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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17589

I had no idea Trish had passed away. My sincere condolences on the loss of your friend and DUP for a wonderful postess gone too soon.


poet Anonymous

Grace said:If her account have been closed, then we couldn't access her poems anymore. Regretfully:)

What a bummer. Well, hopefully in the future, things will be different.  Thanks for checking on it. I just really miss her.

Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405

A sad sad loss. R.I.P the Poet.

Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405

indeed. timely reminder from the defender of patriotism to those of the fallen [patriots].

poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:I had no idea Trish had passed away. My sincere condolences on the loss of your friend and DUP for a wonderful postess gone too soon.


I still haven't come to terms that she is gone. It's so comforting to hear kind words from anyone that had a glimpse into her life. I am encouraged lately by people who have come forward from all walks of life to share how she impacted their lives. If anyone could share any thoughts about her, I would love to share it with her family.  They had no idea she wrote her own poetry.

poet Anonymous

Lady_of_the_Quill said:
I still haven't come to terms that she is gone. It's so comforting to hear kind words from anyone that had a glimpse into her life. I am encouraged lately by people who have come forward from all walks of life to share how she impacted their lives. If anyone could share any thoughts about her, I would love to share it with her family.  They had no idea she wrote her own poetry.

Ahavati, may I ask what kind of poet she was? I have so many questions. I am trying to understand her reason for keeping her writing to herself. She was such an open person. I found a poem she wrote "Autum Wonderland ". It was beautiful. It spoke of the things in life she had passion for. It was mailed to me by her mom with other personal effects.Why I received it is odd to me. I would like to try to understand when the heck she had time to write.  I spoke to her everyday. She knows I wouldn't have cared that she was writing. Her family on the other hand would have been very disappointed. She was never a trained writer. I am not asking you to tell me about her. You could not have possibly known who she was. Her privacy was everything to her. Your comment about her being a poetess, implied you could have read her work. It's been difficult to explain to her family that she was so much more than a buisness woman.  If you can't talk about her or don't know enough about her. I'll understand. I am trying to help heal the devastation her family is dealing with.

poet Anonymous

Looking for help to understand this grief. I am reaching out to the abyss hoping to find someone to explain what this site had in common with her passing. Beyond confused. I can only hope someone spoke with her. B

Dangerous Mind
Ukraine 2awards
Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051

Blurred Future

listen to the voice  
deep within your soul  
the one that is mine
telling you truth  
my luv used to be
with another this is true
now giving myself to you  
but you don't believe
past haunts me  
each and everyday
cause I'm struggling to heal  
from its grieving pain  
how can I escape yesterday
thru today's disappointments  
when tomorrow's dreams  
feel so hopelessly doomed  
always thought that luv  
would guide me  
to a place of tranquility  
not torment and fears  
stumbling where I know  
neither of us want to be
but insecurities chain our  
hearts to endless devastation  
you say....."I luv you" then  
foolish angry words and actions  
that intently hurt me  
contradicts your sincerity  
just how far am I to go
beyond giving you  
all my heart and soul  
before I'm not me any more  
thru patience and luv  
I've tried to understand
where I truly belong with you
but jealousy blurs our future  
~inspired by a conversation~  

Copyright © 2016 Flowergirl All Rights Reserved
Written by flowergirl
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the poem showing above, has the19th comment is by forgotten mom71

slso she won this comp :


her submission got yanked

but her title lives

Dangerous Mind
Ukraine 2awards
Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17589

Lady_of_the_Quill said:

Ahavati, may I ask what kind of poet she was? I have so many questions. I am trying to understand her reason for keeping her writing to herself. She was such an open person. I found a poem she wrote "Autum Wonderland ". It was beautiful. It spoke of the things in life she had passion for. It was mailed to me by her mom with other personal effects.Why I received it is odd to me. I would like to try to understand when the heck she had time to write.  I spoke to her everyday. She knows I wouldn't have cared that she was writing. Her family on the other hand would have been very disappointed. She was never a trained writer. I am not asking you to tell me about her. You could not have possibly known who she was. Her privacy was everything to her. Your comment about her being a poetess, implied you could have read her work. It's been difficult to explain to her family that she was so much more than a buisness woman.  If you can't talk about her or don't know enough about her. I'll understand. I am trying to help heal the devastation her family is dealing with.

I'm sorry for such a painful loss and pray that it be replaced with peace and loving memories. I answered your pm and directed you to a member who was her friend outside of DUP.

I hope that helps. ❤

poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:I had no idea Trish had passed away. My sincere condolences on the loss of your friend and DUP for a wonderful postess gone too soon.


I appreciate you for your kind thoughts.

Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 1st Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 141

neuroticthrillers has passed away. I'm not sure at what time, or how, but his brother informed me via Facebook that it was on January 12th. My condolences and love to any of his friends on here, any friend of his is a friend of mine.

Thoughts, prayers and love to all 🕯<3

poet Anonymous

AtoMikbomb said:neuroticthrillers has passed away. I'm not sure at what time, or how, but his brother informed me via Facebook that it was on January 12th. My condolences and love to any of his friends on here, any friend of his is a friend of mine.

Thoughts, prayers and love to all 🕯<3

I read this with tears streaming down my face. He was such a gentle soul.
I will cherish the little bit of time that I spent getting to know him.

My love goes out to his family and all who were blessed with his presence in their lives.

May all your troubles be over sweet one, I will keep your words close to my heart - always ❤️

Tyrant of Words
Joined 14th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 231

~Remembering Poetic Angel’s~

I write this with tear dripping weary eyes and saddened soul
to those who’ve spilled ink on poetic pages before and among us
who’s lines have filled our hearts but now write where Angel’s trod

I pray those who have crossed my path in life
knew how much their words meant to me personally
and inspired me along with so many others in our poetic world

some came to us thru a luving comment on a poem
or maybe thru a pm telling us how we have touched them
how ever they came to us they’ve etched heart prints for life within us

have left words echoing thru our souls for all eternity
those who we each have luved and learned from
will always be alive within our words that we carry forward in our legacies

for a beautiful sacred moment forever to remember you by
Im tipping my purple inked quill in honor to those looking down on us
humbly bow to you in respect for graceful words and luv you’ve shared

Thank you.....luv & hugs sent from my heart to yours xo

~Specially remembering Trish~

Copyright © 2018 Flowergirl All Rights Reserved

poet Anonymous

flowergirl said:~Remembering Poetic Angel’s~

I write this with tear dripping weary eyes and saddened soul
to those who’ve spilled ink on poetic pages before and among us
who’s lines have filled our hearts but now write where Angel’s trod

I pray those who have crossed my path in life
knew how much their words meant to me personally
and inspired me along with so many others in our poetic world

some came to us thru a luving comment on a poem
or maybe thru a pm telling us how we have touched them
how ever they came to us they’ve etched heart prints for life within us

have left words echoing thru our souls for all eternity
those who we each have luved and learned from
will always be alive within our words that we carry forward in our legacies

for a beautiful sacred moment forever to remember you by
Im tipping my purple inked quill in honor to those looking down on us
humbly bow to you in respect for graceful words and luv you’ve shared

Thank you.....luv & hugs sent from my heart to yours xo

~Specially remembering Trish~

Copyright © 2018 Flowergirl All Rights Reserved

Thank you again. I can't wait to see it posted. Your lovely my dear. Thank you for mentioning her name. That was kind.

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