Poetry competition CLOSED 6th May 2019 2:09am
ReggiePoet (Reggie)
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Through the Alphabet—The Letter “I”

poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
Joined 3rd Mar 2019
Forum Posts: 11

Intense, illuminating, imported “ivory” “ignites” immoral intentions; inducing immoral inhibitions. Involuntary “iris” interactions imply intentional immersion in “intersections” in infidelity; including illegit, ill-informed information.
“Indian” imaginations “illuminate” immaculate “ideals” in introspection. Indisputably “impenetrable” ideas in isolating insecurities. Impeccable information “itinerants” instantly instituted in industrious institutes in “Italy”.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
Joined 6th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 133

Niki's Four Letters & The Becoming Man

Years' long
futile attempts
results produce.
He had, at last
the smallest of rocks climbed
at that enticing intersection
pointing left to the Indian Reservation
and Italy to the right
Fists raised over head
head covered by undisciplined hair
wildly screaming in foreign tongue: "Niki"
And that, surely
could only mean “Victory”

He had become a wild man  
gesturing and barking  
at different directions and ears
island of
your left i is mowing down
irresistible illusions
Trees around him
eternal and serene
touched him
the ivory k of a sweet death
he whispered
uncertainty profound.”
He had become a wise man
his audience limited to one,
that girl with the sparkling iris in her eye.
He spoke in balanced  
even tones
along the valley he had forgotten.
“Of olive trees
I cannot talk.
Only of huge walls,
impenetrable cement walls
of distance and bitterness.
Your right i will my sorrows marry”
Time has his way with men
and his way
with him  
was soon to be had  
he again rose
from the ashes  
meta-modern psychology
befriending snowmen
the zombie ideal he was taught  
stand for.
He had become an angry itinerant
a furious orator without audience
overflowing with passion
every night  
he took
solitude for a walk.
Nureyev be like
Nora of my dreams
your Ns  
silence the voices
accelerate my steps.”
Written by takis1917
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Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 21st June 2018
Forum Posts: 13

The "Irony of Passion"

Your sarcastic sadistic sexual slick snarky talk used to Ignite the amorous caressing love
I burned for you
During Indian summers,
we spent time researching your heritage in Italy
It was Ideal that you retained information
to share with our offspring  
With Ivory skin at birth
When all 4 were born  
We found peacful grounds  with each other  
 We shared their first breathes together and basked in the moments
The celebrations of their birthdays would illuminate the room with our love again.
But now,  
We have come to the Intersection of love and hate
The Florentine Iris flower represents the blood shed, pain inflicting war We have with each other.
Your words and actions have become Impenetrable to blood vessels and veins in my heart.
My love has been an Itenerant searching for a safe landing
 to no avail the runway has a traffic jam
 You scorned me beyond healing
I hope I can find solace in the next man
To wrap me up in warmth to mask this cold feeling
Leaving me a Yellow Iris when I get home
In the evening
Written by Red_CurtainS (SEVEN-ONE-EIGHT)
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poet Anonymous

pre`apocalyptic Bonnie    [ a lament ]   

itinerant is the blue Bonnie lily
who gats through the unconscious iris of her lawless eye
gunpowder chokes between the
intersection of her trigger
and her finger     an uncomplicated death
will illuminate the ivory sky, and she will add
to the poem of how strangers become
criminals become lovers… nothing paris in an Italy
nothing ideal to ignite a southern indian summer
thought to be impenetrable in nineteen thirty-four     before
she found herself flat`lined, gazing out the ford    her
bloodstained beauty echoing eternally like a remnant
of a V8 pre-apocalyptic fury     yet to be seen
through the crown of a depression that was great… for its time

poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 24th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 28

I * u take

I eye ivory
Italy teems with knickknack shops
Sweaty swarthy itenerate men with Indian goods
Hawk wares to unsuspecting tourists

My iris ignites as carefully carved wonders gleam with illumunation
I want to wrap up the place,
The smell of falafel competing with catch of the day
The bronzed bodies slick with sweat
The intersection between wharf and cannery row
And take it all home.

