Your favorite poem...written by YOU

Poetry Contest Description
Have you written a poem that you feel is your best? Perhaps the piece that says most about you?
“Brevity is the soul of wit”; so… Apologies for inconveniences I inadvertently caused entrants. My gratitude to the “ghost judge” for guidance, patience, time & consideration. Thanks to all for entering; …the top 3 entries were exceptional, but every piece had merit.
1st Place: David_ Macleod for “Love Actually Love”
2rd Place: Crimsin for “Her”
3rd Place: Heaven_sent_Kathy for “Girlfriends”
1st Place: David_ Macleod for “Love Actually Love”
2rd Place: Crimsin for “Her”
3rd Place: Heaven_sent_Kathy for “Girlfriends”
Forum Posts: 2399
Dangerous Mind
Joined 6th Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 2399
Joined 7th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 16
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 16
Roz_EZ and Raz_ORS
The scars on my breasts
Will never heal
They are too deep
Physical mastectomy scars
Affecting my womanhood
Don't look good
In a swimsuit
Roses and razors
My gift to the world
I don't do nakedness
Only in the dark
Deeper still the psychological
The coldness of being
Need heart defibrillation
Paddles from a canoe
Cause bruised ribs
Black and blue face
The swelling is telling
My life a microcosm
Roses and razors
My ex-boyfriend
Was really an animal
Held down repeatedly
By his master's voice
Forced romanticism
Roses and razors
A kiss with a fist
Sex,sex,sex, and
Don't forget the violence
How can I?
He said I should
Get a job in Hooters
The heart shatters
Need open heart surgery
Roll away the stone
Heart transplant
To change this
This Ice Queen Bitch
Into Martha Stewart
Before the scars on my
Chest and heart
Are overtaken by
The self-inflicted scars
I cut into my arms
Razors and roses
Inspiration "This Little Fight Of Mine"
Will never heal
They are too deep
Physical mastectomy scars
Affecting my womanhood
Don't look good
In a swimsuit
Roses and razors
My gift to the world
I don't do nakedness
Only in the dark
Deeper still the psychological
The coldness of being
Need heart defibrillation
Paddles from a canoe
Cause bruised ribs
Black and blue face
The swelling is telling
My life a microcosm
Roses and razors
My ex-boyfriend
Was really an animal
Held down repeatedly
By his master's voice
Forced romanticism
Roses and razors
A kiss with a fist
Sex,sex,sex, and
Don't forget the violence
How can I?
He said I should
Get a job in Hooters
The heart shatters
Need open heart surgery
Roll away the stone
Heart transplant
To change this
This Ice Queen Bitch
Into Martha Stewart
Before the scars on my
Chest and heart
Are overtaken by
The self-inflicted scars
I cut into my arms
Razors and roses
Inspiration "This Little Fight Of Mine"
Written by imogeequeen
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comment transferred.

