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romance [35th Co.]

Tyrant of Words
United States 151awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1845

You Know…That Kind

She stills gives me butterflies after all this time,
You know,
The kind that makes my heart beat just a little heavier,
A little faster,
The sort that brightens up my day,
With just a little laugher.

It’s the kind that as soon as we see each other,
I can’t help but smile,
All the while I’m try to control myself,
The excitement can be a little much,
Then again she has that certain touch.

She has that kind of presence that makes me sigh,
You know,
Like I’m high on life with the emotions I feel unreal,
But I know I’m not dreaming,
Unless I already died and this is paradise.

She has those certain looks that get me hooked,
You know,
The kind that says a lot without saying words,
Then again I may be exaggerating,
But I find it exhilarating.
What she does that to me.

She makes me dream in such a way,
It‘s inspiring,
Rewiring my every imaginable thought,
An endless source of inspiration,
When the motivation gets me every day,
She’s constantly on my mind,
With want, love, lust and need
You know…that kind.

Twisted Dreamer
Canada 3awards
Joined 17th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 60

Galaxy Baby

Even your darkest corners  
Light up my world  
Soft finger tips on my skin  
Tracing constellations  
Your dreams leaving an invisible mark on me  
I’ll absorb it all  
Until you leave  
Then I’ll replay your dreams  
And pretend they were ours
Written by Heart_symphony
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Twisted Dreamer
Canada 3awards
Joined 17th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 60

Heart String

A sweet delicate kiss I plant on your lips
My fingers tracing the curve of your neck  
Our souls intertwine as I gaze into your eyes  
Your sweet nothings are etched into my mind  
Your touch leaves goosebumps on my skin  
Your voice a tender lullaby to my heart  
Your breath warm on my body  
I cling to you with all my strength  
I permeate passion, and love drips from my pores    
Finger tips to finger tips  
The sensation sends electrical impulses  
Which jump start my heart  
Reach into my chest  
And tie a string around my heart  
A string which reaches from my chest to yours  
I trust you with my most delicate organ  
All my vulnerabilities are exposed  
Because I’ve let you inside my chest cavity  
Each heartbeat tugs  
Connecting the thumps  
The string wrapping around my heart and yours  
The string trembles and shakes  
As our emotions reverberate  
If we lean close the string will sag  
If we move away the string is pulled taught  
The invisible connection of our bodies and our minds  
Tethers us together, forever  
For only our hearts sing the same tune  
If anyone else was to serenade your heart  
The sounds would be ineligible  
Because your heart only wakes to my melody  
Your eyes trace my skin  
Causing a cascade of sensation  
My heartbeat races, tugging on yours  
If you tear your heart away from me  
My heart will follow  
Because it’s tethered to yours  
Every step you make tugs on my heart  
I can feel all your emotions  
And predict your mistakes    
As your heartbeat pulsates  
The impulse travels down the string and into my body  
I can hear the thudding  
As our heartbeats harmonize  
Without a single touch you can oscillate my feelings  
More than anyone else  
Your mere presence  
Is more intense than a million hands touching me  
So when your finger tips finally meet my skin  
And we bathe in each others sin  
Our minds will fall apart  
But our body’s wont disconnect  
Because we are held together
By our heart string
Written by Heart_symphony
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Twisted Dreamer
Canada 3awards
Joined 17th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 60

Tragic melody

My heart is breaking  
How much can it take?
You’re all I see when I close my eyes
And in every moment I’m awake  
My words are jumbled  
Letters bounce around in my head  
There are so many things  
I wish we hadn’t said  
I don’t know how to stand it
I don’t know what to do
How can I stay away
When all I want is you
You send my stomach a flutter
Turn my heart into butter
Make my words stutter  
I love you I mutter  
If love would have made you stay  
I would have told you I loved you everyday  
If money would have bought your heart  
There’s no price I wouldn’t pay  
I need you  
But you ran away  
It’s easier to cut out the pain  
Than stay with me another day  
All of the romantic movies  
Remind me of you  
All the love songs  
Do too
Your favourite things
Are engraved into my mind
All of my feelings for you  
Leave me speechless and blind  
So many memories
The littles things you’d say
You’re the opposite of me
Yet curiously the same  
I told you my secrets
You promised me you cared
I let you into my heart
But you left me alone in despair  
If I stare into your eyes
Will our heartbeats sync?
Will our pupils dilate?
Will our souls link?
We can sip vodka  
Under rainbows  
While we nibble on cookies  
And sit in the snow
Your heart is titanium  
Because we’ve been rolling in the deep  
Because of you  
I’m unable to sleep  
We can go to wonderland  
And I’ll be your angel with a shotgun
For you I’m a wild one  
Because our youth has just begun  
How did I mess up so badly  
How did everything go so wrong
Our love is a tragic melody baby
And I keep replaying our song
Written by Heart_symphony
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


'Twas when he saw her flutter by
A shadow fresh from her cocoon  
The spiral speak of butterfly  
A flashing psychedelic swoon  
And soon she would bedazzle him  
By whisper'd soft her wing'ed love  
Her silver trails in garden dim    
'Neath canopy of limbs above  
A-quake, a-quivered Romeo  
To stalk his Monarch Juliet  
Viceroy, Skipper, Crescentspot  
Nor Marblewing to hold her yet  
The common Nymph he calls her not  
This Painted Lady, Chalk Hill Blue  
No Satyr, Emerald, Meadowlark  
Nor Sulfur, Milkweed, Metalmark  
Thus through the phases of the night  
Each twist and turn emits their spark  
Such faerie queen designed, delight  
Her starry wingspread orbits near  
He fair takes in her powdered scent  
This moth's exquisite presence here  
He follows her in moonlit gleam    
His passion-spent his destiny  
She's long desired in his dreams  
Till final breath in ecstasy.  

