poems for Liam
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2672
we've lost a beautiful person...Liam...SweetKittyKat thought we could express our grief with poems... I thought we could share them here in his memory ❤
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2672
for the fallen soldier
at ease son may you finally have peace
you battled with honor
your war is over
time to go home
enter at the gates
lay your weapons outside--
you won't need them there
you will be missed dear warrior
visit when you can
now a guardian of the universe
there are sights to see
tell our Father about us
about the battles won
about solidarity in love and war
I never saw a man so honorable
your honesty was something to behold
you fought the good fight
God I'm sad
the world lost a valiant man
welcome him in
give him rest
until we meet again soldier of truth
you will be missed
Written by crimsin
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Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

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Wait, what? LiamReedus?!
Joined 25th Jan 2011
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Tyrant of Words

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Joined 17th Sep 2019
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Fire of Insight

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i'm too new here to have known him, but my condolences to all of you who have lost a dear friend :roses:
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2672
butters said:i'm too new here to have known him, but my condolences to all of you who have lost a dear friend :roses:
thank you Butters he was a very honorable and truthful man not everyone appreciated that about him...he would message me and tell me he was sorry about being so honest I would tell him he has integrity and I like that about him and not to change... he will be missed ❤
thank you Butters he was a very honorable and truthful man not everyone appreciated that about him...he would message me and tell me he was sorry about being so honest I would tell him he has integrity and I like that about him and not to change... he will be missed ❤
Forum Posts: 2146
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2146

Suicide’s Plight
Unhealthy thoughts taking a free ride
Should I just keep walking by
Or write a poem for someone else’s mind to decide
There are so many people out there
Not caring if they have a last breath to spare
Not having remorse to no longer care
Stress, Life, Hopeless, down on luck
Not having a penny let alone a buck
You’ve had it to the point you’re ripping out your hair
Some people’s mind freefalling into thin air
A silent battle of the brain within
If I comment suicide no more problems taking me on a major tailspin
I know you are tired, worn out, and yes, from taking it on the chin
Think of a time when your life was soaring and then think again
Think of a time your life was going great, very good as it should
Starting first with memories of your childhood
During those times things were never misunderstood
Now you’re knocking your head against hardwood
Trying to figure it all out
Finding ways to keep your mental status up no doubt
Reminiscences that once stirred your heart
Mental breakdowns from the initial start
Unspoken anger now for the most part
Has the world now cloaked your brain in mental darkness
Allowing no one to reach you, oh, that concept sounds so heartless
We all have walked a mile in tight shoes
Dark storms of the mind from society abuse
Hanging on by a thread hoping no one judges your ruse
However, who gives you that sole right to choose
A word no one likes to comprehend win or lose
God giveth, not for man or woman to taketh away
As your life flashes you by as acting it out on Broadway
SOS, May Day, Wait, I think I’ve changed my mind
Noose has tightened to my neck, blood running from my wrist, sleeping pills have all been washed down
Stomach pumped, oh no
I really really never intended to go
Save me please
The next time I will ask for these thoughts to be removed on my knees
Paddles of life to chest couldn’t help
The third time it worked, yelp
As I lay still
No more turmoil to fit this earthly bill
Had I hung in, would this had passed, but still
There was always a tomorrow
Tears from someone else’s eyes at the expense of my sorrow
I’m on my ascending pathway
You will see the understanding of this self-demise revealed to you on Judgment Day
There will be no more words from you to say
When you’re dealing with the mental blues I know it’s not my call
I have to pass this insight of this universal protocol
I was ordained and yes, I want my Angel wings
Sent back here to say or do some strange things
All for a great cause
Under God’s universal laws
However, I will never know where you come from
Slow down, let’s talk, I may be able to tell you how to channel that raging weather, and then some
This is not a fad, way out, or words to get lost in
Surrendering your last breath is when your life truly begins
You think you are experiencing hell on earth now
Going up against God with the excuse I refuse to give earth my final bow
Trust me you shall reap what you sow
No reasons accepted I thought this was my only way out from a mental drought
A shake of God’s head for an eternal lockout
It hurts if only you knew from the soul’s earthly remembrance to let it be
At the Pearly Gates begging if only you could see
Do not allow your mind to attempt to unlocked God’s universal mysterious
You can’t
Therefore, when you’re feeling down, pray, meditate, or chant
No one wants to come back here
And still adhere
To the same plan you thought for a quick escape
Accepting your fate again on this planet we call earth, denied until you reshape
Trust me that’s not a Heavenly debate
At any rate
You never get those moments in time to backdate
When in doubt, talk it out, take medication if you must to get you through
I know this has been tried and true
Just please keep this angle of view in mind
And allow your thoughts to naturally unwind
Channel your temple and leave the negative energy of your mind behind
Once you close your eyes
No more second chances to understand, the what, when, or the whys

Sorry to hear this indeed. Just shows you never know what’s going on in someone’s head.
Where did you find out, Crim?
Where did you find out, Crim?
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2672
I cant believe your gone my friend.
This is not how it was supposed to end.
You were an amazing father
I cant believe you did this brother.
You fought through hell.
Unexpected from one i knew so well.
It just doesnt seem right.
I pray you found some peace and welcomed to the light.
This is not how it was supposed to end.
You were an amazing father
I cant believe you did this brother.
You fought through hell.
Unexpected from one i knew so well.
It just doesnt seem right.
I pray you found some peace and welcomed to the light.
Written by Jiminex
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Miss_Sub said:Sorry to hear this indeed. Just shows you never know what’s going on in someone’s head.
Where did you find out, Crim?
from his soldier friend Jiminex who is also a poet here when he posted this poem...
later I messaged him and my worst fear was confirmed...
Where did you find out, Crim?
from his soldier friend Jiminex who is also a poet here when he posted this poem...
later I messaged him and my worst fear was confirmed...
Freedom is a funny thing
Perspective of eyes
Family lore
When a candle flickers
we assume
the light burns
still burns strong
it’s just a light gale
Some tapers
or tea cups
for our benefit
public assurances
the flicker
the struggle
the flame
When the fuel
no longer combusts
too painful
to spark
it is time
no longer
is now
Written by Tallen
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