Poetry competition CLOSED 31st December 2017 8:42am

Poem of the Month - January
Poetry Worm
Joined 1st Nov 2016
Forum Posts: 346
Poetry Worm
Thought Provoker
Forum Posts: 346
Poetry Contest Description
Nominate your favorite poem by a DUP artist for January recognition on DUP FaceBook.
Greetings, Fellow Poets! It's time for our "Poem of the Month" to be featured in the DUP 'Poem of the Month Hall of Fame' and on the official facebook page for January 2018.
You have three weeks to nominate no more than two of you favorite poems from another DUP poet!
Please note the following when making nominations:
1. Self nominations are not accepted. The great majority of the competitions here are about spotlighting one's own work on a particular topic or theme. This is a chance to nominate that poem that you wish you had written but some other great talent here beat you to it.
2. Please limit your nominations to TWO poems. You can nominate a single poem for two different poets; but the nomination maximum remains at TWO per nominee (no matter how many pseudonyms they have) The majority of competitions on DUP cap nominations at one or two poems so there's no need to go beyond that.
No DUPLICATES. If someone nominates the same poem the entry will be deleted. If you like it that much wait and vote for it!
Any genre except erotica or pornography. This is a Facebook feature and we must adhere to their guidelines.
Previous Poem of the Month Hall of Fame members CAN BE NOMINATED ... but a poet may only win once in the time period from November 2017 - December 2018.
Simply put: We want to see a cross section of writers acknowledged.
Any member who is banned or disables their account PRIOR to the win will be automatically disqualified.
Any nominated member who wishes to opt out of the competition may do so by messaging me ( Poem-Worm ). I will contact the person who nominated you and request an alternate nomination.
Nomination Duration is three weeks followed by a week of site voting!
Running list of winners:
November 2017 ... NAAJIR
December 2017 ... POETSPEAK
January 2018 ... LADY_OF_THE_QUILL
February 2018
March 2018
April 2018
May 2018
June 2018
July 2018
August 2018
September 2018
October 2018
November 2018
December 2018
... So, what have you read that's great!?
You have three weeks to nominate no more than two of you favorite poems from another DUP poet!
Please note the following when making nominations:
1. Self nominations are not accepted. The great majority of the competitions here are about spotlighting one's own work on a particular topic or theme. This is a chance to nominate that poem that you wish you had written but some other great talent here beat you to it.
2. Please limit your nominations to TWO poems. You can nominate a single poem for two different poets; but the nomination maximum remains at TWO per nominee (no matter how many pseudonyms they have) The majority of competitions on DUP cap nominations at one or two poems so there's no need to go beyond that.
No DUPLICATES. If someone nominates the same poem the entry will be deleted. If you like it that much wait and vote for it!
Any genre except erotica or pornography. This is a Facebook feature and we must adhere to their guidelines.
Previous Poem of the Month Hall of Fame members CAN BE NOMINATED ... but a poet may only win once in the time period from November 2017 - December 2018.
Simply put: We want to see a cross section of writers acknowledged.
Any member who is banned or disables their account PRIOR to the win will be automatically disqualified.
Any nominated member who wishes to opt out of the competition may do so by messaging me ( Poem-Worm ). I will contact the person who nominated you and request an alternate nomination.
Nomination Duration is three weeks followed by a week of site voting!
Running list of winners:
November 2017 ... NAAJIR
December 2017 ... POETSPEAK
January 2018 ... LADY_OF_THE_QUILL
February 2018
March 2018
April 2018
May 2018
June 2018
July 2018
August 2018
September 2018
October 2018
November 2018
December 2018
... So, what have you read that's great!?
Joined 6th Oct 2017
Forum Posts: 215
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 215
melchizedek's fireplace--=I
Orwellian manipulation of words and perception
Controls the greater mind through lightening dissension
Felling trees as falling knees on a lodestone of power
As we walk the timeless beach during the geo solar hour...
Through the proxy of God shines the cosmic mentor
As a flaming sword blocks the garden to enter
So a flaming spirit human conscious rendered
Sits the flaming orb Helio gravity centered...
A micro altar that will never die
The macro fire that will ever rise...
