Poetry competition CLOSED 15th May 2018 11:01am
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Reinventing & Editing

Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

Poetry Contest

An opportunity to see how much you have learned about writing, since you first posted on DU.

This competition applies to your own previously posted poems only!

Log on to your "Poems" page
click the ⏩
to the first page and pick one of your earliest writes.
Then reinvent and edit it, using some of the criteria below.

Edit some of the following.

1. Look at the punctuation and line breaks.
(Would this poem be better served with more / less puntuation? Do the line breaks make sense when you read it now?)

2. Look at the capitalization, does it indicate sentence structure? Would the poem bennfit from shorter / more structured sentences?

3. Word over use? Can you cut the word count down, in this piece? Is there unnecessary repetition or words just not needed?

4. Spelling, are there spelling edits that would enhance this piece?

5. Pictures : Does it have a picture that now seems obsolete? Or it doesn't have a picture and would bennefit from one?

6. Category : Was the category choice at the time a good one? Or does it need to be moved to a better choice?

7. Aesthetics - Can it look neater on the page? Can it be tidied up?

8. Assuming you've been here some time and there are new features on DU at this time (such as Author's note) can any of those be added now?

How to post

Each poet will have three posts in this competition. . .

1) Copy and Paste your original write. With the date it was originally posted (don't link at this point.)

2) Do all the reinventing and editing as per the list plus any others that your creativity finds. Then link the edited version as your second post.

3) Write a short post, explaining what you edited and why.

Note: If you link the first version, you need to rewrite the second so we can see both versions of the poem!


1. Obviously collaborations are not going to work here.

2. The objective is the end result, do we have better poetry eyes now?

3. This is for YOUR OWN old writes, from the first pages here.

4. You can add spoken word but it doesn't garner this a spoken word comp.

5.  All three posts need to be made, to be considered a legit entry!

6. You have 2 weeks, enjoy it.

7. There is only one winner here and no runner ups. The best reinvented and edited achievment wins.

Please note Rule updates...

* You can edit as many poems as you like during the 2 week period. Only poems that include all 3 posts will be judged.

** You can edit poems continually until the competition closes. I will only be awarding a winner after the competition closes (in 2 weeks) . Remember to update your "notes" post as you go.


Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 11th July 2015
Forum Posts: 130

Tryna figure it out.

Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

This is not eligible to win!
It is purely experimentation of the comp and having fun with it.

The original piece...

Ilse .

long scarlet locks pour over her shoulders
towards the wooden floor
and she drops her white tight satin;
leaving hungry eyes beholden
on-a flawlessly fashioned

elevated hands beg to be touched;
lips locked, embraced
in the revelation of

knotted limbs seize each other, ineptly
grasps get tighter
breathing leads the pulse
of the heart
steps get heavier
toes get sexier

her lips hold our mouths

we’ll dance this one-like
siamese twins, un-separated
to the last twirl
and whirl

a finger and
a breath
drops me

to the


Written by RevolutionAL (Alistair Plint)
Published 9th November 2012
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
likes 6 reading list entries 0 comments 10 reads 512

Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257


Wow that was quick!
Thank you!

You may need to rewrite completely tho.. I'm not sure that if you edit the edits don't change on the linked version as well?

Which is why copy + paste might be easier on the first post.

But awesome and thanks for getting involved!

Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 11th July 2015
Forum Posts: 130

I got all sorts of excited just seeing if improved and in what ways, love this comp. So I linked this one so my original can post intact. Do I post the edited one as well as the 3rd in the reply below the original? Still figuring out copy and paste. Brilliant Comp, Much Respect,

Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

SURVIVOR said:I got all sorts of excited just seeing if improved and in what ways, love this comp. So I linked this one so my original can post intact. Do I post the edited one as well as the 3rd in the reply below the original? Still figuring out copy and paste. Brilliant Comp, Much Respect,
awesome! Yes do it exactly that way, just post the new one and the reply 3rd! Will work great! Glad you like the idea!

Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 11th July 2015
Forum Posts: 130


Who is she? Who am I? Who are we?                                               We are the deepest,  purest form of insanity. We are an army of four + one.                          ICE runs in her veins, without mercy, this gatekeeper stands guard over all.                                   KAT, graceful, silently stalking guarded whispers,  she stands forever on guard.                               CHERRY are her cheeks,  ripe with curiosity and flirtation. Able to out drink man or beast. Forever standing guard.               SPOOK,  Forever a child, holds all our pain within, easy to spook, he forever stands guard.                                             SURVIVOR, our core, she's hauntingly, beautifully insane.        We are an army of four + one .       We are the damaged and shattered pieces. We have been known to accidentally scratch anyone getting to close.                                                 To survive, we've put our soul's upon the auction block. We are an army of four + one.        Our spirit,  the depraved heart  could not control nor contain. Our spirit, forever dancing in the shadows light.                          Our spirit forever battles on, courageously fighting,  forevermore.                                       We are an army of four + one...                  
Written by SURVIVOR
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1st of 3
Category~Self Poem

Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

Of Bedroom Love Tales .

