERS-UP: mysteriouslady and poetOftragedy

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Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625

Poetry Contest

poetry inspired by horror style metal

Greetings, denizens of the deep. Halloween is upon us and it is time for a horror theme competition. I love all things horror and horror inspired metal is one of my favorites, this comp was of course inspired by Crimsin's Cradle of Filth comp. Some bands that come to mind is Motionless In White, Cradle of Filth, Ice Nine Kills and of course Rob Zombie plus countless others. What I want from you is a horror metal inspired poem/song. I, of course, will provide some YouTube links to get you in the horrorday spirit.















poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625

Awesome, dear poets. Thank you for kicking things off. The bar is set high, indeed! Who else has what it takes?

Tyrant of Words
United States 159awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1897

Folie à Deux

Growing up Holly and Molly became the very best of friends,
They were always honest and told each other everything,
One day Molly asked her “help me kill my incestuous father”
And Holly with a smiled agreed didn’t seemed bothered.
The teenagers laid out a major plan down to the last details,
Alibis, time lines, witnesses even deceitful clues and leads,
“He hurt you and so he hurt me” Holly told her love Molly,
Picking up a hatchet “this time, it will be him the one who bleeds”.
One night when Molly’s mother went to work for her late shift,
Molly asked “can you give me a ride to Holly’s” (her alibi),
The father upset that his plans went out the door took to drink,
Oddly enough that night Molly’s father would also get high.
An hour later Molly came back home out from the freezing night,
“It’s cold out there daddy” she said in her most innocent voice,
“I’ll warm you up” he said in his typical perverted tone,
“OK, I’ll get you a beer too” she said to his heart’s rejoice.
She poured him a beer mixed with a high dosage of sleeping pills,
Serving it with a smile that was completely new to him,
“I’m going to freshen up” she said “I’ll only be a few minutes”,
“Hurry up” he told her and took a big sip with an evil grin.
Ten minutes later, Holly walked in right through the front door,
Molly’s father by now was passed out in the living room floor,
Holly had two large bags, with ropes, with tape, with many sharp objects,
So they bound and gagged him and were about to even the score.
When he came to he was naked and tied up to an armchair,
On top of large plastic bags on the floor in the their basement,
He couldn’t scream, he was choking on his dirty underwear,
As the girls had prepared themselves and were about to vent.
“Look at me” Molly said slowly stroking the edge of a cleaver,
“I want you to look into my eyes and see right into my soul”
But tears of fears now began to run her father’s face.
“We are angels of death” then the adrenaline took control
Molly brutally severed his hand at the wrist with the hatchet  
Breaking right through the bone he let out a blood curling scream,
Holly with her ax cut off the other hand just to match it,
When Molly said “I’ve always wanted to kill you in my dreams”
He began writhing and kicking in excruciating pain,
Until Molly grabbed a large hammer and smashed both his feet,
He let high pitched shrieks with muffled apologies,
“Does it hurt too daddy” Molly said “come on be discreet!”
He started to pass out from the pain then Holly hacked off a foot,
He looked up the ceiling with an agony that’s so intense,
Molly chopped off the other as the blood splattered everywhere,
“Don’t worry” Holly said “when we’re done there won’t be evidence”.
Molly turned on the old furnace and tossed in the body parts,
Making him watch as his hands and feet burned up in the fire,
All of them covered in blood with even much more to come,
“I want you watch” Holly said as both girls smiled with ire.
Molly took a pair of hedge clippers then cut off the cock and balls,
And another screech of unbearable hurt came from his throat,
“Watch it burn” Molly said as she them cast into the furnace,
With tears in his eyes seeing his body parts go up in smoke.
And as he started to fade away the girls then unbound him,  
Laying him down on the blood covered floor enclosed in plastic,
Then with wild unrestraint they cut off the arms and the legs,
As he dazed into darkness their revenge had been drastic.
Lastly Holly whispered “enjoy hell” and she opened his chest,  
Removing the heart and presenting it to her beloved friend,
“We are bound to each other” Holly told Molly with tears,
“Forever” Molly said with tears “forever until the end”.
They spent all night together getting rid of the evidence,
Making it seem as he left home and just simply disappeared,
In the early hours of the morning they showered together,
Holding each other crying, their vengeance had been so severe.
In the morning the sun began shine a light into the room,
Now in bed Molly smiled at Holly caressing her friend,
Molly tenderly then said “thank you my avenging angel”
When Holly said “I love you, I can’t wait to do it again”.
Written by wallyroo92
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poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th July 2018
Forum Posts: 891

Related submission no longer exists.

