Poetry competition CLOSED 26th November 2017 10:41pm
RUNNER-UP: okanna93


Ex     [women`s comp]

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

the Positive effect after a difficult break-up

unLimited Entries
Old Writes Welcomed
One (1) Week to Enter

poet Anonymous


I cut off my hair.
Stitched the wounds around my heart.
Bought a new dress.
Bought a new purse.
Bought a new pair of shoes.
Bought a new shade of lipstick.
Paid generously for a manicure and a pedicure.
Said a prayer to forgive all my sins,
then after, cursed you with "the best of luck".

Just because you broke my heart
doesn't mean
you're going to break. . .me.

*a previously deleted poem*

poet Anonymous

Related submission no longer exists.

Ground Zero

And sometimes  
we begin to love  
what is killing us  
and scars that remain  
burn a little harder  
from under the skin  
earthing our bodies  
to the real  
never the same  
as before  
they come to teach us  
the meaning of breathing  
because death  
has loved us for so long  
we have become blinded  
by the secrets  
and I know you’re thinking  
that I’m another one  
of these women  
hell-bent on telling you  
that has let me down  
and saved me  
but this is nothing more  
than a message  
a message to you  
on the bathroom floor  
with your imagination  
crossing that line  
setting fire to it  
fanning the flames  
and reading futures  
with the ash  
clutching on  
to the unimaginable  
longer than the dream  
because the guilt  
of letting it go  
was more to bare  
than the lesson  
I need to tell you  
what can be learned  
from the floor  
when your knees are silent  
pressed to the cold, hard steel  
of the horizontal  
when you cannot fall further  
than Hell is pushing you  
when the bottle is empty  
when the razors are blunt  
when you wipe strange powder  
from the edge of the bath  
and there is nothing  
but the emptiness  
both inside  
and out  
My girl,  
allow me to tell you  
that you are worth  
that no man has the right  
to stamp on your heart  
and then decide  
how much it should hurt,  
that no wound is too deep  
to heal with the salve of time  
that no ground zero  
is ever enough to contain  
the phoenix of your spirit  
because bones will ascend  
dust will dissipate  
you will rise again.

Astral Gift
Thought Provoker
Greece 5awards
Joined 8th June 2015
Forum Posts: 275

the today of yesterday

I guess..
I just thought I was
somebody else
Dailly illusions of my ego by the persona
Tired of today's wrestle
that's same as yesterday's
Nourishing a memory of a prophetic dream

Alternative colors
One single shade
Castrated mind in avoidance of regress
Ornaments and gems adorned
in complex
my complexity

An endeavor to control a conflagration
of guilt
and apparent cowardice
with me to be the fireman and resurgence at once
And right about I was saying..
..it's over...
bitter tears become alcohol
the fire rises up

Arson and sacrifice
weaknesses of soul as the source of burn
I am the son of rage
and wrath's co ancestor
A drop dead lie
half naked truth

An empty field of consciousness that overflows words
inside a hole of mud..
....'You thought the scenario was actually your life
Not even worthy to unloose the shoe's latchet of a stuntman'

Upon the scene of the theater my curtains long to fall
into a minority of those
living their own role


Written by personanongrata (Astral Gift)
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Astral Gift
Thought Provoker
Greece 5awards
Joined 8th June 2015
Forum Posts: 275

wtfegoshit realization of stupidity

     the first touch:
How can you say I hate you
I adore  your total being
Against the human nature
Against all things I'm seeing

 early realization:
But you are another ego shit
I won't put up too long
I'll find out my emotions
and turn them in a song

 the why
The bad thing with empathy
is you'd like to help them all
Or is the opinions
of others I work for??

  the synchronicity
Call it help from the 'above..'
or say it's a strange sync
But you gave me the perfect time
exactly what I had in need

  the fucking trap
I asked for you before we met
you were sent to me
The balance of the universe,
though, has to take and give
I gave you all my energy
I felt the miles melt
Another weird illusion
I felt my ego dead
But, no! He was arising
disguised in endless love
To feed my insecurity
to be my mental throne
But I'm not a fucking queen
nor I want to be
I want to align with my true self
and stand on my own feet
So you 're my lesson's deadline
I always postpone
I can't continue living
where consciously I don't belong

So what did I find to justify the freaking bond
or keep it this way?
I labeled my weakness a term of connection
It was only a delay.

  the lesson
You pointed my wounds
and where I need to grow
But babe you aren't ready
your frequency is too low

