Poetry competition CLOSED 4th June 2018 5:48pm

and Chris_Pleasures
Joined 17th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 60
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 60
Poetry Contest Description
Submit a poem about your experience of heartbreak
Please share your poems about heartbreak. Poems can be about lost lovers, unrequited love, or the loss of a loved one.
You can submit up to 2 poems.

You can submit up to 2 poems.

Joined 16th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 29
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 29
THIS JAGGED EDGE (II) (newly revised, longer version)
i lie face down
upon my stomach
out at the end
of this wooden pier
gray and cloudy day above
warmth of obscured sun
radiates back up
so comforting
through my clothes
so wonderfully into me
from off these sun warmed
weathered boards
beneath me here
out at the end
of this old comforting
friendly wooden pier
where gazing off its side
transfixed i stare
down into the slowly lapping
gentle flow
of these opaque dark waters
hypnotically moving
so calmly below
in which i see
my reflection
staring back up at me
gently drunkenly swaying
with my recently
broken heart
still pounding steadily away
so achingly in my ears
and chest
to such a prolonged degree
of sustained intensity
at all
for i have somehow
now become
only this lifelessly numb
completely dysfunctional
lost study in gray
so ready to implode
for i ve walked
this jagged edge for you
ever since you chose
to so coldly and cruelly
make our love no more
now already over
two weeks ago
and yet
all this unbearable pain
has still not
diminished a bit
much less even begun
to slightly go away
where i am still
this ruined mess
so exhaustively stuck
in the abysmally hopeless depths
of my seemingly relentless despair
wherein it even here now
feels as if i m literally dying
to simply just let go
but my broken heart
for some strange reason
still wont let me ryet
until i can find
some more effective way
to completely kill
all of whatever
remnant ghosts
may yet still be left
inside me here
of any and allotted
my fuckin love for you
so i can finally
once and for all
at long last
let you go
so i can
hopefully if i can
move on with my life
once more against
only this time
without you in it
nor anywhere even near it
at all
anymore ever again
for i am now forever more
totally done
with you
and with all your heartless
shitty little lies
which i now know
but unfortunately
had to learn the hard way
is all still only
who you truly are
and most likely
may always still be inside
so i ll just let you
keep on being you
to live with that sad
toxic truth s
contagious poison s
infectious fact
intractably trapped in tact
within the subconscious
of your own dark hearts
still unresolved
festering internal pollution
and perhaps
some day
when i ve more fully healed
i might even come
to one day thank you
and all your heartless
shitty little lies
for simply helping me come
better late than never
i suppose
to eventually
see the light
but only in
the private inner silence
of my own recovered
resilient heart
and mind alike
which have both now
equally learned
at this fairly late point in my
ongoing lifes
increasingly fleeting journey
to genuinely forgive
but to also wisely
never forget
at risk of ever repeating again
such hard earned
hard learned life lessons
as this one s
devastatingly cruel painful gift
you so mercilessly
gave me
which i now have in turn
karmically returned
and gifted you freely back
by simply enduring
then facing its pain
until i finally
came to see
recognize learn
and joyously realize we
the hidden lesson
within its incredibly relentless
unbearably grievous pain
which is now
no longer
mine at all
but only your dark
soul deep wound alone
to do amend to heal
and deal with
or not
whatever and however
you may
or may not
choose to
want to or like
but it doesn t matter
to me at all
because this evil toxic gift
which you alone created
is yours
and yours alone to keep
to either find some way
to completely dissolve
and finally resolve
or to simply accept
that you re just gonna have to learn
how to live with it
and the heinously ugly fact
that it is forever yours now
to toxically carry within you
and it is now once again
yours and yours alone
to forever
Written by OyateInyanNajin
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Joined 16th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 29
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 29
all light has lapsed
from my life
since you last left
all dreams all joy
all hopes have died
since you last spoke
your painful lies
now it seems
and feels
my sufferings
without end
so too the pain
youve claimed to feel
in your heart
for me
i pray will never
heal nor end
surprised myself
to find and hear
this vengeful heart
youve borne in me
yet of all the cold
cruel lies you told
the one that
hurt me most
was the greatest
lie of all
you told
i bought
hook line
and sinker
the painful
grievous lie
of your
so called
a love
so clear to me
that never
truly was
at all
Written by OyateInyanNajin
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Chris Pleasures
Joined 25th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 31
Chris Pleasures
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 31
No Longer Home
The place in your heart I once called my home is no longer home because you gave it away.Left me alone, so I guess it's time for me to walk and move on.
