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Humanity: Good or Bad? Balanced, or Not?

Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 6th Oct 2017
Forum Posts: 215

What do you guys think about humanity... and human nature?
is it good ?
(for the better of all)
(corruptness & what not)

Is the "evils" & the "goods"
balanced in current society & people of all?


We live through our minds...
our own body,
therefore, it is only natural we think for ourselves
(no matter how many would deny, it is true)
it is our human, animal , natural instinct that we survive.

It is purely in other's points of view...

a limit...
of what's corrupt, and what's not?

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 113awards
Joined 28th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 333

One word: Flawed. Won't try to  comment how balanced I think it is because so much is hidden from view (sometimes suppressed by those with power to manipulate media) and can therefore skew the picture.

Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 6th Oct 2017
Forum Posts: 215

I see.. that does make alot of sense.
Thank you!

I was quite curious....

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14593

controlled, I'd say. what with everything and such. you may protest and deny, but its futile to do either. every thing has you. trafic lights only have to change colour ffs  ..money, stuff, more stuff

identity card, driving card, passport, trade card, bank card etc

not to mention tv , ok I'll mention it. ..tv.

work, tax, car, insurance, other stuff, even more stuff

Social media,

you feel how they want you to feel. well done everybody. they want you to feel proud.

humanity ha,  don't make me laugh. farmers destroyed humanity way back when the first farmers started farming

after that: pft the beckon hand of kings and queens, of Gods and rockstars, and footballers who cry when they lose

humanity was sold for lots of corn n shit.

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3005

lepperochan said:

humanity ha,  don't make me laugh. farmers destroyed humanity way back when the first farmers started farming

First there were the hunter gatherers, back in the day when all were nomads who evolved into farmers.  They realised they could farm right there on the land they stood on, and started building their little villages, where everyone lived in the same size hut.  There were no kings, rule, slavery etc, until they evolved some more, and the control freaks and bullies started to manifest and took farming to another level, introducing leaders and such.  They couldn't even read or write, but still managed to become a bunch of arseholes.
Farmers did destroy humanity, but most of humanity were farmers back then.

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 113awards
Joined 28th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 333

Magdalena said:

First there were the hunter gatherers, back in the day when all were nomads who evolved into farmers.  They realised they could farm right there on the land they stood on, and started building their little villages, where everyone lived in the same size hut.  There were no kings, rule, slavery etc, until they evolved some more, and the control freaks and bullies started to manifest and took farming to another level, introducing leaders and such.  They couldn't even read or write, but still managed to become a bunch of arseholes.
Farmers did destroy humanity, but most of humanity were farmers back then.

Or, to quote the succinct words of a past, left-wing, sociology teacher of mine, the inequalities started "as soon as there was a division of labour and an accumulation of wealth".

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 23rd Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 15

The concepts of "good" and "bad" do not technically exist. A politician may do something they view as being "good", while some citizens may view it as "bad". A person who wins the lottery may find the sudden influx of money to be good, but over time, that money may cause legal or personal problems. Good and bad are all about perception. Nothing is good or bad for everyone.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 6th Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 2395

SourMelon0313 said:What do you guys think about humanity... and human nature?
is it good ?
(for the better of all)
(corruptness & what not)

People do dumb things, make mistakes, and can easily justify doing bad things if it suits them...and when uninformed

.. an example of this is the following thing i read:  

"During the middle ages, disease and especially mental illness was seen from a religious perspective, with the devil being a major player. ...As such, metal illness did not exist. What existed was the devil working through individuals. (This view continued in Europe until the 1800s, especially among the less educated.)

One of the classic books in this genre was the Malleus Maleficarum (The Hammer of the Witches), published in the 1480s. This book was written by two German priests and approved by the pope. It went through a number of editions and became the handbook of the Inquisition. It explained how witches existed and flew through the air as well as how they should be tortured if they did not confess. In a "catch-22," the captured witches were tied to a device and lowered into cold water. If they floated, they were thought to be possessed by the devil and most likely then killed by hanging or fire. If they sank to the bottom and drowned then they were innocent

Although the writers of the time did not understand the nature of psychopathology, they did describe in some detail particular characteristics of different disorders including bipolar disorder, depression, and such psychotic processes as hallucinations and delusions."
- William J. Ray

..These people genuinely believed in the devil and thought they were doing the right thing by torturing and murdering individuals suffering from psychological disorders.. and at the time, it was probably considered good to do so.

