Poetry competition CLOSED 22nd May 2017 7:48pm

Poem of the Month - June 2017
Forum Posts: 2122
Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 2122
summultima said:https://deepundergroundpoetry.com/poems/251162-blood/
Uma, it came unexpectedly but i was deeply touched.
Thank you.
Uma, it came unexpectedly but i was deeply touched.
Thank you.
Forum Posts: 248
Thought Provoker
Joined 12th May 2017 
Forum Posts: 248
Related submission no longer exists.
Forum Posts: 248
Thought Provoker
Joined 12th May 2017 
Forum Posts: 248
guru google and mulla youtube
when google became my guru
i knew exactly what to do
the mulla of youtube he preached
better than mum who gave birth breech
they taught me the eternal truth
it's black not sky's color blue
earth's flat ya teacher's a twat
assange's truly a white hat
it tuaght me vaccine's a hoax
illuminati's no fucking joke
mel gibson made it sexy
theory of conspiracy
i pee on tablets smartphones
they're fucking new killing zones!
i knew exactly what to do
the mulla of youtube he preached
better than mum who gave birth breech
they taught me the eternal truth
it's black not sky's color blue
earth's flat ya teacher's a twat
assange's truly a white hat
it tuaght me vaccine's a hoax
illuminati's no fucking joke
mel gibson made it sexy
theory of conspiracy
i pee on tablets smartphones
they're fucking new killing zones!
Written by walker
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Forum Posts: 248
Thought Provoker
Joined 12th May 2017 
Forum Posts: 248
*Happy Mother's Day, to all the Du moms*
I can recall few things better
than the scent of breakfast
in the kitchen, mom toiling
at the stove, preparing
sustenance for her family...
Oh how the food tasted,
like love being swallowed...
I remember days after school
another in a long line, of bitter
encounters with classless
jerks who taunted everything
thing about the not popular
kid in class...mom always
pulled out that 'magic
soothing potion' (her heart)
to make mine a bit stronger...
Those family games...how
impossible to forget? She
was usually the biggest
loser, yet the greatest
winner since her skill at
making sad faces resulted
in everyone giving back all
their winnings to her! lol...
Yea, such a lil 'mind hustler'
you are mommy...
Never to be mistaken for
a pushover, though only
four foot nothing, stood
as tall as a cedar in attitude...
"If I had a dollar for every..."
I cut off thought, thinking
her thoughts on that vast array
of possibilities, and immediately
realize a very simple fact...
I felt, I feel, we all were n' are
treated like treasure to her
because she made each
n' everyone one of us feel
special, which proves to me
That, God has given the world
mothers, sometimes some
undeserving, the title...
While others, are truly, n'
wondrously, like my sweet
mommy... Special.
Written by Poetikmind
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When Light transcends
through mirror-degrees
darkness balances.
From this spring board
of Experience emerges
an Antiscian Catalyst
illuminating shadow work;
reserves a mansion with our
names carved on the mailbox.
When the Reflection mirrors
either side, their days shall
be equaled to their days,
and their nights to their nights,
even unto the equaled length
of their minutes and hours.
That thick, fibroserous sac
of Heart cavity is ripped
in half, emptying protective
liquid against external pain
and shock until severed
wholly from fear and pride.
Its naked vulnerability
rises as a bubble
easily popped
by the slightest touch
of man or Nature;
rogue finger of a frond,
sticky palm of a child.
We Believe by Faith
we'll survive the elevation
without crash-landing
into the next Life.
We'd Gratefully burst
of our own accord;
Source the nothingness
not having died once.
through mirror-degrees
darkness balances.
From this spring board
of Experience emerges
an Antiscian Catalyst
illuminating shadow work;
reserves a mansion with our
names carved on the mailbox.
When the Reflection mirrors
either side, their days shall
be equaled to their days,
and their nights to their nights,
even unto the equaled length
of their minutes and hours.
That thick, fibroserous sac
of Heart cavity is ripped
in half, emptying protective
liquid against external pain
and shock until severed
wholly from fear and pride.
Its naked vulnerability
rises as a bubble
easily popped
by the slightest touch
of man or Nature;
rogue finger of a frond,
sticky palm of a child.
We Believe by Faith
we'll survive the elevation
without crash-landing
into the next Life.
We'd Gratefully burst
of our own accord;
Source the nothingness
not having died once.
