Deep Into Nature
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878
Tyrant of Words

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Every Tree Has a Memory
Joined 2nd Mar 2019
Forum Posts: 6
Strange Creature

Forum Posts: 6
As It Ends
As I stand alone on the edge
The abyss although beneath me
Looms over my soul and weighs me down
The void beckons me closer
As soft and gentle as a lover's touch
Enticing, twisting, tormenting but I love her nonetheless
But for all its reassurences it is naught but a liar
A harsh mistress
But in her arms my eyes finally open
And I see
Yes I see
I see the world end
It goes down screaming
But who cares since there is no one to hear it
Like a majestic oak
Struck down it begins a slow decent to the ground
In an empty forest with only the acorns and grass as witnesses
Will it make a sound?
The same way the worlds twists and turns today
Calling for a savior, begging to be heard
Not knowing its lamentations fall upon deaf ears
Because as the world ends it goes not in a bang
No, it goes down with a whisper
A sob, a whimper, a single tear down the cheek of the universe
As it witnesses the finest of creations
Destroyed by the greed of its dwellers
A utopia torn down by the thirst for power
As the ice caps melt and break
As the deserts burn up and dry our lands
As the species die down one by one
Do you now see the signs?
Do you not hear the cries?
Of a desperate mother
Bearing witness as her childern chop her down and kill her
For all our pretenses we keep flooding our oceans with waste
Filling our atmosphere with fumes
Tainting the reason you and I still breathe
Killing the dome which keeps you alive
But still we keep digging down
Shamelessly ravaging nature in the name of progress
Ripping apart the very ground we stand on
Then ever the hypocrites we come back and complain
Complain to everybody for not doing what anybody could have done
I would be the greatest one if I laid blame on you alone
I am as guilty as you
I liter here, start a fire there
Burn a cig here, throw a bottle there
I am flawed, I am human, I live up to it, so should you.
The abyss although beneath me
Looms over my soul and weighs me down
The void beckons me closer
As soft and gentle as a lover's touch
Enticing, twisting, tormenting but I love her nonetheless
But for all its reassurences it is naught but a liar
A harsh mistress
But in her arms my eyes finally open
And I see
Yes I see
I see the world end
It goes down screaming
But who cares since there is no one to hear it
Like a majestic oak
Struck down it begins a slow decent to the ground
In an empty forest with only the acorns and grass as witnesses
Will it make a sound?
The same way the worlds twists and turns today
Calling for a savior, begging to be heard
Not knowing its lamentations fall upon deaf ears
Because as the world ends it goes not in a bang
No, it goes down with a whisper
A sob, a whimper, a single tear down the cheek of the universe
As it witnesses the finest of creations
Destroyed by the greed of its dwellers
A utopia torn down by the thirst for power
As the ice caps melt and break
As the deserts burn up and dry our lands
As the species die down one by one
Do you now see the signs?
Do you not hear the cries?
Of a desperate mother
Bearing witness as her childern chop her down and kill her
For all our pretenses we keep flooding our oceans with waste
Filling our atmosphere with fumes
Tainting the reason you and I still breathe
Killing the dome which keeps you alive
But still we keep digging down
Shamelessly ravaging nature in the name of progress
Ripping apart the very ground we stand on
Then ever the hypocrites we come back and complain
Complain to everybody for not doing what anybody could have done
I would be the greatest one if I laid blame on you alone
I am as guilty as you
I liter here, start a fire there
Burn a cig here, throw a bottle there
I am flawed, I am human, I live up to it, so should you.
Written by Vinci
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Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 765
Thank you everyone for submitting your poems to my competition. And I didn’t get a to pm people who have participated in my competition, but please re-read my guidelines carefully. Your poem itself must have a minimum of 50 words (not including the title) and must be a visual poems. All poems that don’t follow the guidelines will be disqualified. This is amazing work!!
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17591
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17591
This was definitely unexpected. Thank you to everyone who voted. Congratulations, Ash. And thank you, Elena, for hosting such a great competition. 💫
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2983
Con grats, lots of strong entries on here :-)))))