Burns the oil to the flame as a birthless pain
So the blood to the spirit is a deathless reign
Libations in blood turned the wine of atrocity
"From the dark of ignorance to the light of philosophy"...
In the sarcophagus of the soul
Sits our mind's ethereal mold
While seven planets to seven glands
Bring Chakra blooms to spinal lands...
The heart of seven parts in a vortex of time
Old work to clean the grit from the sanded mind
Spinal fire shooting down from the triangular room
Focal point now fixed with a mental zoom...
Newborn skull with open crown of the sky
Clairvoyant state the invisible worlds on high
Walapurgis night to bring a Goethe fright
Now chained a thousand years to Milton's false light...
Parsifal's magician in the garden of illusion
The castle of Klingsor in operatic conclusion
Judas the betrayer with backbiting sting
The scorpion player in a demonic scene....'>
Controls the greater mind through lightening dissension
Felling trees as falling knees on a lodestone of power
As we walk the timeless beach during the geo solar hour...
Through the proxy of God shines the cosmic mentor
As a flaming sword blocks the garden to enter
So a flaming spirit human conscious rendered
Sits the flaming orb Helio gravity centered...
A micro altar that will never die
The macro fire that will ever rise...
Burns the oil to the flame as a birthless pain
So the blood to the spirit is a deathless reign
Libations in blood turned the wine of atrocity
"From the dark of ignorance to the light of philosophy"...
In the sarcophagus of the soul
Sits our mind's ethereal mold
While seven planets to seven glands
Bring Chakra blooms to spinal lands...
The heart of seven parts in a vortex of time
Old work to clean the grit from the sanded mind
Spinal fire shooting down from the triangular room
Focal point now fixed with a mental zoom...
Newborn skull with open crown of the sky
Clairvoyant state the invisible worlds on high
Walapurgis night to bring a Goethe fright
Now chained a thousand years to Milton's false light...
Parsifal's magician in the garden of illusion
The castle of Klingsor in operatic conclusion
Judas the betrayer with backbiting sting
The scorpion player in a demonic scene....'>
Written by runaway-mindtrain
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Joined 6th Oct 2017
Forum Posts: 215
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 215
12/09/1980 - my 1st poem
"Aisumasen Renee"
I can’t believe
I trashed our friendship with my pen
Can you believe
Renee, Aisumasen?
How could I not know
You would be hurt, so shaken
How can I show
Renee, Aisumasen?
What now can I do
To hear you say, “You’re Forgiven”?
I’m such a fool
Renee, Aisumasen
What else can I do
To make us friends again?
What will we do
To make this loss a gain?
What should I have said?
You would not hear my words then
What I should have said
Renee, Aisumasen
What can I now say?
There is a word I have heard
This word I will say
Renee, Aisumasen
My first real poem, please read my comment below on its creation. I'm not looking for critcal reviews of this poem, it is not one of my best works, as likely no one elses first poem a masterpiece. The story behind the inspiration for it is more important than the actual poem, but what it was able to accomplish is what makes it the most important one I have ever written. The lesson I learned after writing “Aisumasen Renee” has guided every poem I have written since.
I had not been planning to post this on here. But after getting several comments and PM's about my poems being very personal and from the heart, I thought it might be a good idea, as it both saves a lot of explaining the same story over and over, and because I hope it helps to explain why I have continued to write poetry 37 years after and perhaps inspire others to reach deep down inside as often as possible. You never know when something you write may change your life.
I wrote Aisumasen Renee in the early morning hours after John Lennon was killed, during my
Senior year in high school. I had been up all that night after hearing about John’s death and decided there was no way I was going to school that morning. A couple of weeks before, just prior Thanksgiving break, I had done a terrible thing. There was a girl named Renee who was a sweet, innocent person that I had a huge crush on and wanted in the worst way to date.
I was in Electrical shop and Renee was in Cosmetology class across the hall. After finishing an exam early that day, I went to the back of the class and started writing a love letter to her. It started out very nice, but a few minutes later a couple of kids in class finished their exams and came over to see what I was up to. Well, as teenagers will do, they started teasing me and making suggestions as to what I should write in the letter. That was when all the trouble started.
