Poetry competition CLOSED 14th April 2018 3:58am
View Profile Poems by Lyrically_Inclined
RUNNER-UP: wallyroo92

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romance [33rd Co.]

Thought Provoker
Joined 31st Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 143

Poetry Contest

Share romantic poems.
"[Romance is] a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love. . . . love, especially when sentimental or idealized."- Google.

I might not consider poems without the theme #romantic. Poems will be commented on. If you want comments, then put your poem webpage's full url link (or just the 6 digits that are within that url) at the bottom of your posts.

Submit any poem, even if it was written beforehand, commented on by me or in a previous contest. submit 3 poems maximum, but no duplicate entries. Don't add or edit posts, after the contest has closed. Your poem can't solely be an image, audio, or video; but must have some accessible text that wholly represents it.

Also, you can post url links to other DUPoetry romance competitions.

Message me with any concern, including of integrity or of rule violations.

Here's some inspiration from last competition:

ClearmindedVillain said:Emergency Hall

Nobody would know what it is that you’ve been through.
Until expressed through the exhaustion of the day.
Compassion feels for efforts.
How could a human be so capable?
Driven by a heavy heart to care for those in need.
Determination became a good look.
Not just in sights but in the heating core throughout the body.
Who knew someone could have froze someone in the heat of a stressful day.
Frozen at the end of the hall.
Like the future the man awaits her arrival.

JusTim_ said:Take Me To A Place

Take me to a place  
where they're snowflakes in the air  
where we can snuggle by the fire  
and make worries disappear  
The music will be the backdrop  
as my eyes just speak to you  
true visions ever beautiful  
feelings proclaimed anew  
A gentle touch upon your cheek  
a kiss or two comply  
the heat more than the fire  
with time just floating by  
Take me to a place  
where I can see you bare  
romance strips the pretense  
removing all our fear

gifteth said:LOVE STORY

I hope to fly you so high
that the sky won't catch you
The highest form of my affection
Let my sweet words caress you
So I will see how deep you are
I promise to support you reach a greater height
and when I glance into your nature
I promise to see beyond physical pleasure
and hold you close, my treasure.
I promise to give you whats better than best
the best of my effort
I will make the moment we shared
seems like heaven or forever
Just let your love
be a constant dripplet on me
So that my heart might have enough of you.
What more can i say
-than I love you.

Here's more inspiration from last competition:

Whatever Time We Have by Jade-Pandora

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

Excitement :

All That Is In A Moment

Of Vibrational Embodiment ;

That Which Is Encapsulated In An Aroma

Of Sensual Memory , The Storytelling And

The Experience :

And I Am Excited By The Energy And Aura

Of You ;

All You , And You , Sensual Experience , And You ,

Experienced Through The Self Of You , You , As You ,

Beyond Of You , Within You , You As You , As You , You...

And Who You Are , In Our Relationship , Determines ,

That Which Is...As That Which You Are...As That Which

I Am...As That Which We Are , Together...Creates , Unto

Itself , The Flux Within The Unchanging , The Chaos Wheel

Of Infinite Permutation...

And This Is Our Relationship , Beyond Of Body , Beyond

Of Me , Beyond The Beyond , For Who Am I , Without You ?

And You ? The Mask Of You ,The You I Knew A Moment Ago

Is No More , Who Are You ?

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1408

i rise  

those minutest artefacts to each scents  
and trail of your magnifying vacuum
wafts around in a strange infusion through  
growing pores that hatches and gobbles  
them in a vital necessity  
It’s your eyes of melancholy  
that had set in fusion with such
phenotypical sparks of mine
that’s dying or perhaps pleading  
to be loved. an intermingled dying
those whispered good mornings  
are hard punched thickly smooches  
over my naked lips and eyes in  
pleasuring shivers of a deep  
kill-drill, and …if such fleshy lacerations touch our souls  
in mergence, am much predisposed to our mutual  
diminutive lustslaughters to lightly liberating layers  
and stardusts  
that enveloping ring of magnetic intimacy, as you
surround me from behind as an arc that’s delicate  
yet draws intense in an unsubdued craving, I know  
you know the nuanced geometries and sutras
your compounding termitic eyes had corroded  
my aroused bosom countless times, still it
cankerously mushrooms towards our  
sweating fertilities moistened inseparably
in anticipatively floating dreamy realities  
your lightning reflex in once plucking hard
my fingers away from steaming flows and  
that slightly hidden endtone of tucking them in  
you...say its not just humanity, resinous  
gums bud & bleed in me towards yours  
in the rising  
this manic soul  
as if in exaggerated extrapolations  
searches you. just you. from anything  
that's true that the truth appears within  
in visions, from gripping alchemies  
of love in devouted severities  
the way you left me....and still more  
that brusque landscapes in brutal silence
where you mangle me in teasers of pain, smells  
of love and it’s thrilling entanglement
the wait is forever. the kill the bleed the death  
yet in love  
i rise  
Written by summultima (uma)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878


