Poetry competition CLOSED 9th April 2019 7:26am
RUNNER-UP: eswaller

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Who is there when I Hurt?

Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2326

Poetry Contest

a Spill about who is there for You when You hurt emotionally
2 weeks - mostly because my spirit would not be able to take it (i am a male empath)

old spills OK
but prefer current pain

collabs OK, as well

Spill and force me to get out a new towel !!

poet Anonymous

I’m not an easy soul to read
even for those who really know me
outside the lines of poetry
I keep a lot to myself
lock it down
there’s too much clutter in my head
to allow anyone else access
I get muddled
can’t tell where their thoughts start
and my own end
so I retreat
between parchment sheets
scribing my pain with little restraint
so I can breathe
but she knows me
feels when I’m off center
understands how it feels & how I process
she knows what to say
and when not to
keeping me grounded
when it all gets too much
I can count on my Pod
if ever I find myself falling
Taryn always catches
doing what sisters do
and helping me get through
Pixie, I’d be lost without you

Tyrant of Words
United States 26awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2017
Forum Posts: 171

Let Me Be Your Rain

Corners of your parchment heart curl  
as the world you once knew unfurls

words written  
so sensual, so smooth  
dried up as petals  
of a once blooming rose  
wilting ever slowly  
as seasons drift on by  
wet eyes stare off blankly  
into a now deserted sky  
let me be your rain,  
and wash away the pain  
let me be your rain,  
and clear up all the grey  
heart drenched chills,  
kiss tears upon a cheek  
when the sun finally awakens,  
skies won't seem so bleak
Written by JusTim_
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Fire of Insight
United States 1awards
Joined 5th Mar 2019
Forum Posts: 69


vile, depraved, monster  
thrive on others pain  
spread nasty rumors  
breed doubt and disdain  

manipulate to subjugate  
gather your rabble  
your lies to propagate  
nonsensical babble  
spewing corruption  
via your paper dolls  
nasty ass fucker  
you got some balls  
but you picked the  
wrong group to fuck with  
and certainly the wrong mark  
we will NOT stand there watching  
as you aim for his heart  
Have you never heard that what's done in the dark WILL come out in the light?"  
Written by CSD1558 (Minxy)
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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 760

When I Fall Apart

I come to you with my vulnerability and heart
Covered in imperfections, blemishes and scars.  
Darling, you are there to watch the bright stars  
With me, but when I want to be brave and dart  
Out into the middle of the rain will you join me?  
We will be wet and dripping with all of the tears  
Streaming down my face. Sometimes those fears  
Come in like the moonlight and the shadows I see  
Creeping In the middle of the night, but will you  
Keep them at bay for my sanity? Will you catch  
Me when I keep on falling? Like a gate’s latch  
You are my safety net, but is it ever enough to  
Keep me from running away or falling apart? I  
Have no one else to turn to when I cannot love  
Myself enough to be keeping doubts away. Of  
Another place and another time I would try my  
Best to love you back with all that you deserved.  
Honesty, loyalty and every inch of me. All from  
My mind, body and soul, but I am too numb  
To feel anything in this lifetime. I have reserved  
Too many spots in my heart for someone to take  
And take, giving nothing back in return. I am sick  
And tired of it all. So who is there for me? A brick  
And wall over my heart to keep away the ache  
People are afraid to keep a hold on. They are leaving  
Me to carry the hurt, but I someday I will stop grieving.
Written by eswaller
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Queen Kawaii
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 2nd Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 23

You no pain Sister. You understand the pain and hurt I went through. So, I want to congratulate you for one on that.

Queen Kawaii
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 2nd Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 23

Why love hurts

Why does love have to hurt?......
Why does love have to blurt?.....
It blurts out L-O-V-E........
It blurts out flee....
Flee from the stresses of what love brings....
Flee from the stresses of why the body tings....
I ask the question what does love bring......
Written by BeautyQueen00 (Queen Kawaii)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


Dedicated to my two nieces with the surname of Valentine.
I hope someday you’ll find this and read how much you’ve both have meant to me. Your unconditional innocent love provided me with the therapy I so desperately needed. While battling cancer, through the both you, I’ve realized love’s healing powers. You’ve inspired me to share with others the importance of what I discovered.
Cancer and Stress Therapy,
Ask anyone who's battling cancer, and they'll tell you nothing can tax the body and mind like radiation and chemotherapy. The resulting stress is enormous.
Cancer patients use a variety of methods to relieve stress. Popular approaches are massage therapy, meditation, aroma therapy and prayer. In my battle with cancer, I've discovered a way to combine all.
Just hold a baby.
Hold a new human close to you. Taking deep breathes shut your eyes. Strong little hands will grip you, firmly but gently. The pounding of a quick little heart and fragrance of silken baby hair will hypnotize you. Soon you'll be so overwhelmed with love, that through the voice of baby's breathing, you'll hear God whispering sweet comfort in your ear.

Take it from me. There’s no better stress reliever then holding a brand new person. I was fortunate, that my diagnosis of cancer coincided with the birth of my youngest niece, Juliet. Between baby Juliet, and her toddler sister, Violet, I received more inspiration and support, than a hundred therapy puppies could provide. During my treatments, I was their part-time caregiver, and, as I should clarify, they became my caregivers as well.

Cancer is not only life defining, it causes you to redefine life. Priorities change dramatically. Hence, the love of my family and friends will never go unappreciated again. So, take hold of those who love you, especially the little ones. The healing powers of their love will never fail to astound you.

My Valentines, your love helped give your old bachelor uncle some extra time.  I love thee beyond infinity.

Your Uncle Kimmy
Written by snugglebuck
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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2273

Look at me
tell me
what do you see
is it something
that you want
is it something
that you need

Look at me
tell me
do you believe
if you wish
to be free
from past
to be
with a soul
who's willing
to set you free
from your cage
of maybe
one day
then stay

With Me

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2273

Do you whisper
in the wind
when you sleep
do you
silently pray
when you weep
when you look
upon a face
that brings you

No Peace

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 12awards
Joined 24th Mar 2019
Forum Posts: 481

poet Anonymous

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