Written by personanongrata (Astral Gift)
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Astral Gift
Thought Provoker
Greece 5awards
Joined 8th June 2015
Forum Posts: 275

separation of a vampire love

You make me sick
I'll tell my pain to no one
I know I'm not the only one
Let me quit.
Your energy's damaging my soul
You call it love,
I wouldn't know
It's like a vampire feeding call
My mind dictates to go away
my heart is going crazy..
they both say I'm lazy
or needed here to stay
Suffering echoes loudly
exhausting phase
Talking of disgrace
I ache in the crowd
You make me sick
Do you even know what love is?
You're just as fake as your lying is
You want me weak
Where is my dysfunction?
I asked of everything but never too much
I let my feelings take in charge
with no satisfation
The shame of nothingness
of my loneliness' nest,
like knife on my chest,
are the inexistent faces
Those who may care
and truly embrace
with a slight smile on their face
a piece of advice to be shared
No one yet
Wait in patience
There've been less
Time to revert
Fighting fear
being a loser
or fucking abuser
the end is near
Oh vampire love
don't ever return ..
A mutual bet
Sadistic love
Roses by the fishing line
my blood on their thorns
whispers of my gods
Reset of conscious mind
Written by personanongrata (Astral Gift)
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Astral Gift
Thought Provoker
Greece 5awards
Joined 8th June 2015
Forum Posts: 275

my star of everything

I'm not sure what I wanna write anymore  
Each inner dialogue alters my will  
So there's a canyon in front and a gorge right behind.  
I'm gonna stick for a while to decide  
I'm almost certain this is a delusion too  
but if you're my soul, you must be in pain too  
It's freaking rediculous how much I miss my heart  
The pieces that complete her  
that activate her
that make her strong  
Those that sung the lyrics of grace  
Licking our wounds through a scary night in a hunger game  
A discuss with a figure of sceptic discoveries..  
Balance invited herself as a priestess of Trueness  
clamoring there is no truth  
A second is for ever  
The future has already passed  
Universes are swirling in a homogeneous Mind  
like  electrons around their nucleus  
And what feels right...what feels pure..  
Don't confine it  
Disperse it  
The law of our attraction has strange legislation...  
I tried so hard that only my abdication is left  
We are compelled to be as if all were real  
But nothing is real except ALL  
With or without you  
I put no will on what I want  
Your angel eyes  
Your rainbow love..  
the things and words undone untold..  
I put no will  
I try no more  
The path in question is walked by the Soul  
What is unwritten may rise or may fall  
"My star of everything"..  
Your words that I won't forget  
That smile that blurred my world  
That love is now drop dead  
I kiss her on the lips  
I stroke her ideas  
True love shall never end  
but yet, nothing is real
Written by personanongrata (Astral Gift)
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Astral Gift
Thought Provoker
Greece 5awards
Joined 8th June 2015
Forum Posts: 275

A heroic decision. Status quo bias.

Doing what your heart wants is a heroic decision.

Against all reasonable arguments, the only things in favor are an indescribable attraction to some kind of crazy scenario of actual happiness and living my true will, and a funny range of coincidences in various forms, indicating that dreams can be real and real can be untrue.

The convenience in my quiet sadness the last ten years had been exhausted.
Selling pieces of my soul to buy a comfort zone which I compromised to and adjusted
in shake of harmony or whatever I thought it was available at that time.
A sense of no day, no life is ever wasted, though.
A quest of the reasons of each cause. Guesses.
A luck of awareness of whether you are aware or not.
Many options, alternate perceptions, an endless effort to dig deeper and then escaping from that depth.
So suddenly my world as structured by my me fell apart.
Betrayal for betrayal for I betrayed my self.
I can't be sure why his cheat happened the exact same time I started questioning my whole being and beliefs.
I even thought all happened for me to realize and be pushed to my desires.
I then saw the solidarity of the synchronization in everything around me.
How I create the lives of all and how all create mine.
Never miss out the possibility I'm loosing my mind..
An awakening, they say, but nothing was in true sleep
The feeling that something was wrong
and this is not what I am supposed to live
had been following me
in every talk and every walk.
10:22 .. It's a windy, nicely odd winter morning.
I still feel incomplete and confusion tsunamis come to my judgement every once and a while
Omens point to a decision of change..
...or better, the omens shift according to my current wish or even fear, if I let it rule me
The absurd fear of change, deeply imprinted in my unconscious
fight the need to feel safe and in relative control of what may occur to me.

Status quo bias...
Vincit omnia amor
Written by personanongrata (Astral Gift)
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poet Anonymous

Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 760

Post Breakup

I wear red lipstick and cut my hair
The way I want to. I wear that tight
Dress and let every single guy stare
At me when I walk by. I let the white
Of my smile shine because you are
Not breaking me into small chunks
Of glass anymore because my scar
Has healed. Darling, there are hunks
Of skin that have repaired all by
Itself and you are never going to
Get me back because guess what? I
Am a changed woman and you
Missed your chance all that time
Ago to get what you wanted. That
Person is no longer me. The grime
Is washed off of me and I am not flat.
I am brand new post breakup
And I always sip from my own cup.
Written by eswaller
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poet Anonymous

Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 16th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 33

Breakups aren't always a bad thing
they can mean a new you

I cut my hair
I changed my makeup
I blasted Taylor swift music wile doing it all
and I buckled up for the upcoming emotions
most of which you wouldn't expect

I didn't reinvent myself to get back out there or because I felt like I had to
I did it because I wanted to. A fresh start is always good
this means every boyfriend saw something new
But my forever sees the best

I wouldn't seek revenge
I wouldn't burn the things he gave me
I just showed him the door

The last time I made myself anew, I promised myself this would be the best yet
and the last

Why cry over someone and put your life on hold
for someone that is willing to make you cry?
Don't waste your tears darling
he doesn't deserve them
save them for a rainy day

poet Anonymous

My apologies for the delay ... a great thanks
to all the Poetesses who entered!

Until next time ...

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