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Poetry competition CLOSED 16th July 2017 5:38pm
View Profile Poems by wallyroo92

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Free Verse Showdown

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 9th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5

Poetry Contest

Submit a free verse poem of any length, on any topic.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 25th June 2015
Forum Posts: 3208

'Are You Feeling Okay?'

As soon as she placed a
Basket of laundry down,
Dani looked outside and
Saw her next door neighbor
Lisa hanging wash to dry.

That made Dani open a
Book before she unzipped
Her pants and started
Rubbing on her large
Dick while watching Lisa.

Then, Dani closed her
Eyes and began to have
Fantasies of her standing
Naked outside before
Walking towards Lisa.

And when Lisa saw how
Big a schlong Dani had
On her, Lisa got down
On her knees and got
Started with cock sucking.

That was before Dani
Lifted Lisa up and carried
Her into the bedroom
Where Dani allowed
Lisa to also get naked.

Then, after she plopped
Lisa down on the bed,
Dani started sucking on
Lisa's tits while stuffing
That rod inside her pussy.

But that was before Dani
Had suddenly heard the
Sound of someone tapping
On the window which made
Dani snap out of her fantasy.

"Are you feeling okay, Dani?
You seem to be kind of
Flushed.", asked a curious
Lisa before Dani answered,
"Sure I am! Any problems?"

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3007

catch me never

I'm clairvoyant to your billionaire lips  
the hoax is your tongue    
against my starfish lifelines  
you burn me with moonbeams  
you're a swindler, a lord  
chalk fresh and glitter warmth  
I'm the fumbling rebel  
the fizz when the rain    
falls against my heated flesh  
i am ever the escapist  
your ambush is futile  
the loophole in my metal    
bears your faltering fingerprints    
i predict you a night under a felon sky  
a well wish before I leave  
earth man, with saline coated lashes  
you were accidental  
and I don't want to stay in your glow  
you may just take my breath  
crush my violet divide  
pull me into your quicksand  
you debonair bloke  
suspended from my hip sway  
ceaseless guru, invading my chakra  
a thief, trying to break my code  
I'm the architect of my internal structure  
it's my magic, my fortress  
I feel your fervour  
trying to puncture my life force  
pedestrian of the fashionable abstract
preaching your brainstorms  
to my twisted tumour
my isolation
is a carriage of implications
a tribute to the dignity
i glued to my battle flag
there is a fee for acceptance
you peddle the hunt, but i am just a ghost
a motion picture projected through your eyes  

Tyrant of Words
United States 157awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1892

Prometheus Felled

You may have not been one of the majestic giants
But you were one of the oldest
From a bygone era
A witness to this ever changing world

Oh how the centuries must have passed
And you were there to see it all
The stories you could have told
The last of your kind
You and your brethren
What have we done?

From the dawn of man
Evolved revolved unsolved
You lived through the eras
Floods and wars
And still you remained

But it was our own curiosity
That brought your demise
Because we are a species
Starving for knowledge
Even if it means killing your kind
Our minds cannot comprehend
Or let alone understand
What it means
To live a long life in peace
So we look to you
Your kind
The trees

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 9th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5

This was incredible to say the least.

poet Anonymous

Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880

Illuminated Souls

Illuminated Souls
dejure (vick)
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Zebra Black
Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 11th Jan 2017
Forum Posts: 16

Satan in a Red Crimson Dress

while deep a sleep
a beautiful woman appeared
silky black hair
shinning like licorice lacquer,
crystal blue eyes,
cherry plush lips
silver iced razor blade earings
knuckled skull ring threw her nose

a golden snake spiral wrapped around her throat
slinky in form, demure
hips undulating
slow motion soft machine
to samba bamba
chock a boom ba
countenance dazzle glisten ooze

me swooning swooning swooning
wheres the floor
gravity missing, im a puff cloud
walls lost, symmetries broken

she said high handsome hows it hangin
in a voice like pink fizz
come to momma
yes mama i say...
trembling with love
like perfumed air
she gets into bed with me
wraps like a boa
and inhabits me

ive come for you my darling she said
you want me don't you?