The more we discover and the more informed people are, the better we will be at being good

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3005

Yeah, ignorance would be a key factor also.

Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 6th Oct 2017
Forum Posts: 215

lepperochan said:controlled, I'd say. what with everything and such. you may protest and deny, but its futile to do either. every thing has you. trafic lights only have to change colour ffs  ..money, stuff, more stuff

identity card, driving card, passport, trade card, bank card etc

not to mention tv , ok I'll mention it. ..tv.

work, tax, car, insurance, other stuff, even more stuff

Social media,

you feel how they want you to feel. well done everybody. they want you to feel proud.

humanity ha,  don't make me laugh. farmers destroyed humanity way back when the first farmers started farming

after that: pft the beckon hand of kings and queens, of Gods and rockstars, and footballers who cry when they lose

humanity was sold for lots of corn n shit.

Yes, I agree!
Because it is in our nature of greed...

Democracy supposedly meant for
"the people" to rule,
but in reality , I feel it is to contain from our own greed to overpower..
yet the riches possess such
meant for a "righteous" king to rule over for justice
yet soon generations evolve and become corrupt...

These words to  describe the human ...

Thank you for your deep response.

Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 6th Oct 2017
Forum Posts: 215

runeaxxe said:The concepts of "good" and "bad" do not technically exist. A politician may do something they view as being "good", while some citizens may view it as "bad". A person who wins the lottery may find the sudden influx of money to be good, but over time, that money may cause legal or personal problems. Good and bad are all about perception. Nothing is good or bad for everyone.

Hmm... it is interesting how you said that!
I was thinking the similar thing...

I was just curious of what others response would be..
to be open to others' views and understand thoughts  to develop my own..

I felt that it is only "self" that is in our nature..
We develop ways to please ourselves (weather others may call it good or bad, selfish or self-caring)

The outsiders then observe the actions of those people, then choose to call it good or bad..

Nature... hmm

Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 6th Oct 2017
Forum Posts: 215

I see... ignorance puts us at blank slate....
which allows us to act our nature "self"
to get rid of  fear from that ignorance... because "fear" is what worries us of our saftey
the Survival...

Forms of government used to contain those ignorant people to "lay low"
while the ones with knowledge...

choose either to do things that "helps" others
or much more for self... such as in power...

to live...

hmm.... intriguing! Thank you all for your wonderful responses!

Strange Creature
United Kingdom
Joined 23rd Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 15

I don't really buy into this moral relativism... that is, I believe 'good' and 'bad' (or preferably 'evil') are distinctly real, and not mere unfounded concepts as the social constructionists would have us believe.

The way I see it, humanity is made up of individuals, all individually capable for 'good' and 'evil'... not that there are 'evil people' and 'good people', rather, that this binary exists within all people, and that no one is above it. The question is how do we curtail the extremes of evil, and promote that which is good. I would say that the idea of 'Truth' is one way... that we should hold truth as the highest value, however, the kind of moral relativists who  deny the existence of good and evil, also therefor, deny the existence of truth too. It's an ideology of futility and nihilism.

I also find the idea that the development of agriculture was somehow the point at which humanity became capable of evil. This seems unfounded... where hunter gatherers not extremely violent towards other tribes (other groups of human beings), rapine and cannibalistic in many cases? The notion that agriculture correlated to increased proclivity to evil just seems untrue.

Yes, evil exists today, it exists within is all, no matter how much we may deny it.

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3005

Who mentioned that agriculture was the point that humanity became capable of evil?  My above post relates to the origin of kings and rule, control blah blah blah  

Strange Creature
United Kingdom
Joined 23rd Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 15

lepperochan said it...

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