Poetry competition CLOSED 21st November 2017 11:26am
Hepcat61 (geoff cat)
View Profile Poems by Hepcat61
RUNNERS-UP: wallyroo92 and runaway-mindtrain

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let's have fun with women

Thought Provoker
Joined 31st Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 143

Poetry Contest

let's have fun with women
no prostitution (unless you explicitly cite a setting of legal prostitution like Las Vegas or etc,) immorality, misogyny, or non-fiction (but can be based on your non-fiction.)

Edit: accidentally deleted my own contest . . . Sorry.

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


Entering the door
I'm overcome by the
Sharp stench of
Rotting seaming

Men pass silently by me
Faces lowered shamefully
I enter a unpainted plywood booth
Floor covered in Kleenex and cum

After inserting quarters
A tired woman appears
Disheveled and disconnected
She masturbates

I do the same
I feel disgusting
Dirty and depressed

Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 1st Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 141


Soak your subtleties
In simmering sensuous sanctions
With me lazing easily eager 
Upon ambient aubade    
Secluded terraces 
Becloud the moon like bedroom blinds  
Drawn to confound inquisitive prying 
From voyeur eyes
Hot springs soften skin  
To drape 'round 
Panting responsive torsos of inamorata  
& entangled limbs 
Reflecting wryly
Crisp crescent light of
Cygnus smirking, his glowing intrigue
Playing out on a lyre of stars 
Descending songs from milky heights 
To grace our
Pretty parting slits
Inviting ingressing index tips
Fresh forays for fledglings
Trying dilettante frivolity
Albeit unversed 
At finger play
Written by AtoMikbomb
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878

Friendly Places

In the midst of the loud music and the low lights,
In the middle of the excitement I paid attention,
Because when you hit the stage I took close notice,
You were the cutest dancer in that convention.
Your moves were quite smooth and enticing,
Inviting every creep and perv to sit closer to the stage,
And I like one of them, took on the invitation,
Because you starting dancing to the music of Rage.
But the damned lights that twinkled and flickered,
Did not do justice to the petite body you exposed,
In those glass see through five inch heels,
With erotic movements you proposed.
And as the cheap bastards threw dollars at you,
With a creepy sensation and perversity in their eyes,
You flashed them a quick how do you do,
Of your trimmed hoo-hoo hidden between your thighs.
Then you cat walked like a little pretty kitty,
Toward me, looking at me like I was your prey,
I quickly reached into my pockets for my wallet,
To give you a tip for our quick and sudden soiree.
And you were a pretty little thing, if you don’t mind me saying
When you flashed more than I expected and we engaged,
In fact, even the drunk bastards too notice of us,
When you got really close and leaped out of the stage.
Oh the smell of your skin was like something so fine,
When you writhed over me almost on top of my chest,
Looking into my eyes like we had known each other before
That you took my hands and rubbed them over your breasts.
And I thought, Damn this place is mighty friendly,
That for a mere two bucks I can get this much,
But nah, bullshit, because then I suddenly noticed,
They were two twenties you held in your clutch.

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 23awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 625

Party in the Sun.

There were six fellows and  six girls
Well versed in sex and it thrills
They thought it would be fun
To have a party in the sun,

They chose a secluded spot
Stripped off as it was hot.
They paired ready to begin
Cuddled close skin to skin.

Soon their geintals were entwined
Some in the front some from behind,
When a whistle blew as a sign
Each should move down the line

All had six fucks in half an hour
Such was their staying power,
They then rested from their fun
Sitting naked in the sun.

'What shall we do next?
I think we all want more sex.'
Threesomes were the suggestion
How to arrange was the question.

Two girls with, one man for half is best
Two men with one girl for the rest.
The groups of three explored positions
Cocks, cunts and mouths with commissions

Some girls sucked two cocks
Then into where one normally docks
Two cocks in one hole was a tight fit
Very sensual because of it.

The lads who each had two women
Fucked one then the other whilst grinning
Between them all they tried a range
Of positions, some very strange.

Dangerous Mind
Philippines 24awards
Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470

Superman In White Panties

All Rights Reserved

Bittersweet and taste like fire
Liquid hardness that kicks the gut
Skull splitting in the aftermath
Vile flavored cocktails for a short while.
Oh, I hate you come daylight!
But fucking loves you moonless or not
Your skull marked body so sexy
Your neck is what my hands can't stop gripping
While I kiss your round full lips
Wet potent juice, my tongue craved to lick

Wait a while after you settle inside of me
My legs would go wobbly, my vision blurry
Elated feeling while gravity fights my eyelid
Still, I feel like challenging the wind
As my feet sew crisscross on a highway
Singing a song in halftones and
Barking back at the angry dogs protesting while in chain
Daring feeling, stronger emotions...
Like crazy, fear escapes me
I am superman wearing white panties
Damn those ugly red undies!

