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Poetry competition CLOSED 16th July 2017 5:38pm
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poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
Joined 14th July 2013
Forum Posts: 466

Alphabet Anarchy

Waging war with words and simply sacrificing sentences,
wrecking vowels into orphans and killing constanants
while leaving labels of letters lost in a dyslexic mess,
Watching them now vulnerable without their orchestrated wit
               the alphabet executed an anarchy inside my head

Satisfied with the slaughter of the syllables,
spelling out a dictionary of cacophony and chaos
Sending out a clear message in simple hieroglyphs
States the story of the dead, those who lay speechless
              surrounded by silence - there was nothing to save to be said

Thunderstruck by every tone, praising every pitch
that sound transports in a now empty open space
Teaching the letters a language a later time
to celebrate instead the ceasefire inside
              Tuning into translating my thoughts instead

Denouncing any distraction to listen to all I can hear
delivers the palpating pleasure to what I can feel
Detonating distractions and surrendering to the senses
Demands my immediate attention at once
             wasting not words,  writing words only waiting to be read

Written by feenixfiles
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geoff cat
Dangerous Mind
United States 33awards
Joined 27th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1028

A California Current Sunset

The evening clouds tear shreds from bright sun’s heart.
The cormorants leap mean from their stone hides,
Piercing the warhorse waves to steal their fish.

The icy fog infects my blood with loss;
The day, the time, a life of only half felt peace.
Where is the moon, where is the eye of death?

I seek to lay at your side, to warm your bed,
To move my hands within your dancing sea,
To let your bony fingers find my throat.

I’m left with howl and raptors’ hungry cries,
In groves of mute and deformed cypress trees,
Suspended in the wind of falling stars.

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1874

There were many brilliant and wonderful entries on this comp.Thank you Kbeck for the honor.

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