I’ve been lost in the reverie of you for years,
There were times when I fused it with reality,
And in the middle of these two hemispheres,
You brought an ideal balance to my duality.
I’ve gone deep into the realm in your eyes,
Like the idyllic paradise of time and space,
Where the longing and yearning never dies,
But rises to the top whenever I see your face.
I’ve delved into the depths of your warm smile,
While my conscious stayed numb on the surface,
In teeming dreams of unseen schemes beguiled,
As if each and every one of them has a purpose.
I’ve been entranced in a daze of a wistful romance,
Longing with such an intense and silent devotion,
That the passion can trek across the great expanse,
And still only be but a tiny drop in the ocean.
I’ve been love-struck ever since the very beginning,
It’s hard to describe the emotion that I proclaim,
But I try my best to express the irresistible feeling,
Because you have me whenever you call my name.

Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540


Mysterious eyes as vibrant as the deep oceans,
Brilliant hair that outshines the sun;
Strong hands that are lethal with a blade,
Yet soft and gentle on my skin.
Tall and straight and full of pride,
His voice like music caressing my keen ears;
Incredibly fearless and full of wisdom,
It’s no wonder why I fell for him.
I surrender to this Godsend from above,
The very embodiment of true love;
My soul sparks to life in his presence,
In this cursed land he’s my piece of heaven.
I rise from the depths of the abyss,
To seek out the light that he emits;
I’m blind and scattered without his grip on me,
Warm seems the candle to one who has never felt the sun.
My heart, mind and soul belong to him,
I can’t imagine my life with anyone else;
He’s the one who makes my soul feel complete,
He’s my eternal light, always shining.
I surrender to this Godsend from above,
The very embodiment of true love;
My soul sparks to life in his presence,
Our bond grows stronger as I take in his essence.
Written by LunasChild8
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Caz Crown
Strange Creature
South Africa
Joined 5th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 1

Gothic Love

And silence takes over the room

Crippling hearts, preventing full bloom

The darkness of sorrow, puts lust in sight

Crimson within your neck, I turn to bite

Sinking deeper, liquid grief fills my mouth

To Hell's Kingdom , we journey down south

Hands intertwined, we make our way by candlelight

Together we bleed, there's no need to fright

Close your eyes, and let your heart accept this thorn

My gift to you, immortality is born

Beautiful disaster , with you I'll conquer this earth

In your dark eyes, I see my worth

So don't you go, I won't survive

I feed off you, that's how I thrive

Passion is deep, and this love eternal

I love you, with everything internal
Written by Cazcrown01 (Caz Crown)
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poet Anonymous

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Strange Creature
Joined 29th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 17

Related submission no longer exists.

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909

my tender roni

A new loving that lasts as a stone work of old
Singing energy twisting around our two spines
This unknown existence a swirl of spun gold
Joining hearts pumping to the center of time...

Solar bursting soul as a moon that does reflect
Oiliness of our gilded spirits in a twilight sleep
As your magic rite on my mind lest we neglect
Mental brush gentle enough to feel skin deep...

We can spin our light into a weave of the sun
Across our fevered dream as we so often flew
Raze of your inner court reveals the holy son
Drink the honey and wine on our cycled moon...

Summer flight of fancy on a pyramid of sound
We love sensual time and speak of one mind
Running to the top of a monolithic spellbound
Now our two points become one groovie line...
Written by runaway-mindtrain
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Lost Thinker
Joined 23rd Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 7



I picked your flower in the rain.
I worshipped each petal again and again.
Now entwined in our sheets,
Still steamed with heat.
You know I’ll guard your dreams when you sleep.
As shadow darken and echoes end,
My emotions love your sins.
And every night we let them in.
Come and bless my sins.
Then baby let me in.