A few moments I'd be out
Oblivion would claim my hazy conscience
But before that let me cry my heart out
The ebb is admired, with tears, with snot.
Let me laugh as loudly as a cymbal
The spirit be lifted from the ground where it's down
Let me dream of another time when I am free of the burdens of now
The body be washed with alcohol's antibacterial chemicals

Carlos Primera, Jose Cuervo
Carlo Rossi, Jay and Bee,
Black and Blue — what good fuckers!
I'd call Ginebra, Carlsberg, and San Miguel whenever I am in bed with them
Who cares about Toms and Dicks and Harrys!
Not me... Not me... NOT ME!
I am superman
In white panties
Soon I'll remove them...
Just wait a while.
Cheers, and let's go flying!
Written by OxyMoronicMe (G.L.)
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geoff cat
Dangerous Mind
United States 33awards
Joined 27th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1028


(a sonnet)
I love her bearded iris’s display
Those silken flares in blush and rosy hues
Its brightly colored nib in dark array
A glistening of love in morning dews
The fleshy petals subtle openings
Aroused in darker tints at time’s progress
Exposes nether tongue and with it brings
The hope of love fulfilled at deep impress
The lightly scented folds attracting those
Who in their soft liquor would find the taste
Of life it shows when its full gape expose
And gives them pause to tarry without haste
Her bearded iris' wet reflecting sun
It’s there that I’d remain ‘til day is done
Photo Credit: Author's Own Image

Written by Hepcat61 (geoff cat)
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poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 6th Oct 2017
Forum Posts: 215

Kinky One-Night-Stand

Dildos n' strap ons
Chocolate syrup n' caramel sauce
The whip is ready to hit..
Cuffs are ready, fuzzy n' cozy
To under-arrest the wrists

A pretty lady, alone and sitting
Across the table gives a glare
This bar is filled
But she, her lines, thrills me the most
Golden locks giving a chill...
What a beauty!
Hot n' ready!

She comes up, and says:

Then she leans
Whispers in my ears,
Her desires
Wish, n' dreams
To submit
To obey

I look up and see
The delicious treats
In the crimson tight-fitted dress;
Slink n' smooth her curves cries

For those volume
Looks so scrumptious
Rounded chests are yearning my kisses..

Took her away,
Showed her around
My shameless room full of toys...

I've got dildos n' strap-ons
Chocolate syrups n' caramel sauce
Whips of course
And cuffs to go with..

So Pick n' choose
I'll leave it to you,

The way you wish to be punished....

Which will you abide to?

There won't be mercy,
No I don't give pity,

When your silken dress is removed
And skin is bare and exposed...

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909

breath across her lips

I had only focused on worshiping her clit for 30 minutes              
And she fell back into another world              
I leaned my head to the side on her creamy thigh              
Her lips vibrated and whispered in high tonal moans                
Her legs quivered fierce and jerked for several minutes              
My breath across her blood swollen member              
Throbbing with tension...her lips at attention              
Begging to be sucked again              
I attended to the lovely rows of delicious womanly nerves              
The purest sight...the holiest of holies              
She breathed deep and hard 5 or 6 times              
I must have triggered more to cum through the veil              
I gently pinched with both thumb and index her pussy whole              
The swollen now hard...shaking as I swabbed my lips and tongue      
Back and forth sideways across the temple doors...tickling her bottom        
A jerk of her pelvic she squirts into the air                
And I catch the rest as it flows from her erect clitoris             
She falls spent... back with a yell...she collapses and recovers              
For a few... as I lick the remaining juice from her spot              
She dresses and kisses me bye              
Heading back after her lunch break stress therapy session             
I love my noontime job...
Written by runaway-mindtrain
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Gregory Rain
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 28th Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 50

"Filthy Spider" (written by... well me... duh)

Far, Far away in a flat i call "Home"...
Terrible horrors crawl...
Invading my peacefull holm...
Tailoring webs on my wall...
Tiny eyes of the Death herself...
Furry legs, Venomous teeth, Laying eggs behind my shelf!
And so for help i call!
And so for help i call!

Scream pitched as high as ceiling!
"Save me Hero, Set my soul free!
From Filthy Demon in my books consealing!" (Me)
"Don't you worry Love, don't you see?
The Spider is so small, it fits under this bowl..." (The Hero)
"So does Granade you Flicking Ash-hole!
Get it away from me!
Get it away from me!" (Me)

note: i hope i understand the contest permise well ^^
note2: "Me" is a character, not me myself, as (at least officially) i am Mr.Rain -) male
note3: modified to not contain swear-words ^^

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 5th Nov 2017
Forum Posts: 4

Yes! This is friggn awesome

Thought Provoker
Joined 31st Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 143

yes it is, sir.

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878

Congrats to runaway and to Hepcat on the win. Thank you sirboring for the mention.

Thought Provoker
Joined 31st Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 143

no problem. you boys really did it. lol. feel free to re-enter these entries. i like a lot of the reads here.

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