I should have put the letter away and finished it at home, but peer pressure got the best of me and I wound up writing a dirty, nasty letter instead of the love letter I had intended to write. Whatever possessed me to give it to her after “we” were finished writing it is beyond my comprehension still. I gave it to a kid that was going to have his hair cut in the Cosmo class and he set it on her desk when she wasn’t looking. What happened next is painful and embarrassing to this day.
I could hear her crying from across the hall. Then I saw her walk past the classroom door into the office next door with tears running down her face. I’m not sure if I was more sorry for hurting her, or more afraid of what was about to happen to me. It’s awful to think I was worried about getting in trouble, but it’s the truth. Making her cry hurt me deeply, but the fear of the consequences was also very strong.
Then came the moment of truth I had to confess writing the letter. I had not signed it, with good reason, but I knew I would not get away with it, so there was no point in denying the inevitable. I went into the office, confessed and cried my eyes out. Renee wanted to know who had written the letter and she came to the door and saw me sitting there. She started crying again and ran away.
I felt like the lowest scum of the world and wanted to run away myself. Somehow I managed to avoid disciplinary action at school for it. Getting away with it was the worst thing that could’ve happened. All I could think about over the next few weeks was how I might apologize to her. Then came the night John Lennon was shot and I heard the song “Aisumasen”. It seemed like such a beautiful word and I knew immediately that it was the right one for me to let Renee know how I was feeling. I wrote the poem shortly after the song finished playing.
The next day I did not go to school because I was too upset and tired from having been up all night. I got up that afternoon and went to the mall to see if I could find a card that was appropriate for the poem. I found the perfect card with Snoopy apologizing. It just said “I’m Sorry” and that was all it had to say. Then as I was walking to the counter to pay for it, I saw this little statue of Snoopy crying and it also said, “I’m Sorry” on the base. I picked it up and got them both. After I wrote the poem in the card, I packaged them together in a box and mailed it to her. Renee forgave me and we became friends for a time after that. If I had not written that letter, I would never have started writing poetry. Still, I would rather not have written any of my poems if it meant I could go back in time and stop myself that day.
After she forgave me I came to realize how important that poem had been in the repenting process. I don’t know for sure how much of an impact it had on Renee’s forgiveness of me, but it most definitely affected me very deeply. Knowing that I could express my feelings to someone through a poem, and having my apology accepted, gave me a sincere respect for poetry. It wasn’t just an exercise in class anymore; it was a learning experience in life.
It was then that I decided I would continue to write poetry and only write it when my feelings inspired me to write. Poetry is not a game where practice makes perfect. I will not force poems out just to write something, even though all the books about how to write poetry tell you to write every day, as often as possible. To me, it seems false, like writing to please an audience rather than express what is in my heart. For me, that expression is the only reason to write poetry. jj
I can’t believe
I trashed our friendship with my pen
Can you believe
Renee, Aisumasen?
How could I not know
You would be hurt, so shaken
How can I show
Renee, Aisumasen?
What now can I do
To hear you say, “You’re Forgiven”?
I’m such a fool
Renee, Aisumasen
What else can I do
To make us friends again?
What will we do
To make this loss a gain?
What should I have said?
You would not hear my words then
What I should have said
Renee, Aisumasen
What can I now say?
There is a word I have heard
This word I will say
Renee, Aisumasen
My first real poem, please read my comment below on its creation. I'm not looking for critcal reviews of this poem, it is not one of my best works, as likely no one elses first poem a masterpiece. The story behind the inspiration for it is more important than the actual poem, but what it was able to accomplish is what makes it the most important one I have ever written. The lesson I learned after writing “Aisumasen Renee” has guided every poem I have written since.
I had not been planning to post this on here. But after getting several comments and PM's about my poems being very personal and from the heart, I thought it might be a good idea, as it both saves a lot of explaining the same story over and over, and because I hope it helps to explain why I have continued to write poetry 37 years after and perhaps inspire others to reach deep down inside as often as possible. You never know when something you write may change your life.
I wrote Aisumasen Renee in the early morning hours after John Lennon was killed, during my
Senior year in high school. I had been up all that night after hearing about John’s death and decided there was no way I was going to school that morning. A couple of weeks before, just prior Thanksgiving break, I had done a terrible thing. There was a girl named Renee who was a sweet, innocent person that I had a huge crush on and wanted in the worst way to date.
