Poetry competition CLOSED 26th January 2018 3:14am
RUNNERS-UP: Foxface and rockyriver

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When gods are human

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Can they be old or new writes?

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

No Hero

It was a hard pill to swallow
Because the truth hurts and
All I wanted to do was follow

In your footsteps. The sand
Was sinking me down
Until I could no longer stand.

I felt like I was going to drown,
But there was nothing I could do
To stop the whispers in this town.

Everybody was speculating and you
Were living up to the hype.
I was starting to feel like the new

Girl around these parts. I had to wipe
Away my tears before you saw
Me as weak. I was not your type

Of girl. I used to be in awe
Of you until I saw all of the ugliness.
You were no shiny medal. The flaw

In the both of us was heartless.
And the darkness of the situation
Was twirling off its axis.

Nothing was turning out to be certain
Like I thought it was going
To be. Nobody clearly won

This battle. It does have a lot of sting
Because you meant so much to me,
But we were both down to our last swing.

I could no longer let you see
Things from my perspective because
Everything had to stop and cease.

I paid no attention as each person’s jaws
Dropped to the floor because I never
Cared enough for their claws

To sink into us and pin me as the enabler.
Their golden and bad boy could
Never disappoint them. Your honor

Was never real. How I wish you would
Show the world who you really
Are and how the bad outshines the good.

People always viewed you as godly
And perfect. While I am just
An ordinary girl and I was barely

Hanging on as I was. I wanted to trust
You enough so you would never break
Me into pieces, but I was turning into dust.
Written by eswaller
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 577

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Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

No Longer the Golden Boy

Everyone admired and worshiped you
Like the Greek god they thought you were,
But nobody knew that there was something to

Be seen underneath. Within that sweet liqueur
You were something bitter and difficult to taste.
Someone who is phony, fake and a poseur.

Someone who preferred to live the fast paced
Type of life with the string of girls around
The block and the pain that can be chased

Away with everything else. Your crown
Was crooked and the truth is that that I no
Longer envied you or your power. Your frown

Masked by fake smiles and confidence. I know
It because I have seen it. People think that
You have it all together, but hitting every low

Is something they never see. You take a bat
To smash every piece of the broken mirror
Behind closed doors. They watch the “big cat”

Become a lost boy. Things that were clearer
And brighter looks so frightening in the dark.
I wish that I could have been closer and nearer

To you, but you pushed me away. You were a spark
And explosion, but in my mind you became someone
Forgettable. You were no longer my benchmark.
Written by eswaller
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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 31st Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 190

I should have known
But now you are running out of time
I thought you were here to save me
Changed my mind I’ll let you rot
Let you hang there on your own rope of lies
Twisted so tight around your slim little neck
Gasping for air begging me silently
Eyes filling and brimming with tears
One hand clutching at the rope that is so tight
The other reaching for me in a final plea
Watching your body go limp just like mine did
My weak heart stings give a slight twinge
As a walk away from the one and only hero
Well you were a hero to that little girl inside me
But she is dead now
You killed her with out mercy
Watched as she begged and cried
You stood high up on your pedestal and laughed
should have preserved what was innocent inside me
never should have looked up so high to that beauty
that warm glowing smile that make me feel whole
knowing where I came from was all that mattered
that woman that I had placed so high
gave her that place of honor so deep inside my heart
and now I stand and watch her die
no feeling of regret or sorrowjavascript:void(0)
feelings that she would have looked so down upon
then again I never made her happy
guess that’s why she is hanging on her rope of lies  

Lost Thinker
United States 7awards
Joined 2nd Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 35

Playing With Fire

He destroys everything in his wake
Not through the shattering of vases
Or the cracking of glass
But rather through blood and fear
Saturating the sound of his footsteps on the stairs
And spreading the ache of ice
Through my veins
"You need to realize, these problems follow you. It's your fault."

My cat hides when he sees him
Howls low and long
Just as I do when alone
He imprints his fists in the walls
And his spit on the sidewalk
Hopelessness wrenching sobs from my throat

"You aren't allowed to see your friends anymore. They're bad for you."

I learned the art of makeup
Just as I learned how silence would save me
But I never could just stand down  
His anger was like a fire
Spreading and growing, growing
A quiet destruction and violence ruling
His mind and actions

"You make me want to drink myself into a ditch."

Bitch, whore, cunt,
Traitor, liar, asylum patient,
I love you, I hate you,
You're just like your mom,
Crazy, insane,
Bipolar, BPD, anxiety, depression,
Diagnosing me with every mental illness
To escape the blame his own knuckles had

"You better not come back."

Walking on eggshells,
Perfect scores, perfect grades,
Skipping meals, always polite,
Helpful, obedient, sweet,
To never upset the volcano
That slept in the room across from mine
The man that everyone in town thought was kind and generous
Even as the icicles formed in my eyes
And flames lit in my lungs
"You're out of control."
Nailing my window shut,
Removing the hinges on my door
Hand gripping my hair and dragging me
Along the floor
Holding my face to the wall as melted ice leaked
From my eyelashes
Blood seeping from my bottom lip
Bruises as dark as the circles
Under my eyes
On my arms, throat, jaw, legs, ribs

"You're a liar."

