Poetry competition CLOSED 10th October 2017 1:10pm
RUNNERS-UP: Viddax and OxyMoronicMe

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What is your fear?

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 5th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 4

Poetry Contest

Pen a poem, descriptive of a fear that you have, either an internal or an external fear, and what can be learnt should you face and overcome that fear.
Your poem's title should be a foreign word/phrase. Not English!
Max 18 lines.
Add a visual that compliments your poem.
Explanation of foreign word/phrase used at end of poem.
Only one entry per person.
Have fun!!

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 12th May 2017
Forum Posts: 29


My body feels light..
I feel so empty tonight..
I feel no love,
but I feel no hate.
I don't feel life.
But no death romes inside my mind.
I dont have a heart..
Or a soul.
I dont have a smile,
But I have no Frown.
I have no happiness,
But I am not sad.
The one thing I do have,
Is a fear...
Of the emptiness.
That no one can cure.

Αδειάζω is Empty in Greek

Lord Viddax
Guardian of Shadows
United Kingdom 32awards
Joined 10th Oct 2009
Forum Posts: 6705


Without life, light or love
Blind and Deaf to all things
devoid of humanity and even inhumanity
long departed, bereft of energy
Even my essence and I have been parted
never to reunite.
There is no I or anything
all is dead and gone
even my fear which paralysed me,
All hopes and dreams turn to ash and dust
that I have no more experience to repulse me
all has become nothing
known and noticed by no-one
Not there to have anything of any note,
removed even from remorse:
like sunshine beyond the clouds
and lost life outside once fearful walls.
अस्तित्वहीन - Hindu: 'nonexistent'.

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

The Blank Pit of No Ideas or Rope where I Think Death Awaits

I fear the blank page
Created by the blank mind
When inspiration is blank
When my muse is blank
When the white blank page
Turns into the black blank page
Just a poet firing blanks
The black blank page
Turns into a black hole
How far does the hole go
I fear the dark hole
I have a hole in my head
But the blank black hole is still there
If I fall into the hole
Does bottom turn into a pit
I fear the pit
The pit and the pendulum
The pit of nothingness
I fear having no ideas
No ideas to inspire me
Bereft of a single idea
The very idea that I am out of ideas
Somebody throw me a rope
Pull me out with the rope
I do not fear the rope
I fear there being no rope
And no thoughts to think
I fear nothing to think about
To think is vital
To have no thoughts is
The death of a poet
I do not fear death
I fear the death of this poet
Is this where I die
Is this where my poetry dies
Where words die and are buried
Is my blank page, my hole in the ground
The idea that without a rope
I think thoughts of dying
A death in the bottomless pit
This is ‘Fear 101’
I am terrified

Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 764


I study you like a piece of art in a museum, but I cannot
Still figure you out. It is your mysteriousness and way
To keep things hidden that really terrifies me. I sought
A person to understand, but you lead my heart astray
Along with that inner voice I know that I should listen
To. What would happen if I shut everyone’s voices off?
Would there be silence? Would my tears stop glistening?
Thoughts, collected together like rainwater in the trough
Swirl around in my head. If only I could block those out
Too. If I saw any of that hate or anger or frustration or
Downright awful moods seen in your underlying doubt
I would walk away for the last time, but I cannot ignore
You or be that person to you when there have been
Too many people who have already left you behind.
I am not another face or body or you can get lost in
Because I have a name and soul. I am what you find
In people; sunshine, laughter, smiles, and a home.
I am a place where you can be safe and roam.

Nunchi (Korean): the ability to gauge mood of others, read the atmosphere, and react appropriately.
Written by eswaller
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Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 28th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 4


What are you afraid of?
Overused words bleed into my veins  
I put to much faith into...
I put my heart into your hands
And you tore me apart
You took my own weakness  
and made yourself feel powerful
I'm tired of being lonely
But I'm to afraid to start over
Everyone asks me
I'm afraid of caring so much I burst
I'm afraid of trying...
I can't escape this curse.

The word, "Etsipena," is Basque for desperation. I used this because I believe that when it comes to love everyone is desperate in some way. For example, most people are desperate to be loved. Some are desperate to find someone worth loving. It can go many ways which is why I think the title blends with the straight-forward tone of this poem. It's very to the point, but reading the title gives it more dimension.
Written by LightWithin256
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poet Anonymous

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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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poet Anonymous

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

The Basement

Spiders, snakes, bats, and rats
Too the basement we must go
For that’s where the candies at

Spiders, snakes, bats, and rats
Now that were on our way
There’s no turning back

Spiders, snakes, bats, and rats
All four like to bite kids
That’s a natural fact

Spiders, snakes, bats, and rats
Stick close together
And they will not attack
Spiders, snakes, bats, and rats
Err,… excuse me!,
But there’s something crawling in your hair

An incantation I recite when I accompany my two nieces, 6 & 8 to the basement.  They're almost as scared to venture there, as I am.
Written by snugglebuck
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Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 20th Sep 2017
Forum Posts: 10

My fear is always to be overly incarnated or to be innocent and charged.

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 23rd Sep 2017
Forum Posts: 1

My fear is fear
I fear being afraid
I fear not being able to not feel fear
I am submerged by my fear
Drowning in fear
I fear everything
I fear the fear of fearing nothing
I fear love
I fear hate
I fear myself
I fear others
Fear keeps me frozen
Fear keeps me safe

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 16th Sep 2017
Forum Posts: 6

Don't have any fear,
Who cares?
Tell the fear I have powerful gear,
Make sure your scare to your own fear,
Learn how to deal with it every season,
Fear is nothing but absence of your own awareness,
Fear is nothing but empty of your own presence,
Fear makes no sense in my world,
it doesn't matter what fear in your cart,
you are brave in eternal life,
Stop flying kite that height,
It can destroy you,before you make some bite,
When fear ends then the blissful joy begin,
Let's support each other before fear Kick in.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880


dejure (vick)
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Strange Creature
United Kingdom
Joined 23rd Sep 2017
Forum Posts: 3


I fear the things
Have already happened
I guess
I fear the past
I fear
History will repeat itself
That my soul will be torn
Like confetti
And I will
Once more
Be lost to the wind

ιστορία Means history in Greek

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