I was in Electrical shop and Renee was in Cosmetology class across the hall. After finishing an exam early that day, I went to the back of the class and started writing a love letter to her. It started out very nice, but a few minutes later a couple of kids in class finished their exams and came over to see what I was up to. Well, as teenagers will do, they started teasing me and making suggestions as to what I should write in the letter. That was when all the trouble started.
I should have put the letter away and finished it at home, but peer pressure got the best of me and I wound up writing a dirty, nasty letter instead of the love letter I had intended to write. Whatever possessed me to give it to her after “we” were finished writing it is beyond my comprehension still. I gave it to a kid that was going to have his hair cut in the Cosmo class and he set it on her desk when she wasn’t looking. What happened next is painful and embarrassing to this day.
I could hear her crying from across the hall. Then I saw her walk past the classroom door into the office next door with tears running down her face. I’m not sure if I was more sorry for hurting her, or more afraid of what was about to happen to me. It’s awful to think I was worried about getting in trouble, but it’s the truth. Making her cry hurt me deeply, but the fear of the consequences was also very strong.
Then came the moment of truth I had to confess writing the letter. I had not signed it, with good reason, but I knew I would not get away with it, so there was no point in denying the inevitable. I went into the office, confessed and cried my eyes out. Renee wanted to know who had written the letter and she came to the door and saw me sitting there. She started crying again and ran away.
I felt like the lowest scum of the world and wanted to run away myself. Somehow I managed to avoid disciplinary action at school for it. Getting away with it was the worst thing that could’ve happened. All I could think about over the next few weeks was how I might apologize to her. Then came the night John Lennon was shot and I heard the song “Aisumasen”. It seemed like such a beautiful word and I knew immediately that it was the right one for me to let Renee know how I was feeling. I wrote the poem shortly after the song finished playing.
The next day I did not go to school because I was too upset and tired from having been up all night. I got up that afternoon and went to the mall to see if I could find a card that was appropriate for the poem. I found the perfect card with Snoopy apologizing. It just said “I’m Sorry” and that was all it had to say. Then as I was walking to the counter to pay for it, I saw this little statue of Snoopy crying and it also said, “I’m Sorry” on the base. I picked it up and got them both. After I wrote the poem in the card, I packaged them together in a box and mailed it to her. Renee forgave me and we became friends for a time after that. If I had not written that letter, I would never have started writing poetry. Still, I would rather not have written any of my poems if it meant I could go back in time and stop myself that day.
After she forgave me I came to realize how important that poem had been in the repenting process. I don’t know for sure how much of an impact it had on Renee’s forgiveness of me, but it most definitely affected me very deeply. Knowing that I could express my feelings to someone through a poem, and having my apology accepted, gave me a sincere respect for poetry. It wasn’t just an exercise in class anymore; it was a learning experience in life.
It was then that I decided I would continue to write poetry and only write it when my feelings inspired me to write. Poetry is not a game where practice makes perfect. I will not force poems out just to write something, even though all the books about how to write poetry tell you to write every day, as often as possible. To me, it seems false, like writing to please an audience rather than express what is in my heart. For me, that expression is the only reason to write poetry. jj
Written by Poetryman
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Starving demons
Joined 6th July 2017
Forum Posts: 75
Starving demons
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 75
She Wears Her Black Wings With Pride
She wears her black wings with pride
Where once they were a brilliant white
Now they are dark as night.
She has traveled the mortal realm
Helping men, women and children
Anyway she can.
This world being so dark and twisted
Her wings began to tarnish
She doesn't want her white wings back.
She wears her black wings
As a four star general would
They are a badge of honor.
She has fought humanties wars
For centuries untold
At one time an innocent.
Now she is a warrior
Who will take down any opponent
She has transformed, she is magnificent.
She wears her black wings with pride
They show she is alive
That she has persisted through the war.
Her black wings her medals
Nothing can harm her
Not any little devil.
So take a good look at this angel
And remember those black wings
Mean danger.