Scarlet locks, pour over shoulders  
reaching the wooden floor  
She drops the  
white tight satin  
Leaving hungry eyes  
on a flawlessly fashioned  
Elevated hands  
beg to be touched  
Lips locked  
in the revelation of  
seventh heaven  
Knotted limbs  
seize each other  
Grasps get tighter  
Breathing leads the pulse  
Steps get heavier  
Her lips hold  
our mouths  
We’ll dance like  
siamese twins  
to the last  
twirl and whirl  
A breath  
drops me  
to the  
Written by RevolutionAL (Alistair Plint)
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Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

Scarlet locks pour over shoulders

-> word “long” seems obsolete. Cap the first letter indicating poem starts.
"Her".. Is it necessary?

reaching the wooden floor

→ reaching provides a more defined image.

she drops the white tight satin

-> and seems un needed.. Her changed to the… removed ; cap next sentence.

Leaving hungry eyes, beholden

A flawlessly fashioned
->added a , removed -

Elevated hands beg to be touched;
lips locked
in the revelation of
seventh heaven

-> Cap Embraced and cleaned line breaks.

Knotted limbs
seize each other
Grasps get tighter
Breathing leads the pulse
Steps get heavier
Toes get sexier

-> made setences shorter sharper breathless almost. Line breaks again we know the pulse is from the heart so totally obsolete. Toes getting sexy seems 5th grade.

Her lips hold our mouths

->fast was completely unnecessary! Incorporated in stanza above.

We’ll dance like
siamese twins
to the last
twirl and whirl

A finger

-> the finger seemed completely redundant.

A breath
drops me

to the


I added both tags and a Author's note as well as spaced my lines more clearly.

I also added a photograph to update the look and feel.

Much happier with this write now!

Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 11th July 2015
Forum Posts: 130

Thanks for the help while I'm at it things could get messy, trying my hardest to keep the threads clean. Much Respect,

Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

SURVIVOR said:Thanks for the help while I'm at it things could get messy, trying my hardest to keep the threads clean. Much Respect,

No probs! 👍

Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 11th July 2015
Forum Posts: 130

Category~Self Poem
2nd of 3 Entries
Edited and Revised

Four Plus One

Who is she
Who am I
Who are we

We are the deepest purest form of insanity
We are the army of four plus one

Winters bitter freeze flowing nourishment along her empty veins She is devoid of all emotional connection
ICE is the gatekeeper
Spring loaded
Raring to go
Standing guard over one and all

Sleek in felines grace
Her low rumble washing one and all in loves warm gentle glow
KAT is powerful and skillfully honed
Silently stalking guarded whispers
Standing guard over one and all

Cheeks blushed cherry in ripeness of curiosity
CHERRY can out drink or drug man or beast
Absortion is her strongest ability
A creation infused with the unbreakable bonds of loyalty
Will of iron
Deceptive is her appearance
Standing guard over one and all

lil SPOOK is our lone wolf
Intentions of his being ten foot tall
Stitched seams secretly bulletproof
Mothers chilling wrath gifted instead a brave keeper
He collects and stores all of our pain
Easily spooked
A determined lil boy
Standing guard over one and all

SURVIVOR is our core
The navigating force facing the world
She is hauntingly
Standing guard over one and all

We are the shattered fragments
To survive we placed our souls upon the auction blocks of hell

Our spirit can neither be controlled nor contained

Cleverly outfoxing the depraved
We fiercely guard our secretly hidden Vault of Self while courageously fighting survivals bloody battlefields

Dancing wild and free in the shadows of moonlight

We are the army of four plus one

Author's note~
Capitalized names displaying their individualities
The Squad

#identity  #strength

~final edit

Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 11th July 2015
Forum Posts: 130

3rd of required 3
Process of Editing

I updated the picture for clarity and impact, the original was too grainy lacked depth.

New in learning copy & paste, please hold giggles after all I think I'm old.
Doing what I was told not to I linked the original, in doing that I couldn't revise one without revising the original.
On paper I did the re-edit then submitted the 2nd.

Thinking of all the critique, removed all punctuation and rechecked spelling, hopefully creating a smoother flow for the reader. After one last critique I changed the plus sign to the word plus, agreeing with the critique it does create an even and smooth flow.
I replaced certain word choices and word placement again hopefully creating a deeper depth and a clearness easier for reader's to follow. Also changed one more word to grant power of ownership.

To all those who have advised me with critique, I hope I learned in your teachings. Your patience was greatly appreciated.

I also added tags and Author's note. Still happy with the Category~Self Poem

Al, this comp was not only fun but educational as well. Thank you for being an excellent host, definitely looking forward to your critique.

Good luck to all and by the way, I think I finally got copy and paste. Now y'all can giggle. Mad Respect,

Al, upon your critique, I changed shes to she is and above at the beginning the other change. I appreciate your critique and made these changes, once again thank you, RevolutionAl. Deepest of Respect,

~Final Edit

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257


Thank you for the detailed POV.

What lead me to this was very much how we forget our old writes almost leaving them to rot in the back of the database somewhere.

The guidelines on the edits are very much guidelines because our changes will allways be based on our own experience.
But the idea is to have fun with our old writes.

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