Don't worry about me. I'll be fine with just my heart and pride. We had a good ride but now I must go and where I'm going I have no means of returning.
Don't worry about me. I'll be fine with just my heart and pride. We had a good ride but now I must go and where I'm going I have no means of returning.
Written by Chris_Pleasures
(Chris Pleasures)
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Chris Pleasures
Joined 25th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 31
Chris Pleasures
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 31
Love don't exists, Forever don't last
Love dont exist and forever don't last
My heart is numb because of my past. Correcting the wrongs will be a long task.
A dead end streak setting me up for misfortune. Yea a relationship sounds good but is it really worth it?
Love is said to be something special but it seems to be only given to the undeserving. Why must I care?. Why must I be the only person hurting? "Nice guys finish last"
Isn't that the truth? Its sad you'll love me better if I disrespected you. Oh that's not what it is? I just call it how I see it. Arguments and miscommunication, the two main ingredients.
She gets a thrill repeating it.
Obviously born in the wrong generation because love these days is more like lets meet up at this location. Have sex and play with our bodies. I mean that's cool but where's the connection? Where's the bond? Why are these things now frowned upon.
Thought she wanted something different , they all say they want something different. Kind of hard to notice any difference messing with the same kind of ni**as.
Love don't exist and Forever don't last.
At least for me that is. Want to know why? It's funny you asked. Look around and tell me what you see. "If it's meant to be then it will be." Sounds like a lot of bullshit to me.
My heart is numb because of my past. Correcting the wrongs will be a long task.
A dead end streak setting me up for misfortune. Yea a relationship sounds good but is it really worth it?
Love is said to be something special but it seems to be only given to the undeserving. Why must I care?. Why must I be the only person hurting? "Nice guys finish last"
Isn't that the truth? Its sad you'll love me better if I disrespected you. Oh that's not what it is? I just call it how I see it. Arguments and miscommunication, the two main ingredients.
She gets a thrill repeating it.
Obviously born in the wrong generation because love these days is more like lets meet up at this location. Have sex and play with our bodies. I mean that's cool but where's the connection? Where's the bond? Why are these things now frowned upon.
Thought she wanted something different , they all say they want something different. Kind of hard to notice any difference messing with the same kind of ni**as.
Love don't exist and Forever don't last.
At least for me that is. Want to know why? It's funny you asked. Look around and tell me what you see. "If it's meant to be then it will be." Sounds like a lot of bullshit to me.
Written by Chris_Pleasures
(Chris Pleasures)
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Joined 11th July 2015
Forum Posts: 130
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 130
Bombshells of Lucidness
Six years ago ended your yearly visits, now in your mid seventies I got it or so I thought. Increasing my call from every few months or so to nearly monthly. Not long, much too quick actually, you'd call leaving random msgs even calling me random names. Caring for my beloved Aunt, her Alzheimer's a slow, agonizing kiss of death. Suspecting the same however yours was venom's quick bite of destruction. Only one month, one Frickin month. Upon calling your 4th and final wife informs, in monotone might I add, your loss of balance causing not only a severely broken nose but a deep fracture of your eye socket she also informed me doc and her placed you in a facility unable to care for you alone, living within walking distance, she has 4 daughter's you raised since toddler's. Still in contact, depressed and highly confused after all didn't your daddy at 98yrs old take care of your mother, also Alzheimer's, with not a single soul in sight not even mentioning a solid retirement from Tampa Bay Elevators, all your hard work supposed to enjoy this fine State. What I couldn't tell you then I am now, before her, 1st, 2nd and 3rd wife, I watched in horror as you unleashed hell's fury, breaking bones yet again while still unhealed. Your 4th wife, believing you a saint, can you imagine her shock at the depths your anger goes. You and I the last of our family and soon I'll stand alone other than a half brother I don't even know anymore. Finally daddy, finally i made the long drive home, over 800 miles of fear, panic and an overwhelming overload of confusion. So much unspeakable violence's, hurt and betrayal. Only you, my very own father, thief of innocence even quicker your massive fist of justice, mostly for imaginary crimes, just to vent your frustrations, my thoughts. The same father silently leaving for Florida while your 9yr old waits in the wintery freeze on concrete steps an entire two whole days as not only hope fades but leaving her alone with two