Written by crimsin (Unveiling)
Published 5th February 2011
Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1470
We all deal
with your curb appeal
& oatmeal grade ideals
Invariable, partitioned
stand shotgun
as if picket fence
would deter wolves
Status quo
doughy showings
Whitewashed wonderbread
vanilla memos
get yeasty
& overblown
go update your status
with another pasty quote
with willow bough
to curl with the goats
Admitting acquiescence;
And never...
the boat
with your curb appeal
& oatmeal grade ideals
Invariable, partitioned
stand shotgun
as if picket fence
would deter wolves
Status quo
doughy showings
Whitewashed wonderbread
vanilla memos
get yeasty
& overblown
go update your status
with another pasty quote
with willow bough
to curl with the goats
Admitting acquiescence;
And never...
the boat
Written by AtoMikbomb
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Poetry Worm
Joined 1st Nov 2016
Forum Posts: 346
Poetry Worm
Thought Provoker
Forum Posts: 346
Dig out a great poem to share with us, and warm our souls ...
Dig out a great poem to share with us, and warm our souls ...
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5405
#relationshipgoals & Say Goodbye To These - Live 16.08.17
And then she woke up
Head filled with thunder
Heart split a sunder
Prey to the hunter
And she wonders
Why she's here again
He got into her head again
Words are so sweet
Until the sentences end
She knows what this is
But she likes to pretend
That one day
He'll stay
And he'll say
That he loves her
Without a slur
And he'll mean every word
But those words
Will never be heard
And the longer it lasts
The more it chips away at her
Self confidence
And the moment he left
Felt like a bullet to her chest
He left just like all the rest
I said it's probably for the best
I said
Fuck it!
We have to cut
Those emotional ties
In order to survive
And once again
To actually feel alive
Sometimes we need to take
Solace in solitude
And know
This road
We roam
Is long
But you'll make your own home
Yes you'll finally be strong
On your own
But my words
As always
Fell upon her deaf ears
As she wiped away
An ocean of fresh tears
She professed to me all of her fears
She didn't think
She could live here life
Without a him
Right by her side
Defined by a love
That she couldn't find
So she makes another mistake
And lets another man take
What he wants from her
And leaves her a little bit more broken
And that remains
To this day
Even if it goes unspoken
And the next man comes along
She thinks this really could be the one
She becomes consumed by his love
She can't imagine
Another man's touch
And as two became one
The loneliness seemed to subside
The emptiness inside
Was no longer a place
Where her heart would reside
She loved him so much
But that only made him complacent
The corner stones of an abusive relationship
She flat out refused
To acknowledge any of his lies
He could do nothing wrong
In her love stained eyes
He cheats on her multiple times
Because she always just lets that shit slide
Deep down it eats away at her
But it's better than being
Alone in this life
And then one night
She finally decided enough was enough
She said fuck this life
It's way too tough
I've given up on fate
No longer believe in love
I no longer believe
In that emotional connection
Eyedea was right
It's little more
Than a chemical reaction
So she closed her eyes
And fell into the night
Let the darkness overtake her
And said goodbye to this life
And as the darkness got darker
She thought about her mother
Would she wonder
What pushed her daughter
To the edge
And then nothing
And then silence
And then nothing
And then peace
And then she woke up
Head filled with thunder
And she started to wonder
Why she could see the sun rise
It hurt her eyes
But it made her realise
Life is probably worth living
It's not a precursor to her suicide
And that was the day
When she finally decided to let go
She said
How can I expect anyone to love me
If I can't even love myself, ya know?