imogeequeen: comments moved to your page. Thanks
Joined 5th May 2015
Forum Posts: 93
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 93
Empty Pen (Poem)
You're the poem
I'm the rhyme
Divided by space and time
Just an empty pen
No words within
Words all in disarray
Surrounded by paper and daydreams
Scattered by silent screams
I can't let go of this empty pen
That will never comprehend
I'm blind, I need a sign
Blank pages that hypnotize
My desire and passion are in disguise
I'm so outta touch
Can you feel me, when It hurts this much
To overcome the rage of an abandoned page
I can't let go of the feelings I can't show
To find the words to let you know
I need more than three words to say
I love you is such a cliche'
I'm the rhyme
Divided by space and time
Just an empty pen
No words within
Words all in disarray
Surrounded by paper and daydreams
Scattered by silent screams
I can't let go of this empty pen
That will never comprehend
I'm blind, I need a sign
Blank pages that hypnotize
My desire and passion are in disguise
I'm so outta touch
Can you feel me, when It hurts this much
To overcome the rage of an abandoned page
I can't let go of the feelings I can't show
To find the words to let you know
I need more than three words to say
I love you is such a cliche'
Written by buddydog
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Silent Madness
Looks can be devious
I look strong, balanced, calm
supposedly impervious
Silence and Madness laugh
hysterical at your naivete
Silence sighs, cries
never lies, never dies
Madness supposedly sets you free
That never happened for me
Completely unwelcome
I cannot send the shadows away
To banish Silence and Madness
I must exile myself
It took a while to accept
the frequent visitations
Silent mania suffocating
voiceless misery shrieking
Silence dances with Madness
I’m not them, shadowed fiends
Yet the muted delusion is me
Looks can be devious
I look strong, balanced, calm
supposedly impervious
Silence and Madness laugh
hysterical at your naivete
Silence sighs, cries
never lies, never dies
Madness supposedly sets you free
That never happened for me
Completely unwelcome
I cannot send the shadows away
To banish Silence and Madness
I must exile myself
It took a while to accept
the frequent visitations
Silent mania suffocating
voiceless misery shrieking
Silence dances with Madness
I’m not them, shadowed fiends
Yet the muted delusion is me
Written by inechoingsilence
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Related submission no longer exists.
objets de curiosité
I've always thought it tethering
the things we collect in a lifetime
how we choke on dusty trinkets,
albums holding memories
we never intend to keep
and that's the impersonal irony
of living a life through objects
in which we take only photographs
and leave only footprints
in binders with no place to go
my mother always says
that cleanliness echoes godliness,
and maybe I watch her clean
that kitchen floor to within an inch
of its sterile, threadbare life
or the way she blocks the taps
to stop the creatures climbing in
take only photographs,
leave only footprints
my Father holds so many pages
he is the last great museum
I scoured the leaflet in my medication
for a side effect regarding photographs
when I met you, I learned
the value of silence
everything in my head
just disappeared
I forget to tell you how beautiful
I always thought you were
and I knew
the very first time we met
I'd spend the rest of my life
making room for you to stay
when I lost you,
I started taking
a tangled warren
blocked with pictures
of locks and oven doors
I can't
your tears reminded me
of a long lost poem
in which the hero dies
and fuck you,
fuck you again
until I realise
how to love
you ripped
my fucking world
won't you
come back
and do it again.
objets de curiosité
I've always thought it tethering
the things we collect in a lifetime
how we choke on dusty trinkets,
albums holding memories
we never intend to keep
and that's the impersonal irony
of living a life through objects
in which we take only photographs
and leave only footprints
in binders with no place to go
my mother always says
that cleanliness echoes godliness,
and maybe I watch her clean
that kitchen floor to within an inch
of its sterile, threadbare life
or the way she blocks the taps
to stop the creatures climbing in
take only photographs,
leave only footprints
my Father holds so many pages
he is the last great museum
I scoured the leaflet in my medication
for a side effect regarding photographs
when I met you, I learned
the value of silence
everything in my head
just disappeared
I forget to tell you how beautiful
I always thought you were
and I knew
the very first time we met
I'd spend the rest of my life
making room for you to stay
when I lost you,
I started taking
a tangled warren
blocked with pictures
of locks and oven doors
I can't
your tears reminded me
of a long lost poem
in which the hero dies
and fuck you,
fuck you again
until I realise
how to love
you ripped
my fucking world
won't you
come back
and do it again.
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3006
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 3006
an unapologetic 'fuck you'
it used to be, the heart effected my bones
and I would listen so intently to the magic spoken
all of the alibis abducted from black and white movies
how i soaked up the fiction of your fiasco
blinded to fractures through the web of you
i was offered hallucination and i accepted in my naivety
a fortune told from granite hands and stone lips
i stood at your edge, lost my balance
you burnt me with an arsonists mind
and i begged you to stop your thawing of me
such out of control persistence, distorted luminosity
the collisions were excused with your velvet persuasion
there is nothing left but gossip of a suspicious unfortunate
a triangle whispering about my goodbye careless
i choose my cliffs carefully these days
and avoid faked enthusiasm or the sweet aroma of a lie
it used to be, the heart effected my bones
and I would listen so intently to the magic spoken
all of the alibis abducted from black and white movies
how i soaked up the fiction of your fiasco
blinded to fractures through the web of you
i was offered hallucination and i accepted in my naivety
a fortune told from granite hands and stone lips
i stood at your edge, lost my balance
you burnt me with an arsonists mind
and i begged you to stop your thawing of me
such out of control persistence, distorted luminosity
the collisions were excused with your velvet persuasion
there is nothing left but gossip of a suspicious unfortunate
a triangle whispering about my goodbye careless
i choose my cliffs carefully these days
and avoid faked enthusiasm or the sweet aroma of a lie
Written by Magdalena
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Joined 5th Aug 2014
Forum Posts: 72
Thought Provoker
Forum Posts: 72
If I wither away with every last fall of the autumn leaves
I will come back with winter to see no change
In the metamorphosis of no evolution
The after burn jejune escalading to nowhere
Putrid smell concentrated of the platitude
We are still in our mother's womb
Trying to envisage utopia, but living a life of decadence
Cradled with fluids that support us
Dependent, waiting to be fed
I hate the smell of the swamp, full of dead hope
Every day it thickens, altering nothing
Forgotten as the elixirs before it
Spitted out as sputum by the ones on the throne
They are playing psychopaths to our form
If I die today, it will be my fall
But tomorrow is today
Immortal stuck on the lone brick mind
Nothing to be noticed
A mutation that has been removed
Immature, their sense of state
Greedy minds, they populate
A never ending replication
A defect with no cure
Always change being a no
Déjà vu will be the eyes worst foe.
I will come back with winter to see no change
In the metamorphosis of no evolution
The after burn jejune escalading to nowhere
Putrid smell concentrated of the platitude
We are still in our mother's womb
Trying to envisage utopia, but living a life of decadence
Cradled with fluids that support us
Dependent, waiting to be fed
I hate the smell of the swamp, full of dead hope
Every day it thickens, altering nothing
Forgotten as the elixirs before it
Spitted out as sputum by the ones on the throne
They are playing psychopaths to our form
If I die today, it will be my fall
But tomorrow is today
Immortal stuck on the lone brick mind
Nothing to be noticed
A mutation that has been removed
Immature, their sense of state
Greedy minds, they populate
A never ending replication
A defect with no cure
Always change being a no
Déjà vu will be the eyes worst foe.
Written by LUUH19
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Buddydog---comments to be moved to orinal poem's site