oh yeah i do
im in love with you
ive always loved the dark thing that sleeps with in me
she smiled rubbing my cock
well i love you too sweet boy

deep kisses so soft warm slow sweet
deliriously voluptuous
tongue like wet silk
razor teeth that excite with pain

she looked at me quizzically
theres something funny about you

what i said
funny to Satan in a red crimson dress
really ?

not right..your so willing but i cant find your soul
oh that i said
look closer my love as i held her hard into me
like solder fuses metal
look deep between my two eyes

ho ho ho ho holy shit she said
her eyes shape shifted into black electrical tape

you know what almost no one knows
what do you see i said?
she studied the inside of my skull
like a Jewish diamond jeweler from Williamsburg Brooklyn

thine eye is single
the self effulgent light
irreducible and perfect
shining greater then a million suns

fuck me she said
ive always wanted to fuck god
im the queen of S&M
and theres nothing you cant do

we fucked like colliding  suns
brooding bleeding dying being born
tears fell like sheets of glass
constellations  gave birth to other constellations
of reanimated endlessness
we  missed each other
my sweet darkling angel
i groaned

my beautiful lord
she sobbed

tears that reunite
tears of enormous pain
tears of unfathomable love

never send me away again she pleaded desperately
never my beloved
i held her, our lips blazing flames
our genitals consuming each other like starved dogs
cratered moons shook the worlds of men to pieces

and all creatures melded
all nouns became verbs
high and low vanquished
heads and tails faced each other
darkness and light  in clutching copulation
good and evil embraced like feral giants

spirit convulsed in endless incalculable raging orgasm
quickening eternal multiplying force
giving birth to endless chromatophores  of incandescent ecstasy
that expanded both in volume and rectitude
dis-juncture became infinite smoothness
history stopped repeating itself
conscious and subconscious became indistinguishable
three dimensions  became innumerable
dogs fuck cats
planets cease crossing each other
escalation heaped on  escalation
physics gave birth to trans physics
and every body understood everything
without a single thought

we cuddled up sweet as candy
kisses never ceasing
and all time disappeared
Written by zebrablack (Zebra Black)
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Brainstorm VowelMovement
Strange Creature
Joined 6th July 2017
Forum Posts: 7

I dream
though I don't sleep
and I won't eat
anything green

Tiny thought
Idea from this
kind of like a mind of  Mine  
No longer quite As bright  as if
there's not a chance
you  droppin blotter
artsy author  cognizantly
Muster up vocabularvy feasting  ocular
We need this theme of teaching
Some of them
And maybe even me
Whether inspiration fed
Inoculously seeking instrumental scenery in rhythm form to listen in to
Force the fuming lightning lobes up top to fire off informal destitution remedies in spoken other word confusion
paralyzing paragraphs of
Pictureless but perfect patterns served in silent burning words deserving restitution

Well I prefer to loop a beat
That moves me to a lack of sleep
Came back this week and heard a few
Now  i can't eat and nor can you

Thank you, please continue
whatever it is you do
And as soon as you choose to
Infuse your gift into music
I'll be here waiting to hear that
You are open to
On a poem
With me
A vowel movement
Sound soothing announcement
By yours
So fucking truly
The Bright Gentleman


Dangerous Mind
Philippines 24awards
Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470