She said
I don't need a player 2 in my life
I'll brave through this dark
And I'll find my own light
It took me some time
But I think I'll be alright
Plus you were right
I massively need to change my taste in men
She said I've come to realise
That sometimes
We have to cut
Those emotional ties
In order to survive
And once again
To actually feel alive
Sometimes we need to take
Solace in solitude
And know
This road
We roam
Is long
But I'll make my own home
Yes I'll finally be strong
On my own
She said
We have to cut
Those emotional ties
In order to survive
And once again
To actually feel alive
Sometimes we need to take
Solace in solitude
And I was like
wait wait wait wait wait
Those were the exact words
That I said to you
And that my little ginger haired friend
Is called plagiarism
And that ain't cool
That ain't cool
At all
Say Goodbye To These
We've got this cat named kitty
And she doesn't care too much for me
Even though I talk to her in Dothraki
And do the things you do
To try and keep a cat healthy
I give her eats
And I buy her treats
And don't go mad when she shits
All over my sheets
And when she tries to kill me
by tripping up my feets
I'm still like
Awwwwww you so sweet
And she looks at me like
Who the fuck are you
Don't you fucking look at me
Now where the fuck is my food
Go to the fridge
Get the pouch
Then deliver food to mouth
And then fuck you I'm out
Imma go and hunt this mouse
And she kinda looks like toothless From how to train your dragon
Sad eyes
That hide
In a little ball of fluff
But she'll rip the shit out of your posters
If you don't give her any attention
Then just like P.O.S
She'll be like fuck your stuff
But I love the shit out of that little kitty
Even though she clearly
Prefers my housemates to me
And although she'll never invite me
to one of her cat parties
At least she's not a fucking dog
And then she woke up
Head filled with thunder
Heart split a sunder
Prey to the hunter
And she wonders
Why she's here again
He got into her head again
Words are so sweet
Until the sentences end
She knows what this is
But she likes to pretend
That one day
He'll stay
And he'll say
That he loves her
Without a slur
And he'll mean every word
But those words
Will never be heard
And the longer it lasts
The more it chips away at her
Self confidence
And the moment he left
Felt like a bullet to her chest
He left just like all the rest
I said it's probably for the best
I said
Fuck it!
We have to cut
Those emotional ties
In order to survive
And once again
To actually feel alive
Sometimes we need to take
Solace in solitude
And know
This road
We roam
Is long
But you'll make your own home
Yes you'll finally be strong
On your own
But my words
As always
Fell upon her deaf ears
As she wiped away
An ocean of fresh tears
She professed to me all of her fears
She didn't think
She could live here life
Without a him
Right by her side
Defined by a love
That she couldn't find
So she makes another mistake
And lets another man take
What he wants from her
And leaves her a little bit more broken
And that remains
To this day
Even if it goes unspoken
And the next man comes along
She thinks this really could be the one
She becomes consumed by his love
She can't imagine
Another man's touch
And as two became one
The loneliness seemed to subside
The emptiness inside
Was no longer a place
Where her heart would reside
She loved him so much
But that only made him complacent
The corner stones of an abusive relationship
She flat out refused
To acknowledge any of his lies
He could do nothing wrong
In her love stained eyes
He cheats on her multiple times
Because she always just lets that shit slide
Deep down it eats away at her
But it's better than being
Alone in this life
And then one night
She finally decided enough was enough
She said fuck this life
It's way too tough
I've given up on fate
No longer believe in love
I no longer believe
In that emotional connection
Eyedea was right
It's little more
Than a chemical reaction
So she closed her eyes
And fell into the night
Let the darkness overtake her
And said goodbye to this life
And as the darkness got darker
She thought about her mother
Would she wonder
What pushed her daughter
To the edge
And then nothing
And then silence
And then nothing
And then peace
And then she woke up
Head filled with thunder
And she started to wonder
Why she could see the sun rise
It hurt her eyes
But it made her realise
Life is probably worth living
It's not a precursor to her suicide
And that was the day
When she finally decided to let go
She said
How can I expect anyone to love me
If I can't even love myself, ya know?
She said
I don't need a player 2 in my life
I'll brave through this dark
And I'll find my own light
It took me some time
But I think I'll be alright
Plus you were right
I massively need to change my taste in men
She said I've come to realise
That sometimes
We have to cut
Those emotional ties
In order to survive
And once again
To actually feel alive
Sometimes we need to take
Solace in solitude
And know
This road
We roam
Is long
But I'll make my own home
Yes I'll finally be strong
On my own
She said
We have to cut
Those emotional ties
In order to survive
And once again
To actually feel alive
Sometimes we need to take
Solace in solitude
And I was like
wait wait wait wait wait
Those were the exact words
That I said to you
And that my little ginger haired friend
Is called plagiarism
And that ain't cool
That ain't cool
At all
Say Goodbye To These
We've got this cat named kitty
And she doesn't care too much for me
Even though I talk to her in Dothraki
And do the things you do
To try and keep a cat healthy
I give her eats
And I buy her treats
And don't go mad when she shits
All over my sheets
And when she tries to kill me
by tripping up my feets
I'm still like
Awwwwww you so sweet
And she looks at me like
Who the fuck are you
Don't you fucking look at me
Now where the fuck is my food
Go to the fridge
Get the pouch
Then deliver food to mouth
And then fuck you I'm out
Imma go and hunt this mouse
And she kinda looks like toothless From how to train your dragon
Sad eyes
That hide
In a little ball of fluff
But she'll rip the shit out of your posters
If you don't give her any attention
Then just like P.O.S
She'll be like fuck your stuff
But I love the shit out of that little kitty
Even though she clearly
Prefers my housemates to me
And although she'll never invite me
to one of her cat parties
At least she's not a fucking dog
Written by Bridge818
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Poetry Worm
Joined 1st Nov 2016
Forum Posts: 346
Poetry Worm
Thought Provoker
Forum Posts: 346
Such is the life of a poet ...
