Poetry competition CLOSED 24th December 2018 3:06pm
RUNNERS-UP: takis1917 and gothicsurrealism

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the elegance of decay

Dangerous Mind
South Africa 3awards
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 80

message to my 17 year old self

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Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

The 12 Miseries of Christmas (No.9) for the elegance of decay Comp


Age Old Reflection

Christmas, New Year a time for reflection
a time you experience family rejection
they point out every imperfection
many fingers pointing dissection
with a hate filled introspection
no I am not the model of perfection
Just a victim of others preconception
I raise my hand; an objection
preaching family insurrection
given another injection
for my latest infection
disabilities collection
aging circumspection
to old for bull shit recollection
missing love and affection
there will be no resurrection

these issues with aging
has a mind disengaging
forgetful mind prison caging
stopping socially engaging
ire turns to raging
ongoing frailty is staging
life of regret enraging
one foot in the grave gauging

I fear the process of dying
of giving up on life trying
and just not complying
the tears I am crying
my eyes are not drying
my faults not denying
all regrets, all the lying
and the gods I'm denying
salvation; not buying
my religion I'm defying
on prayer there's no relying
others guilt I'm implying
they're lies overlying
there's just no denying
with whiskey they're plying
but they're treachery I'm decrying
seeking help they're not replying
the medics poking and prying
on my behaviour they're spying
Then the drugs they're supplying
hallucinations of flying
so I'm now misapplying
with a most heart felt sighing
no chances, no retrying
no chanced of undying
pain and sadness I'm dying

this skin I will shed
when for you I have bled
voices stop in my head
are silent; unheard
but I never, ever fled
I chose bravery instead
memories I will shred
with blackness embed
with my bible unread
to no light I'll be lead
but no longer the dread
I'm not worried by death
nor fear of last breath
because dead is dead
there's nothing to be said
you're deaf, dumb and blind when your dead
Written by David_Macleod (14397816)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1875

Winter is Near

Growing older can be a bittersweet feeling,
Happy memories can be melancholic at times,
And as the years pass by the reflection gets clearer,
Beyond the mirror aging gracefully with greys and lines.
In looking back I think about what really made me,
The exits I missed and the roads I chose to stay in,
Rolling with the punches, listening to my hunches,
Maturing little by little and growing some thick skin.
I’m the most flawed person I know,
I’ve made some mistakes along the way,
But there is always a lesson to be learned,
And that propels me forward into another day.
I learned from my parents,
I took their advice to heart,
And I pass it on to my children,
Because one day we all have to part.
Growing older can be a bittersweet feeling,
Remembering days old like youth wasted away,
Wishing I had could travel back in time,
Wanting to rescue myself and save some days.
But I had to fall, like leaves in late autumn,
It was the only natural way that I could grow,
Because now that I look at myself, beyond the mirror,
The winter of my life is near but I welcome the snow.

poet Anonymous

Thank you all for your amazing entries! You didn't make it easy to judge this one and I had to call in for reinforcements on the decision. But in the end we agreed on the followin:

Bender, you took the trophy on this one with your incredible poem Lifespan. Taking us full circle and bringing back hope in the end. Congratulations!

gothicsurrealism, we awarded you 2nd place for your gorgeous entry The Elegance of Our Sunset. Your imagery was beyond beautiful and took us straight to the heart of the matter...there is beauty in that final hour...as it is reborn again. Thank you so much for joining with this poem!

takis191, your poem Time Adverbs claimed 3rd place for the reality of the aging experience. Far too easy to forget the presence of the aging as we go on with our busy lives...but theirs grow more quiet and solitary. Thank you for your entry!

Honorable mentions:
summultima and PoetsRevenge, we loved your entries and felt they contributed greatly to the difficulty of our decision. Thank you so much for taking part and bringing your talents to the table!

Thank you everyone for joining in on this challenge! Have safe and happy holidays!  

Daniel Long
Thought Provoker
United States 10awards
Joined 26th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 206

I would like to thank all my fellow participants in this competition, as a runner up I am honored and emboldened to win the next comp! Thank you FromTheAsh!

Fire of Insight
Joined 6th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 133

Thank you Ash! Congratulations to the winners and to all who participated!

Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672

congratulations dearest Bender well deserved my friend 💕

congratulations to Takis and Gothic as well ❤

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1395

a fine-themed & executed comp, dear host FromTheAsh...congratz the winner & runners up- Bender, gothicsurrealism & takis1917!  thanks for the additional mentions.. fine entries everyone:)

Dangerous Mind
United States 29awards
Joined 30th June 2016
Forum Posts: 749

This comp had such great entries, I enjoyed reading them all, Congrats to the winners and thank you to FromTheAsh for hosting, I'm honored to be mentioned :)

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