Six, giving a squirrel peanuts, laughing together
Eight, Valentine's Day, handing me a teddy bear and smiling
Ten, me grinning at him with a mouth full of Chinese food
Thirteen, him telling me how proud he was of me
Fifteen, neverending jokes, laughing and poking fun
Sixteen, 2AM bonfires, talking, crying, hugging, forgiving

"You're worthless."

Four, he hit my mother and broke the glass table
Five, he was single and rarely sober
Seven, he was never around
Nine, he didn't talk to me for three weeks because he thought I snuck a cookie
Eleven, the bruises started and fear found a home in my heart
Fourteen, I began to fight back, putting pride over comfort
Sixteen and a half, he locked the door, letting me sleep on the sidewalk in the stains of my own blood
Seventeen, I escaped

"You're dead to me."

What most didn't realize, or ever could,
Was that the person I feared most, hated most,
Was also the only one I truly loved, my best friend
He was my hero
Yet the day he held me down and laughed at my helplessness,
My anger, my tears
I spit in his face as he did to concrete
I realized I was no longer the gasoline to his fire
But water, ice,
The extinguisher to his devastation
While being the arsonist to his rage

"You're not my daughter."
Written by Foxface (Aewyrn)
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Strange Creature
South Africa
Joined 8th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 8

I sat waiting for You

I sat waiting for you 
If I was a cow  
I'd be slaughtered by now  
My insides laying on a cold floor  
And where would you be?  
I sat waiting for you
Like a child left at school  
Could you be more cruel  
And Me making excuses  
Not wanting to know what's true  
I sat waiting for you
Inflicting my own pain  
It was easier burning myself again  
When will I ever learn  
To stop giving so much of myself
And getting so little in return

I keep forgetting you're a man not a god
Written by Miss_Swan
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Strange Creature
Joined 18th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 4

When You Make Humans Gods

I saw you hold a candle to your god and exclaim his imperfections
And in that moment I decided that I would forever follow you

I heard you say that the world wasn't broken, the people were
And in that moment I swore to help you right their wrongs

I felt your touch in every moment of my despair
As if you knew what kept me there

But then I saw you worshiping a doctrine I didn't know you subscribed
And in that moment I decided to find all you try to hide

But then I heard you say that people didn't need fixing, laws did
As if laws made morals and not the other way around

And then I knew why I felt your touch in every moment of despair
Because you knew exactly how to put me there

poet Anonymous

my vase shattered into tiny persona
non-grata specks ^ filling my body with its mix
n matched organs, though some would say,
our inner spaces never truly do reflect those
on the outside                  
how do I explain a heart beating within my
skull and a brain pulsing behind my breasts ?                
-transcending migrations through erotique
and emotional turmoil.. .                  
that night before, was the first and last time
he returned to ejaculate breaths and
devotional love inside me^ his eyes wrote a
million page story in a few hours compared
to our years spent

and I cant detach until every page is
painted, told then burnt by its riteful owner,                
but there were so many ways I had signified
how and why he was my womb, my place  
of birth                      
yet he still managed to let me down.. he still
found a way to let me know that i was never
good enough ^ but woman enough to suffer
with the apparition of all he was

my always and forever god plunged himself
onto a self-made bullet, and i found
myself kissing him where it hurts the most
..the metallic affection lingers inside me
still without note of closure

from that moment the world stood quiet..
my heart turned salt gravel
..leaving me goddamn spiritless
knowing i’ll never again tenderly submit myself
to another's sardonic light,


Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

Oh Mr King

Oh Mr King!
Mr Martin Luther King junior
You were a hero if mine
A man of truth and wisdom
A man of peace and integrity
A Reverend and a Doctor
The Rev. Martin Luther King M.D.
But still: A man of the people

Oh Mr King!
Why when communism was
Viewed as the enemy
Did you surround yourself
With communist activists
A political system famous
For being persecutors and
Killers of the religious

Oh Mr King!
Were you really a Reverend?
Were you really a Doctor?
Your Doctorate Thesis shows
45% of your first paper
And 21% of your second paper
Was plagiarised, copied, stolen
Counterfeit, fraudulent
Had it been anyone else their
Qualifications would have been rescinded
Yours were not - discuss

Oh Mr King!
Who could forget the
“I have a dream” speech
But who knew chunks of it
Were plagiarised, copied, stolen
Counterfeit, fraudulent
I don’t disagree with the speech
But I thought it was all your own
I thought it was inspired inspiration
I had a dream that you were above reproach
That dream was becoming a nightmare

Oh Mr King
What other dreams did you dream?
It seems some of them might have been wet
How many prostitutes did you hire?
How many affairs did you really have?
How many sex parties did you attend?
Where was you wife and children?
Where were you when your wife listened
To the FBI sex tape of you she was sent
What excuses did you give; if any?
Did you always promise not to do it again

Oh Mr King
Icon and civil rights campaigner
Advocate of non-violent struggle
Proponent of civil disobedience
Plagiariser, counterfeiter,
Not a Reverend, not a Doctor
A womaniser, a misogynist
A sexual predator
A poor excuse for a husband
A poor excuse for a father
A poor excuse to be my hero

Oh Mr King
You were just
A flawed
After all

poet Anonymous

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