... take time to nominate the work of a DUP poet whose work made you feel this way!
Such is the life of a poet ...
... take time to nominate the work of a DUP poet whose work made you feel this way!

Related submission no longer exists.
Forum Posts: 577
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 577
I rip
from abreast
this heart
from my chest
splatter neatly
upon my
dinner table
and sensing
on a platter
left alone to
bite off
some sorrow
chew up
your ventricles
let the teeth
of your thoughts
gulp down
some refreshing
ethereal air
taste the
bitter upon
your tongue
languid moods
still linger
hollowed out
in brevity
as bones
can show
Written by nightbirdblue
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Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1873
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 3304
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 3304
crosswords crumbling crucifix
Christmas caught me
like a rusty wire coat hanger
across the back
of my naked legs
friends i'd made
forgot to phone
fuck me in the end
i can get in trouble all on my own thank you
coughing up
chicken noodle soup chunks
their white chalk
drew my outline
on sewage pavement
in the gutter of night
i'd buy more
into your words
if it brought me closer to your god
like a rusty wire coat hanger
across the back
of my naked legs
friends i'd made
forgot to phone
fuck me in the end
i can get in trouble all on my own thank you
coughing up
chicken noodle soup chunks
their white chalk
drew my outline
on sewage pavement
in the gutter of night
i'd buy more
into your words
if it brought me closer to your god
Written by samael
(Zaroff poetry)
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Forum Posts: 577
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 577
She Was (Nothing) But A Poem..
She began as a coin dropped
in a wishing well by a hopeful man,
his heart aflame for what he
couldn’t touch,
swirling in currents
he could hardly understand,
and she, a waif, beginning
only upon his desirous pleas,
that, so alive, she had never wanted
this to be.
So she was summoned from
the depths, blue and dark,
where unknowns lay like
dormant plants in root form.
Her spring wore Narcissi
in bloom along her frail wrists ---
Her frame was breakable but
her heart wasn’t for it was
wrought from stone,
deep within the earths plunderings
when man found her.
In man’s dreams she arose
ethereal and light with transparency.
Her light blues wore white in her
nonexistent glory as she
grew wings slowly,
one vein at a time.
What flowed was substance never
created by any God ---
Oh, man, I cannot know your
meanderings but to not know
whom I really am.
Poetically she smiled,
erupting lavender musings
that became visions of a future ---
Man so led the little girl
into her pastels of mint green
and innocent pinks and corals;
how his thoughts tainted her
yet she remained pure,
here in his covetings;
in the crystalline capsule
of his mind.
By night she wandered
the barren folds of expectations
and a worlds language
while he slept,
writing her own journey
while his pen lay still.
She searched far and wide for
a way to be understood,
but she then returned to her
cocoon in waiting for the man
to evoke her.
She had no identity to show,
no self to lay claim to, she was
in theory, his alone.
How she wanted, in this way
to be owned by him, for him
to grasp her heart as it beat,
to a God-source unfounded
by anything real.
Oh, man, give birth to me
for my wings grow heavy,
within, set me free,
for I shall always return to you
in winters and springs sleeping
among the growing things.
You will only know me
to flutter your heart
and soften the stings
of the worlds cruelties,
of people and their follies,
and I will alight you as you sleep
so within will you know me,
as so without will you write of me.