monsters, mother and sister who makes even Jeffrey Dahmer look angelic, no worries, new 3rd wife and a wee son to boot. Finally bringing me home, 2yrs late, having enough at 15yrs old I scoot myself back to the familiar grandeur of rolling corn fields to bury my incestous Grandfather. Much needed space, time far apart, year's of doggedly working on self, improving learning softening and yes, with your snides disdain vocalized, submitting myself as an official full time lab rat, simply to unbend, straighten what you, my lovely family, succeeded only in curving never fully breaking, knowing me, your daughter had your stubborn streak of iron will, tsk tsk... Seeing you finally after six long year's left me reeling in shock and stunned disbelief. Standing barefoot spine ram-rod straight you topped at 6'7, brawny in strength from installing elevators since your H.S. graduation. Good Gawd daddy at barely 5'0, Alzheimer's deadly destructiveness, no I haven't forgotten your spinal degeneration, same as I, leaving the top of your head no higher than my shoulder. I'm sorry daddy, so very very fu**ing deeply sorry it took me so long to come home. After 6 mo of round the clock care, lucidness armed with bombshells paid it's last visit. Husky baritone resonating clarity you apologized explaining how things got so twisted, not excuses, how ashamed you were while accepting full responsibility. Without pause you dropped the next bombshell. The whopping knowledge of my demented sister your deranged daughter, remaining silent and fully aware, was the incestous love child parented between brother and sister, my uncle my mother, no longer a lone burden, yet again with no pause your final bombshell. Your personal account and feelings of me shooting my own mother, acknowledgement of being done in pure survival mode. Lucidity vanishing as quickly as it's appeared. Stunned, I rexamine, questioning every and all aspects of me. A befuddling shift, deeper depths, curiously curious??? While reading you your newest WatchTower, two days after Thanksgiving, at exactly 9:18 p.m. the heaviest of sighs had me peeking up, crushing the Bones in my hand as a solitary tear made it's final escape, you left me alone in this detestable world. For the first time in many many years gobs of wet saw the light of day deep into the dark and lonely night, once again left behind. I wish I too had come clean now heavy with regrets burden, this I now write and place among your ashes. No longer hiding behind God, finally worshipping another other than yourself, yes daddy I noticed. I truly hope God has Granted Heaven's Redemption, a tiger never changes it's stripe yet in all honesty I believe you are indeed a changed man, a better man. In death's wake, acceptance in every way possible I am truly your only daughter, an exact replica of you, mirrored images. I love you Daddy beyond scope beyond measure. I miss you so much fu**ing much, thank you for wet tears return, I sorta missed their salty tang. Safe travels daddy, safe travels. Love forevermore,
The Squad👣
Six years ago ended your yearly visits, now in your mid seventies I got it or so I thought. Increasing my call from every few months or so to nearly monthly. Not long, much too quick actually, you'd call leaving random msgs even calling me random names. Caring for my beloved Aunt, her Alzheimer's a slow, agonizing kiss of death. Suspecting the same however yours was venom's quick bite of destruction. Only one month, one Frickin month. Upon calling your 4th and final wife informs, in monotone might I add, your loss of balance causing not only a severely broken nose but a deep fracture of your eye socket she also informed me doc and her placed you in a facility unable to care for you alone, living within walking distance, she has 4 daughter's you raised since toddler's. Still in contact, depressed and highly confused after all didn't your daddy at 98yrs old take care of your mother, also Alzheimer's, with not a single soul in sight not even mentioning a solid retirement from Tampa Bay Elevators, all your hard work supposed to enjoy this fine State. What I couldn't tell you then I am now, before her, 1st, 2nd and 3rd wife, I watched in horror as you unleashed hell's fury, breaking bones yet again while still unhealed. Your 4th wife, believing you a saint, can you imagine her shock at the depths your anger goes. You and I the last of our family and soon I'll stand alone other than a half brother I don't even know anymore. Finally daddy, finally i made the long drive home, over 800 miles of fear, panic and an overwhelming overload of confusion. So much unspeakable violence's, hurt and betrayal. Only you, my very own father, thief of innocence even quicker your massive fist of justice, mostly for imaginary crimes, just to vent your frustrations, my thoughts. The same father silently leaving for Florida while your 9yr old waits in the wintery freeze on concrete steps an entire two whole days as not only hope fades but leaving her alone with two monsters, mother and sister who makes even Jeffrey Dahmer look angelic, no worries, new 3rd wife and a wee son to boot. Finally bringing me home, 2yrs late, having enough at 15yrs old I scoot myself