(Archangel of Hope)
All Rights Reserved

(This poem is written as a final entree piece for a Poetry Tournament themed, ANGEL OR DEMON - Which one reflects you?)  
I am not perfect, I am not pure.  
But in me resides a strong presence,  
Pushing me up, pulling me down;  
Maneuvering me out of harm...  
And delivering me to the place,  
Where I am at home and at peace...  
Shaping me into a person,  
That I endeavor to be.  
When all is dark, my angels' eyes,  
Focus on that glimmer of light...  
Far ahead no matter how dim,  
I chose to see that silver lining.  
When I am shunned and everyone is looking down,  
My angels' heart stands her ground...  
Beating strongly with no vile blood,  
Believing that tomorrow, another sun would shine.  
When I am hungry and no means to carry my own weight...  
My angels' feet keep standing up,  
Walking straight along the narrow path...  
Keeping my balance, braving the odds.  
And when I am sick and deliriously in heat,  
My angels' mind stays lucid and awake.  
Energizing my spirit to fight and go on burning,  
Firing the thread of life, that I am still living.  
And when I am overwhelmed, with praise and success  
My angels' hand maintains an open palm.  
Allowing for the blessing to flow out and comes back with freedom,  
Humbling me, while continuously endowing me.  
Life is full of sloppy roads...  
And time is but a pilferer.  
How we are, who we are, where we are...  
Are just blossoms fugaciously in place.  
No matter how transient our being might be;  
To leave a mark there, is two ways as I see...  
We embrace our angels sometimes;  
We gave in to our demons at times.  
Yesterday's a preacher that nags like a concerned mother.  
Today is a driver at war with rush hour traffic.  
Tomorrow is a tax collector auditing my earnings.  
And I am but a woman that tries her hardest, every second of every time.  
Auriel lives within me  
The voice of reason behind my doubts  
I am not perfect, I am not pure;  
But compassion filled my heart and soul.  
Hope is the cord that ties,  
The earthly me to valor and just;  
Giving me wisdom to accept my fate and eventual death...  
Keeping my garden in this mortal world, lush and green.  
This lifetime, I strive...
Published March 9, 2016 @dup
Auriel is the sole female Archangel amongst the five ruling members of the Angiris Council. She's known as the Archangel of Hope and it is through her that the power of hope flows into the fabric of creation. Her eternal light illuminates even the darkest soul and should her light ever fade, all Heaven would fall to despair - Selathiel, Angiris Scribe.
Written by OxyMoronicMe (G.L.)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765


All I can see is red, as I feel the blood
Dripping on the floor. Your fire engine red
Lipstick smeared and used to write on
The bathroom mirror. The high heels that
You strut in like a supermodel. That tight
Red dress that hugs your curves in all
The right places and leaves me completely
Speechless. The color of your fingernails as
They glisten in the moonlight. The fire coming
Out of your soul like a fiery demon and spirit.
The color of blood pumping and coursing
Through your system like an adrenaline rush.
There is the flash of red when you get angry
Or mad. The color that appears when
Your eyes become bloodshot and tired.
The blush of your cheeks when you get
Flustered or embarrassed. The apple you
Sink and bite your teeth into like a vampire.
The color of fall leafs as they fall gently
Around your feet. Red is everywhere
Around you and it is hard to make my
Escape because you keep drawing me in.
It all makes my head spin as I am becoming
Addicted to what you embrace and hold.
Written by eswaller
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Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

Yesterday Tomorrow

If I could have my time over again
I am not sure who or what I’d be
Regret is just a part of existence
Hindsight utterly useless
Life is just too fuckin hard
Slowly I am loosing your love
Kiss by kiss, hug by hug
Those special smiles
Replaced by deep sighs

That gentleness of touches
Finger tip feels, sweet pinches
No longer seem to happen
Harsh words and insults
Desperate arguments
Hate now building
A head of steam
Tussles and tears
Rounds of fighting
Nobody really wins
Painful and endless
No more making up

Endless bouts of silence
Interrupted only by coffee
Dear love post it notes
Becoming dear Johnesque
Now just a matter of time
Before I lose you
Before love’s light
Is finally extinguished

If I could have my time over again
I would choose not to fall in love with you
For no greater pain I have known
Than the pain of you
Falling out of love
With me

poet Anonymous

Dangerous Mind
United States 18awards
Joined 29th Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 1404

Related submission no longer exists.

poet Anonymous


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