But ivory is illegal to buy, much less transport
And my ideal vacation does not have room for a customs arrest.

The impenetrable gaze of the salesman beacons...

Take a chance -it says

You only live once.
Written by Tardegrade
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 43awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864

I preserved

Have the fools seen how itinerant your plight
The geaneology of your parents right to blight
Husband and a wife from cultures wide
 Italy and Indian the span to bridge and family divide
Your fate an ivory carved wedding dress
Control and to obsess, that arranged marriage
Iris blue and yellow foretell of spring and winters chill
A child so incandesant, abandoned in despairs will
The ideal to ignite and never find your path fulfilled
Tied and bound that intersection of your life unfound
Any light now has been doused
Dreams that iluminate all now are lost
Impenetrable dilemma to tie or loose that knot
I or we
I preserved at any cost  
Written by slipalong
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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


He started in a town in Italy,  
Said his name was ‘Kill’ in another life,  
Which was when his family lived in Warsaw;  
An ideal life; Father taught piano.  
When he could move about in the ghetto,  
He became an itinerant tradesman.  
‘Kill’, yet a boy when war was to ignite  
Years after his mother died, still-birthing,  
When he was nine, his brother only two.  
But that was then, and this is also then.  
Where had he been but scavenging gutters,  
A carcass, looking for another way;  
Scared a patrol would catch him red-handed  
And iris in on the target, too late,  
For his father had held the boy and babe  
Tight as he swept the three of them away  
In the night when the artillary would  
Illuminate the smoke from explosions;  
The sounds yet to reach the fleeing shadows  
Flickering below, their impenetrable  
Wails drowned in the delayed booms, echoing.  
At the northeast corner of a littered  
Intersection, where a once grand  
Eight-story building, now a shell, compared,  
With blown-out windows of the hotel stood,  
And all utilities and water gone,  
Where they’d try to rest till morning’s first light.  
An Indian woman from Calcutta,  
Had set up her fugitive slum home there
And took them in, believing them gypsies.  
Gave ‘Kill’, his brother and father, shelter;  
Her ivory tower flat still had windows.  
She said there was food saved for the morning.  
‘Kill’ was hungry. No one had eaten since
The night of the day before yesterday,
And even then it had been something raw.

The night too was hungry and wearied on.  
As the others slept, the boy’s eyes glowered  
At the door, hearing cracks out in the hall.  
They popped just like a roaring fireplace.  
He slowly slid backwards under the bed  
On which the others laid, spooned together.  
‘Kill’ waited, holding his breath forever.  
A brief flashing of light lit up the room  
To reveal a gaunt German soldier crouched.  
The boy in the shadow of the light’s fade  
Watched, as the soldier crept to a corner  
Where an icebox silently stood, powerless.  
‘Kill’ would not endure this final insult,  
For an enemy to steal what was left!  
He stealthy came out from under the bed.  
The soldier was on his knees reaching up  
Trying to yank the icebox door open,  
The boy was pulling out his pocket knife.  
Suddenly, his stomach began to growl.  
The soldier looked quick over his shoulder.  
‘Kill’ pushed in the blade to open his throat.  
And that’s what he did; their food was now safe.  
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405

iris- the intersection

some say  Monalisa
was an intenarant worker
in italy
well, she can keep her itenarant smiles

as here
in my muse
i see the shadow
of the cosmos
reflected in her iris
an intersection
of realms
her inner impenetrable depths
and the world
that her charm

her words ignite
set ablaze
red hot passions leaving
the indian summer's kamasutra ideal
a pale ivory in contrast

i don't know what leonardo was thinking
sure as hell he left a masterpiece behind
he once had it and now it's the world's to keep
that treasure

for me
i go back and dive into
that Iris that holds my cosmos

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