back to the familiar grandeur of rolling corn fields to bury my incestous Grandfather. Much needed space, time far apart, year's of doggedly working on self, improving learning softening and yes, with your snides disdain vocalized, submitting myself as an official full time lab rat, simply to unbend, straighten what you, my lovely family, succeeded only in curving never fully breaking, knowing me, your daughter had your stubborn streak of iron will, tsk tsk... Seeing you finally after six long year's left me reeling in shock and stunned disbelief. Standing barefoot spine ram-rod straight you topped at 6'7, brawny in strength from installing elevators since your H.S. graduation. Good Gawd daddy at barely 5'0, Alzheimer's deadly destructiveness, no I haven't forgotten your spinal degeneration, same as I, leaving the top of your head no higher than my shoulder. I'm sorry daddy, so very very fu**ing deeply sorry it took me so long to come home. After 6 mo of round the clock care, lucidness armed with bombshells paid it's last visit. Husky baritone resonating clarity you apologized explaining how things got so twisted, not excuses, how ashamed you were while accepting full responsibility. Without pause you dropped the next bombshell. The whopping knowledge of my demented sister your deranged daughter, remaining silent and fully aware, was the incestous love child parented between brother and sister, my uncle my mother, no longer a lone burden, yet again with no pause your final bombshell. Your personal account and feelings of me shooting my own mother, acknowledgement of being done in pure survival mode. Lucidity vanishing as quickly as it's appeared. Stunned, I rexamine, questioning every and all aspects of me. A befuddling shift, deeper depths, curiously curious??? While reading you your newest WatchTower, two days after Thanksgiving, at exactly 9:18 p.m. the heaviest of sighs had me peeking up, crushing the Bones in my hand as a solitary tear made it's final escape, you left me alone in this detestable world. For the first time in many many years gobs of wet saw the light of day deep into the dark and lonely night, once again left behind. I wish I too had come clean now heavy with regrets burden, this I now write and place among your ashes. No longer hiding behind God, finally worshipping another other than yourself, yes daddy I noticed. I truly hope God has Granted Heaven's Redemption, a tiger never changes it's stripe yet in all honesty I believe you are indeed a changed man, a better man. In death's wake, acceptance in every way possible I am truly your only daughter, an exact replica of you, mirrored images. I love you Daddy beyond scope beyond measure. I miss you so much fu**ing much, thank you for wet tears return, I sorta missed their salty tang. Safe travels daddy, safe travels. Love forevermore,
The Squad👣
Written by SURVIVOR
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Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 909
As winter breaks the untold fall
They stand with backs against it all
A shooting rock of ice foretold
The union placed in centuries old...
A family tree of royal stain
Their son would later come to claim
The dowry left from ancient truth
The bride would blind from future youth...
In season new, the ship to sea
To sail for land of ancestry
The light at far to shine the way
Is set in rock, a tower display...
The eyes of few, to see the clue
Of lies astrude and pain induced
The child of man, to step in place
A blood drenched kind, a star to chase....
Ship sails on,
But never seas the sun...
Time rolls on,
But never sees the son...
They stand with backs against it all
A shooting rock of ice foretold
The union placed in centuries old...
A family tree of royal stain
Their son would later come to claim
The dowry left from ancient truth
The bride would blind from future youth...
In season new, the ship to sea
To sail for land of ancestry
The light at far to shine the way
Is set in rock, a tower display...
The eyes of few, to see the clue
Of lies astrude and pain induced
The child of man, to step in place
A blood drenched kind, a star to chase....
Ship sails on,
But never seas the sun...
Time rolls on,
But never sees the son...
Written by runaway-mindtrain
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Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 765
When There is A World Without You
All I ever wanted was to hear your voice on the phone
That would tell me that everything was going to be okay,
But I know I had to get back to reality and the fact that
You would never come crawling back to me. I am all alone
In the place I used to call home and the dark, cloudy gray
Sky is just a reminder that I would better without a flat
Smile. I know I am better without the empty promises and
The fact that you want to keep talking now that I am moving
Onto someone new. It is like you want to keep messing with
Me, but you have to know that it is too late to understand
Everything from your point of view. I am safely removing
Myself from this. I hoped you would do the same. The myth
That keeps surrounding you will follow you until there is dirt
Over your grave and your heart has finally given up for good.