It was in these moments she
was born in the man’s tales,
a pastel rainbow from a well
of unknowns and intangibles.
How she molded herself to him
and became his hearts desire.
Yet, she was but a poem;
a plot conspired in
lucid dreams and sunlit instants
of this emerging centerpiece --
To write of her is to love her.
How the man craved her
illusive revelations of
himself in her;
how this was how he wanted to
love her ---
Passionately, fervently,
and in every word he could find.
But the words were never
quite enough to form her completely;
her gauzy presence eluded him.
Her white face was but a
ghastly apparition of
himself fading, aging.
And as the little girl grew
and became wise,
she surrounded him in
dissolution and disenchantment.
Her wisdom was of the ages as
her eyes became hollow, dark and empty
as the wordless peace
was a blizzard of cold reconnaisance
falling on a frozen landscape of
the man’s hidden potential.
And under it lay her,
unborn and unfound and unformed ---
Encased in crystal pools in his mind.
And in the deep well where
fluidity is constant,
so do man’s covetings dwell ---
So does the man ever return
to where gravitates
all unanswerable wishes,
all the Worlds loose change.
As he gazed into the wishing well,
the countless pennies
became his tears.
in a wishing well by a hopeful man,
his heart aflame for what he
couldn’t touch,
swirling in currents
he could hardly understand,
and she, a waif, beginning
only upon his desirous pleas,
that, so alive, she had never wanted
this to be.
So she was summoned from
the depths, blue and dark,
where unknowns lay like
dormant plants in root form.
Her spring wore Narcissi
in bloom along her frail wrists ---
Her frame was breakable but
her heart wasn’t for it was
wrought from stone,
deep within the earths plunderings
when man found her.
In man’s dreams she arose
ethereal and light with transparency.
Her light blues wore white in her
nonexistent glory as she
grew wings slowly,
one vein at a time.
What flowed was substance never
created by any God ---
Oh, man, I cannot know your
meanderings but to not know
whom I really am.
Poetically she smiled,
erupting lavender musings
that became visions of a future ---
Man so led the little girl
into her pastels of mint green
and innocent pinks and corals;
how his thoughts tainted her
yet she remained pure,
here in his covetings;
in the crystalline capsule
of his mind.
By night she wandered
the barren folds of expectations
and a worlds language
while he slept,
writing her own journey
while his pen lay still.
She searched far and wide for
a way to be understood,
but she then returned to her
cocoon in waiting for the man
to evoke her.
She had no identity to show,
no self to lay claim to, she was
in theory, his alone.
How she wanted, in this way
to be owned by him, for him
to grasp her heart as it beat,
to a God-source unfounded
by anything real.
Oh, man, give birth to me
for my wings grow heavy,
within, set me free,
for I shall always return to you
in winters and springs sleeping
among the growing things.
You will only know me
to flutter your heart
and soften the stings
of the worlds cruelties,
of people and their follies,
and I will alight you as you sleep
so within will you know me,
as so without will you write of me.
It was in these moments she
was born in the man’s tales,
a pastel rainbow from a well
of unknowns and intangibles.
How she molded herself to him
and became his hearts desire.
Yet, she was but a poem;
a plot conspired in
lucid dreams and sunlit instants
of this emerging centerpiece --
To write of her is to love her.
How the man craved her
illusive revelations of
himself in her;
how this was how he wanted to
love her ---
Passionately, fervently,
and in every word he could find.
But the words were never
quite enough to form her completely;
her gauzy presence eluded him.
Her white face was but a
ghastly apparition of
himself fading, aging.
And as the little girl grew
and became wise,
she surrounded him in
dissolution and disenchantment.
Her wisdom was of the ages as
her eyes became hollow, dark and empty
as the wordless peace
was a blizzard of cold reconnaisance
falling on a frozen landscape of
the man’s hidden potential.
And under it lay her,
unborn and unfound and unformed ---
Encased in crystal pools in his mind.
And in the deep well where
fluidity is constant,
so do man’s covetings dwell ---
So does the man ever return
to where gravitates
all unanswerable wishes,
all the Worlds loose change.
As he gazed into the wishing well,
the countless pennies
became his tears.
Written by PoetsRevenge
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