Poem of the Month - August 2017
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17594
Tyrant of Words

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Related submission no longer exists.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17594
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17594
Related submission no longer exists.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17594
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17594

(in Czech, hon means ‘hunt, chase’; in Faroese, it means ‘she’)
‘I don’t know if I’ve ever been beautiful.’
she speaks a mundane line that becomes lyrical, then she sleeps.
I engrave it in my sordid tales, that are far, far from poetry. yet in
my criminal perversions, I call them love poems.
we chase the bitter account of unwritten verse as we chase love.
outside her window, the storm fulminates. she reasons that her
uncaptured poem must be hidden in the stars, beyond the mighty
thunder & the noble lightning.
I’ve hunted beauty on dark nights, & came upon dragons &
windmills. the word itself must be lost in archaic ruins. all the
beautiful things have been stolen by the poets, & we go there
to get drunk in their galleries.
so when she brands herself not beautiful, I consider it. the way her
hair hangs in loose curls, a depraved wilderness. the white nighty
thing she wears to bed, as it slips off her shoulder & exposes her skin,
& the dew on her skin. the arrogant pout on her lips, the watered
steel of her eyes that say, ‘if you’re a man, then take me.’
and I would take her that way, in the fierce grip of my hands that
gives credence to my desperation, lay her down & lay upon her
barbarically, as the storm puts itself upon the soil. because I don’t
make love to beauty.
the miles metaphor to raindrops;
the raindrops shatter on the window.
if there is any poetry at all,
it’s in the rain…
(Art: Vladimir Brunton)
Written by JohnFeddeler
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there is no mystery of me
She has never read my journal
nor found my shoe box of intimate
letters blown with a kiss into the wind
only to sail back within a lost bottle
She has never nibbled upon this
or that causing me to sigh in tones
of quivering lips and words found
in the silence of an idiosyncratic heart beat
She has never placed her palm to my cheek
tracing and tracking the written tears
that have kept secrets upon my flesh
some not even shared within the pains of me
She has never seen the candor that she
extracts from this mind and soul, nor
wrapped this man with naked calming arms
yet with her, there is no mystery of me
nor found my shoe box of intimate
letters blown with a kiss into the wind
only to sail back within a lost bottle
She has never nibbled upon this
or that causing me to sigh in tones
of quivering lips and words found
in the silence of an idiosyncratic heart beat
She has never placed her palm to my cheek
tracing and tracking the written tears
that have kept secrets upon my flesh
some not even shared within the pains of me
She has never seen the candor that she
extracts from this mind and soul, nor
wrapped this man with naked calming arms
yet with her, there is no mystery of me
Written by simplemanpoet
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Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5405
I Once Loved a Lass, She Once Loved a Fever
She knew that he loved her. Why patronize then
and beg of his love in gold?
Was a homemaker when
she saw her mom in absolve for her own jaded rite on the curb.
Torn between images of a different sew sheet lying down,
no comforter could swaddle the growing old,
and thus collapse the mother, and the daughter,
she carries the genes of before.
It's not written to appease the boy. It's not about the man.
It's about the woman, the woman,
who through broken heart,
knew only the overpour of money on the pipes.
It never rained. It never stormed. So she wasn't prepared for another person's love.
And she stretched it like the band of elastic.
But bands break,
and hands break,
and men hang by a rope.
But it's not her fault, that she wanted his attention,
that she wanted his heart unrequited
or unconditional enough.
So men hang, and girls cry,
but not because they loved,
except that only too many die.
and beg of his love in gold?
Was a homemaker when
she saw her mom in absolve for her own jaded rite on the curb.
Torn between images of a different sew sheet lying down,
no comforter could swaddle the growing old,
and thus collapse the mother, and the daughter,
she carries the genes of before.
It's not written to appease the boy. It's not about the man.
It's about the woman, the woman,
who through broken heart,
knew only the overpour of money on the pipes.
It never rained. It never stormed. So she wasn't prepared for another person's love.
And she stretched it like the band of elastic.
But bands break,
and hands break,
and men hang by a rope.
But it's not her fault, that she wanted his attention,
that she wanted his heart unrequited
or unconditional enough.
So men hang, and girls cry,
but not because they loved,
except that only too many die.
Written by DecipherMe
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Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 3304
This thread will be soon be set up for a vote by all DUP members.
Excellent entries as always!
Moving forward into September 2017, some changes will be made to streamline this competition, especially the voting process.
Namely, each member will be limited to TWO nominations per month; and self nominations will no longer be accepted. Both rules will be strictly enforced.
Also, with regards to the two poem limit, please don't nominate a writer with multiple accounts twice for each account. If you know a poet writes as BADBOB, and also as GOODLUCY, please don't nominate two of BADBOB's poems and then two of GOODLUCY's. You can however nominate one of BOB's and one of LUCY's.
There is also some consideration being given to date limitations in order to make sure the freshest and newest poem of the preceding month is being celebrated. The closing of this competition is typically the 22nd of the month, and the new comp opens on the first. With that said, September's competition MAY be limited to poems posted on DUP from July 23rd - August 22nd.
If you have any questions or comments on any of this please PM me.
... and don't forget to vote!
Thank you
Excellent entries as always!
Moving forward into September 2017, some changes will be made to streamline this competition, especially the voting process.
Namely, each member will be limited to TWO nominations per month; and self nominations will no longer be accepted. Both rules will be strictly enforced.
Also, with regards to the two poem limit, please don't nominate a writer with multiple accounts twice for each account. If you know a poet writes as BADBOB, and also as GOODLUCY, please don't nominate two of BADBOB's poems and then two of GOODLUCY's. You can however nominate one of BOB's and one of LUCY's.
There is also some consideration being given to date limitations in order to make sure the freshest and newest poem of the preceding month is being celebrated. The closing of this competition is typically the 22nd of the month, and the new comp opens on the first. With that said, September's competition MAY be limited to poems posted on DUP from July 23rd - August 22nd.
If you have any questions or comments on any of this please PM me.
... and don't forget to vote!
Thank you
Poetry Worm
Joined 1st Nov 2016
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Poetry Worm
Thought Provoker
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Many thanks to those who voted! ... Looking forward to the September nominations!
Poetry Worm
Joined 1st Nov 2016
Forum Posts: 346
Poetry Worm
Thought Provoker
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Cheers to the winner, QuietusQuill with "Listless Harmony/ Rising Vexation/ Grey Featherbed Skyline", nominated by dejure.
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 3304
Congrats! to ALL!
Joined 25th Jan 2011
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Tyrant of Words

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Congratulations Quiet One 

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Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17594
Tyrant of Words

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Joined 28th June 2017
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Fire of Insight

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Thank you I'm flattered 😊😊😊😊