It is only then that you will realize that there was someone
Who truly cared about you. I hope you understand the hurt
And pain you caused me, enough to last a lifetime. I could
Have gone back to refill your empty cup, but I do not run
Back to someone who has not changed their repeating
Patterns and bad habits. My words that are the carriers
Of the truth and my sky has finally gone from gray to blue.
There is no way that I could keep walking and meeting
You halfway when you cannot even respect my barriers
Because I am finally in a better place. I am finally over you.
That would tell me that everything was going to be okay,
But I know I had to get back to reality and the fact that
You would never come crawling back to me. I am all alone
In the place I used to call home and the dark, cloudy gray
Sky is just a reminder that I would better without a flat
Smile. I know I am better without the empty promises and
The fact that you want to keep talking now that I am moving
Onto someone new. It is like you want to keep messing with
Me, but you have to know that it is too late to understand
Everything from your point of view. I am safely removing
Myself from this. I hoped you would do the same. The myth
That keeps surrounding you will follow you until there is dirt
Over your grave and your heart has finally given up for good.
It is only then that you will realize that there was someone
Who truly cared about you. I hope you understand the hurt
And pain you caused me, enough to last a lifetime. I could
Have gone back to refill your empty cup, but I do not run
Back to someone who has not changed their repeating
Patterns and bad habits. My words that are the carriers
Of the truth and my sky has finally gone from gray to blue.
There is no way that I could keep walking and meeting
You halfway when you cannot even respect my barriers
Because I am finally in a better place. I am finally over you.
Written by eswaller
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Joined 17th Feb 2018
Forum Posts: 86
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 86
Sinead. Your name alone begs to be spoken in the whispers of angels. Calls us to sacred silence, while we dream of raging at the sky.
Much like those voices murmuring--ever so softly---from behind closed doors.
Your grief-stricken parents mustn't overhear your name.
God, how will they ever hear anything else?!...
How quickly. How quietly. You came and you went.
In fewer than a hundred sleeps, you softly stole our hearts.
God, how the silence you've left behind is deafening.
Much like those voices murmuring--ever so softly---from behind closed doors.
Your grief-stricken parents mustn't overhear your name.
God, how will they ever hear anything else?!...
How quickly. How quietly. You came and you went.
In fewer than a hundred sleeps, you softly stole our hearts.
God, how the silence you've left behind is deafening.
Written by Rachelleundrgrd
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jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
(my first heartbreak/break-up)
It was during that night, after dinner,
And tight on bottles of wine, your words
Hung sublime like crystalline birds.
And I, dazed from the sound as they passed,
Could only look at you through my glass
Held up to my gaze, and filled with wine,
And saw, with the passing of time how the
Candle's light imbued everything in a
red hue as I stared at you, intoxicated,
Till through my fingers, slipped, its descent
Lingered, the beat of my heart, hindered,
Shattered its perfection across the floor,
Just as my heart tore and came apart in a
Flood of wine: red as blood, painful to see,
As if my eyes had burst, but which would I
Notice first: the innocuous stench of sick,
Or the shards of glass' trick of the light.
Still, I bleed in your presence, my tears
Are bleeding; don't staunch the flow.
You've tipped the waiter, now
I beg you, please, just go.
It was during that night, after dinner,
And tight on bottles of wine, your words
Hung sublime like crystalline birds.
And I, dazed from the sound as they passed,
Could only look at you through my glass
Held up to my gaze, and filled with wine,
And saw, with the passing of time how the
Candle's light imbued everything in a
red hue as I stared at you, intoxicated,
Till through my fingers, slipped, its descent
Lingered, the beat of my heart, hindered,
Shattered its perfection across the floor,
Just as my heart tore and came apart in a
Flood of wine: red as blood, painful to see,
As if my eyes had burst, but which would I
Notice first: the innocuous stench of sick,
Or the shards of glass' trick of the light.
Still, I bleed in your presence, my tears
Are bleeding; don't staunch the flow.
You've tipped the waiter, now
I beg you, please, just go.
Written by Jade-Pandora
(jade tiger)
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