Baby, I’ll feed your moods,
Let me taste your emotions.
I love drifting lost, in your smokey ocean.
I’ll be your essence.
The fragrance of your life.
I want to undress you and call you my wife.

Your lipstick smeared across my heart,
As we shower in the dark.
Soft water beads chase perfume pleads.
In loves mist I hold you tight,
as we work this scene deep into our dreams.
Our blossom blooms best at night.
We have an essence.
A fragrance, a spice.
Life will be wonderful when you are my wife.

I picked your petals in the rain,
and honored your essence again and again.
This spice you feed in my only need.
Our damp whispers awake the nite.
Still tangled in our sheets,
still soaked from our heat.
We colored this scene deep into our dreams.
As shadow darken and echoes end,
Your emotions love my sins.
Come and bless my sins.
Then baby let me in.

Written by jakyla
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Lost Thinker
Joined 23rd Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 7


JANUARY 23rd, 2016

Another brittle nite.
My angel whispers please.
The spice of your kiss warms my lips,
as we tease this lonely breeze.
I soothe your moans,
but we don't stop.
We measure love in precious drops.
In our desire soaked, little bed,
As we bleed this love we need.
You're the thief inside my mind.
You've come to steal all my time.
Nothing can hold us down.
My four letter words love your five dollar sounds.

A daydream delusion.
You are my all nite conclusion.
Baby I need your touch.
Come thief all my time.
When I close my eyes is when you taunt my mind.
As you thief through my dark.
You write upon my soul.
You're my thief in The Dark.
The one that stole my heart -soul.

Where is that brittle breeze?
Did it feel your whispered please?
Our fire rises and it can never fall.
I feel my heat seep through your walls.
We're a measured love.
Too precious drops.
I feel your moans,
your command 'don't stop'.
There's a thief inside your mind.
And I am here all your time.

That lonely breeze,
it watched, it stared.
Then told the world how much we care.
There's no shadows in our dark.
Just precious drops to fill our heart.
This brittle night?
That voyeur breeze?
They both held their breath, so we can breathe.
They feel the love that we've conceived.
This is The Love they can believe.
Written by jakyla
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Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 4th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 49

God’s Gift

I’ve never been flashy,
Or a narcissist.
I’ve never been greedy,
But if I had one wish,
I’d be God’s gift to you
Because I believe
In love that last an Eternity!
I’d be just the man you’ve been looking for.
I’d fulfill your dreams,
Plus so much more.
Exclusive devotion,
To you I’d give.
Allow me the chance
To show you what love is!
Most men want to be players,
But if they only knew,
True happiness comes from giving.
I want to be God’s Gift to you!
Written by Lyrically_Inclined
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Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 4th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 49

Your Essence

I can still smell your essence,  
Feel your presence,  
Taste your effervescent taste,  
on my face...
that makes me love,  
The way I love,    
When we make love!    
I want to feel that way again right now.    
I want to be totally enraptured
by the feeling,  
And capture the feeling,  
In something more than a memory.    
Something more like a state,  
Or a zone.  
Where I’m always at home    
In the constant rapture of love!  
Like us becoming one.  
In a continuous orgasmic flow.  
That never stops,  
Or drops off  
from climactic mountain tops!    
Like the precise point of conception,  
Of a love child,    
Which both of us wants, to share in.  
The beautiful creation of life.    
The ultimate gift.    
That point that sets your mind adrift.    
And your soul takes over.  
Your mind no longer has to think,  
You no longer have to know.    
All I want to do is lose myself in the moment.    
Lose myself, in your sweet essence.
Written by Lyrically_Inclined
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poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 4th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 49

Could This Be Destiny

I dreamt about you last night.
I wonder what that means...
Are we supposed to be together?
Are you the woman of my dreams?

How do you explain destiny?
Is it hard to figure out?
So many questions I need answered,
That love’s got me wondering about!

Maybe you can shed some light on me.
Help me find my way out of the dark.
I don’t know if you felt it,
But when we kissed I felt a spark!

I want to know what you’re feeling,
Deep, down inside.
Put your heart on the line
And let’s take love for a ride!
Written by Lyrically_Inclined
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