Miss_Sub! The piece has depth and insight par excellence! You translate your feelings very well (imho)! I'm glad you shared the poem in this competition!

LUUH19, comment moved to poet''s original post site.

Magdelena, comments to be moved to the original poem's page.
Joined 15th Apr 2016
Forum Posts: 236
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 236
Egg & i
i have a companion
A friend you could say
An immaculate white Egg
Of ultra dimensional design
i think of Egg as female
i reside inside Her
She has no name
She just is
i call Her my Egg
She doesn't seem to mind
Time means nothing to Egg
She is truly a wondrous being
Am grateful to have Her
In whatever this is
i think She likes having me
In whatever that is
She has a console a bunk
A panoramic screen wall
A chair and counter
Equipment storage area
Everything you want in Egg
But no bathroom
The two doors operate
By a switch in my head
Who thought of that?
Sometimes i forget
i can be so careless
That's why i have Egg
Egg knows the multiverse
That's Her specialty
Quietly humming like a machine
But i know Her She is alive
She has to be
i can sense Her soul
She shows me me from without
In my three D world
Real as my selected one
Only quite different
In the usual way
We are on a journey
Egg and i
An unlikely pair
Gathering useful clues
United on a queer quest
To an infinite mystery
And scattered puzzle pieces
At a corner of a fractal plane
From a time long forgotten
In a small control room
Of the whitest of white
We make some progress
Switch the dial on tuner
To any cosmic pull channel
Light years traversed instantly
Egg has skills
Went to Mars a million times
Dreadfully forlorn sector
Dusty brown shacks
Zombified population
Far removed from glory days
Must wear a livesuit
Never again i said to Egg
She said I told you so
i trust my Egg implicitly
She won't let me down
i am Her chosen partner
She is my pure white perfection
We are who we are
i love Egg and She knows it
i show my affection
We have our inside pokes
Like a Kirk and Spock scenario
i must feel for both of us
We are okay with that
She is good to me
Still i have this feeling
That i am Her captive
And She is not who She seems
That She is some wild entity
With Her own agenda
And it's the weirdest thing
Somehow that's alright
i earned Her She took me
We have a contract
A purpose
God help me
A friend you could say
An immaculate white Egg
Of ultra dimensional design
i think of Egg as female
i reside inside Her
She has no name
She just is
i call Her my Egg
She doesn't seem to mind
Time means nothing to Egg
She is truly a wondrous being
Am grateful to have Her
In whatever this is
i think She likes having me
In whatever that is
She has a console a bunk
A panoramic screen wall
A chair and counter
Equipment storage area
Everything you want in Egg
But no bathroom
The two doors operate
By a switch in my head
Who thought of that?
Sometimes i forget
i can be so careless
That's why i have Egg
Egg knows the multiverse
That's Her specialty
Quietly humming like a machine
But i know Her She is alive
She has to be
i can sense Her soul
She shows me me from without
In my three D world
Real as my selected one
Only quite different
In the usual way
We are on a journey
Egg and i
An unlikely pair
Gathering useful clues
United on a queer quest
To an infinite mystery
And scattered puzzle pieces
At a corner of a fractal plane
From a time long forgotten
In a small control room
Of the whitest of white
We make some progress
Switch the dial on tuner
To any cosmic pull channel
Light years traversed instantly
Egg has skills
Went to Mars a million times
Dreadfully forlorn sector
Dusty brown shacks
Zombified population
Far removed from glory days
Must wear a livesuit
Never again i said to Egg
She said I told you so
i trust my Egg implicitly
She won't let me down
i am Her chosen partner
She is my pure white perfection
We are who we are
i love Egg and She knows it
i show my affection
We have our inside pokes
Like a Kirk and Spock scenario
i must feel for both of us
We are okay with that
She is good to me
Still i have this feeling
That i am Her captive
And She is not who She seems
That She is some wild entity
With Her own agenda
And it's the weirdest thing
Somehow that's alright
i earned Her She took me
We have a contract
A purpose
God help me
Written by Northern1
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