April 2  (NaPoWriMo 2017)
Copyright©️2017-2018 Jade Pandora.  All Rights Reserved.
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Guardian of Shadows
United States 90awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5689

sirBoring said:I've been informed to censor some of my User Content by an admin or moderator. In response to the moderation, I'm going to try to ensure my safety as I try to enjoy this website.

"My romance poetry contests are intended to sample the ever-changing genre of modern romance, to foster inspiration for modern romance writers, and to credit and praise modern romance poets.

By continuing to post in this thread, you agree to be bound by the two following terms. If you do not agree to any of the two following terms, but continue to post your User Content in this thread, then such User Content will be personally considered harassing, abusive, and infringing on my ability to enjoy this website; and may violate deepundergroundpoetry.com Terms of Use. ('User Content' is defined in deepundergroundpoetry.com Terms of Use.)

(1) your User Content shared for my contest was and is not copyrighted or trademarked.

(2) any violation of your intellectual property rights or privacy rights, resulting from my actions with respect to my contests, was and is not intended; and you must let me know of such violation through a private message or a reply to my contest threads, explicitly detailing how such rights had or have been violated."

the quoted content will be in effect in my next romance contest.

Thank you for removing the poems from your opening post--the intent was not to censor or infringe upon your use of this site, but rather to allow the authors to retain control over their own writing.

If those poems were to be publshed in a book, they'd have to be "unpublished" here to avoid copyright issues.  Having them quoted in someone else's post, doesn't give the author access to doing edits or taking the poem off the site if they choose , because each member can only modify their own posts and no one else's. The writing is essentially trapped .

Moving forward, a link to your prior comps is acceptable as is messaging the authors to get their permission to quote their poem in your opener post for new comps , before setting the comp up.  Your disclaimer here helps, but with future comps, not everyone may have seen it in this one and a quote-poem you choose, may end us in the same predicament. Permission or links is safest.

Thanks again,

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


( a modern Sonnet )  

From shades of green to black my iris ink,  
The difference ‘twixt the two like day & night.  
Though not a carbon copy, you might think,  
My mind would pool your image in its sight.  
The color green was knowing in your youth,  
A time when tiger stripes meant just a cat.  
Then years ahead, a vision’s cyber truth,  
Would sway your mind, or was it just like that?  
At last, though neither of us saw it come,  
The moment (one two three) forgot to breathe.  
Instead of your decide to break and run,  
We stood in place w’ smiling faces, wreath’d.  
To tell the tale, in hindsight, I’ll resist,  
My eyes of ink express my love’s insist.  
Copyright©️2018 Jade Pandora. All Rights Reserved.
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 28th May 2018
Forum Posts: 29

Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 28th May 2018
Forum Posts: 29

The Albatross

Stumbled blindly through my 30’s but I always end up numb  
It seems I fell asleep and then woke up 41
I offer you a seat but now it’s really close we lay
As you speak I’m tripping slowly over everything you say
I bite my tongue until it bleeds, here’s my shoulder for your tears
I’ve gathered up all your needs, here’s a closet for your fears  
I’m following an albatross and the water is so clean  
But I fell lost inside her waves so I will come back now as steam
I’ll take these sea ridden legs right onto solid ground  
And search this whole damn island till I find a simpler sound
I can’t be certain but I’m pretty sure I sat engulfed in frozen fear
And I can’t for the life of me recall the drive from there to here  
I took the path that was laid out for me by the stars  
And came away from this with no visible scars
You asked me for a hand but my handshake you refused  
I can see now it was your superego that was bruised
I never could resist when you asked, “Stay with me tonight?”
For I don’t want to be alone, I’m much too haunted by the light
The days never get shorter and the nights they last forever  
Putting everything off until the next side of never
I must have been mistaken, you were just here but now you’re gone
As I lay awake, still, as the day cracks into dawn
Have you ever heard silence? It sounds just like your own voice
I choose not to remember (as if I had a choice)
I picked up all my things and then myself off the floor
Heading out to walk astray, and perhaps I’ll find the cure
There’s been no one to check in with for a few years as it seems
But it don’t matter to me much, I never sleep…but only dream
Written by Chimaera76
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Thought Provoker
United States 9awards
Joined 1st Nov 2017
Forum Posts: 177


poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

Yaaaay! ((((hugs all around))))
Huzzah, to my Celestial sister, and to our sister Lyrical!  Congratulations, one & all, and my thanks to our host!

Thought Provoker
Joined 31st Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 143

sorry i couldnt judge this contest in time: I was involved in some legal issues with this website.

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