Dangerous Mind
South Africa 3awards
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 80

a trip to the other side

When the sun falls and the earth is filled with shadows.
When sleep no longer visits me at night.
Storm clouds gather around.
Masses of crows gather at my gallows.
Biting and scratching bringing my cage to rattle.
Picking my eyes and slowly killing me.
My demons are slowly creeping in.
Haunting my every thought.
Tearing me apart, feeding from on my guts.
Sucking blood from my lifeless body dry and out.
I scream out I need a saviour.
Preachers say  to me,
I can't be saved.
Doctors keep telling me,
It's all in my head.

My stray jacket is no longer tight enough.
The walls of my cell are no longer big enough.
The bars at my door have come to rust.
My demons start creeping in.
Bringing everything to dust.
My shallow grave has been dug.
They're tearing me apart, feeding me my internals.
With a glass half full of my blood.
A piece of my liver lying on the floor drenched in alcohol I
drank last night.
I was trying to forget what comes after the day turns to night.
My demons  are slowly creeping in.
Tonight they've sowed my mouth shut.
So there'll be no screaming tonight.
They proceed tearing rapturing me apart.
The other one shredding my heart with a knife.
Lucifer their father feasting my brains out.
Still no sign of a saviour in sight.
This is sentence they gave.
Preachers said  to me,
I can't be saved.
Doctors keep telling me,
It's all in my head.


Written by poetOftragedy
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Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2687

Camp Spaghetti Machete

Scorching rage with heat
death in my dreams
slice and dice these bitches
drown these fucks in the lake

Grab the machete
make it super bloody
no one gets alive
bloodshed within these woods

The curse is very crystal clear
kill them and chop them up
pull out there brains and guts
Im officially fucking nuts

Whispers in my mind
Im now losing time
the Reaper is the main event
no balloons and clowns at this camp

The voices scream rip them apart
cut em til they look like spaghetti
with death we all shall play
Thank God its fucking Friday!

( a nod to a great band/song! hope its not too cheesy let me know if this wasn't what you were looking for Ill edit it for what you are. ~ml )

Written by mysteriouslady
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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Dangerous Mind
United States 29awards
Joined 30th June 2016
Forum Posts: 749

Living Dead Girl (Abwhored)

In my head they run around,
thoughts that form without a sound
endlessly to plague my fears
inside these hollow, rusted gears.
I am not myself anymore,
never was my mind so abwhored,
no longer planning by sequential thought,
each moment a fragment soon forgot.
What I know not or would ever again
in a rattling brain in a space too big,
dead to the world and dead inside,
from all this mayhem I run and hide.
Endlessly, I bolt away
not remembering how I played
when my brain was alive and full,
now it shrinks inside my skull.
My human body is just a shell
to cover the truth they know so well,
I can't remember who I had been
or see the familiar in anything.
Help me, I am still alive,
a walking ghost, Im trapped inside.
I only want this torture to end:
being fucked like a doll with no real friends.
Written by PoetsRevenge
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Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 7th Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 62

Ungodly Bliss

I want to hear you say it!
I want to hear you scream my name.
Go ahead and kiss the ground I walk upon,
There's no shame in this game...
I pity you for everything you've ever done,
What did you think would happen in the end?
Did you think your God would reward you too,
well,there's no God,he and Jesus are pretend.
There's no just thing as religion or sin.
So curse your pretend God for what he is,
A figure of your fucked up imagination,
With his heavens of ungodly bliss...
What a realization to know for fact,
This is what you were brainwashed to believe,
You were taught to seek a higher power,
Even if it meant to betray or deceive.
I want you to scream my name in vain,
Kiss the very ground I walk upon,
Bow down to me for I am your master,
I will still be here when all else is dead and gone...
Written by PleasuresOfPain
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Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625

Putting it to vote. May the best ghoul win.

DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winner of this competition and any runners up were decided by public vote.

Thank you to the following members for voting:

Tenderloin, JohnnyBlaze, butters, souladareatease, Layla, HadesRising, Heaven_sent_Kathy, wallyroo92, AndyJHale, FromTheAsh, Brando, Cocoa, Unredeemed, PoetsRevenge, eswaller, runaway-mindtrain, Tallen, dejure

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