Through The Alphabet--The Letter "R"

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Fire of Insight
Joined 3rd May 2018
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jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
Of Every Kind
When I was young I’d flitter through the sky,
And ransack all the stars of magic dust.
I’d walk lightheartedly ‘cross fields of rye,
Within my rucksack filled with wanderlust.
I was so young, the rebel in me rose,
To holler with a shout that shook the world.
I gazed straight up to God, “I want to know,”
And then the magic started to unfurl.
All thru’ the days & nights, my quicken’d step,
The rhapsody of knowledge filled my mind.
Thru’ jungle, swamp & forest rivulet,
Of bamboo, rattan, growth of every kind.
At last I felt redemption came to me,
The branches overhead were full of fruit.
They heavy hung like ripen rosary;
So hungry and so grateful, I fell mute.
Written by Jade-Pandora
(jade tiger)
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Forum Posts: 69
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 6th June 2019
Forum Posts: 69
With my rattan cane
I struck the rebel
who dared to ransack my home.
Fatal was the wound
as a rivulet of blood
hid not the break of bone.
In his rucksack I found
jerky of beef
ripen fruit and a loaf of rye.
Clenching my rosary
reciting a rhapsody of redemption
twas I that did not die.
Written by midevil
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Joined 29th Aug 2019
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Strange Creature
Forum Posts: 4
I love the textures in this one. Rattle, ratan, rivulet, rucksack... feels 3D :)
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Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 864
Risen Reject
In the church where prayers are left to ripen
Forgivness is the count of rosary
And penance a rivulet of guilt
Confessed upon one knee
Can faith now lift that rucksack
The baggage of your sin
The choir with a rhapsody
Conducted lifes amens
Corn and rye of congregation
Stand on broken stems
Try to hold the rattan strength
The seat of your beliefs
A weave of good and bad decisions
That's so hard to achieve
Branded to be christian
To live and so to die
For the devils tempting treat
Its coals that blackened lie
Fester the bishops carnal whims
The innocent that cry
Redemption a well trodden path of sin
Rebel and cheat the ever seeing eye
The weak the Cain that whisper meek
A ransack foisted on ones life
For that altar seek not I
Forgivness is the count of rosary
And penance a rivulet of guilt
Confessed upon one knee
Can faith now lift that rucksack
The baggage of your sin
The choir with a rhapsody
Conducted lifes amens
Corn and rye of congregation
Stand on broken stems
Try to hold the rattan strength
The seat of your beliefs
A weave of good and bad decisions
That's so hard to achieve
Branded to be christian
To live and so to die
For the devils tempting treat
Its coals that blackened lie
Fester the bishops carnal whims
The innocent that cry
Redemption a well trodden path of sin
Rebel and cheat the ever seeing eye
The weak the Cain that whisper meek
A ransack foisted on ones life
For that altar seek not I
Written by slipalong
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Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1882
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1882
Through the Eyes of a Friend
Look at me through the eyes of a friend, she said,
A stream of thoughts embraced me in a sad rhapsody,
But I, drunk on whiskey and rye cried a rivulet instead,
Running through my mind like an unforgettable melody.
I took her old rosary, the one she kept in an old box,
Before anyone else would ransack her possessions,
I prayed a prayer of redemption but before I could talk,
She said, never look back or hold on to obsessions.
But I placed the beads and hymn book in my rucksack,
My young rebel soul would never see her eyes again,
And as the years passed in a ripen memory I think back,
How she sat in that rattan chair and the letters she penned,
I remember my mentor but I still dearly miss my friend.
A stream of thoughts embraced me in a sad rhapsody,
But I, drunk on whiskey and rye cried a rivulet instead,
Running through my mind like an unforgettable melody.
I took her old rosary, the one she kept in an old box,
Before anyone else would ransack her possessions,
I prayed a prayer of redemption but before I could talk,
She said, never look back or hold on to obsessions.
But I placed the beads and hymn book in my rucksack,
My young rebel soul would never see her eyes again,
And as the years passed in a ripen memory I think back,
How she sat in that rattan chair and the letters she penned,
I remember my mentor but I still dearly miss my friend.
Written by wallyroo92
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Lost Thinker
Joined 1st Sep 2019
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