Written by Ahavati
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We were tyrannosaur wrecks
Then sand and
A fang found fossilised
From my rancid mouth
An abscess gnawed by excess
Wisdom excavated by archeology
a tooth is lost if the root is lost
We lost our truth and we would lie
Our cheekbones slotted eye to eye
Holy in our stink for seven days
We saw each other as we stared skyward
Yet the sunlight on the left
Made the right side darker
And the four a.m. lamp light
Cast shadows
As we searched floorboards for nuggets
For the gin run
all is dark till revealed by light
With wisdom torn from my jaw
I envisioned a hundred year saint
On the water frozen
I too was frozen
Not knowing whether you were coming
or walking away
Then sand and
A fang found fossilised
From my rancid mouth
An abscess gnawed by excess
Wisdom excavated by archeology
a tooth is lost if the root is lost
We lost our truth and we would lie
Our cheekbones slotted eye to eye
Holy in our stink for seven days
We saw each other as we stared skyward
Yet the sunlight on the left
Made the right side darker
And the four a.m. lamp light
Cast shadows
As we searched floorboards for nuggets
For the gin run
all is dark till revealed by light
With wisdom torn from my jaw
I envisioned a hundred year saint
On the water frozen
I too was frozen
Not knowing whether you were coming
or walking away
Written by whale
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#1 neer
had it all sprinkled
from the overnightly meditating
copperish gleams in sacred holds
over you
your uchanthalai, scaling
and scanning down
your cranial highpoint
your master pituitary
the utmost ritual done
a scapegoat in wait now
a stranger in no ties now
#2. agni
bring on
your deathful chillness, your murderous
ignorance, crashdowning curiosities
that once you enacted well
to having them in a seeming
unfortunately for you. It only adds on the felt in
jwalamuki, a raging fire , undying flame within
#3 bhasma
ash is sacred and better than
you. it's rather the best
bhasma's truthfulness settles down
and in air its a refined suspension .. in a more
particulate trancing fill
your lies in your making
you are just but full of lies
#4 yogam
from in to not you
from in to the innermost
it innervates in silence
once all it felt
was your laze that destroys
feels now
a drained out unsettling
trying to trigger in the impossible rigours in morbid stativity
it's this new now
something creakstarts a little. up and down
what and where. an in and out painpleasure chaos
in a flexing lightness
that's definable
only as/in art
a singing pitch yet peace
all notes clock curvaceous in a sync to an oasis-
brims over in a wild arching out
endlessly rippling orgasmic blossoms
a puzzling clarity
Written by summultima
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Poetry Worm
Joined 1st Nov 2016
Forum Posts: 346
Poetry Worm
Thought Provoker
Forum Posts: 346

Related submission no longer exists.
Poetry Worm
Joined 1st Nov 2016
Forum Posts: 346
Poetry Worm
Thought Provoker
Forum Posts: 346
Joined 15th May 2017
Forum Posts: 3
Strange Creature
Forum Posts: 3
Linger On; Valentines Entry: Love's Acronym
(This poem is an extended acronym, read the first letter of each word as a sentence)
Cameron Ray
Tasha Davies
Written by camray-ramray
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Joined 15th May 2017
Forum Posts: 3
Strange Creature
Forum Posts: 3
Is Life Tainted? Is Life Sin?
Despair has arrived so dim,
that vulnerability cried
My cup is lifted to the brim;
deaths whistle personified
Is life tainted? Is life sin?
My door has opened wide,
my guest is depression
To your right, I confide:
incapability is my detention;
from which I cannot hide
The result is your attention,
in the gesture of futile suicide
Written by camray-ramray
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I appreciate very much the courage of this author, Rina. Her words are a constant fascination to me. Brava!
ward 19
By Vee
I stare at her red shiny shoes week after week
muttering all things matting the grain
with a wet tongue like a cat, cleansing herself
of something that was never there.
I pay the bill on my way out, make another appointment
walk out in January frost pavement and ground covered
artificial white-ness reflecting benign sun or salt
bitter cold, perhaps both
dormancy and infancy intermingled. One warm tear
streams moistening the corner of my lips, mocking
all that need to be still; art of death.
In shallow breaths
the distance stretches
body caves closer to center
each fold becoming smaller
soon (if we’re lucky)
to disappear
without a trace.
She sent a postcard
telling me they will file my file away
they had not heard from me in three months.
I was thankful
for non-ceremonial-short-ness
no formal letter in envelope
no suspense, jitters, expectations
good or bad
I was more thankful
for no phone calls
to hear that other voice
flow from my mouth with practiced cheerful-ness
polite, apologetic, plastic, bent with weight of the day.
It was only right
to send a postcard to thank for the postcard
cursive letters, one lie looped into another
I’m okay-doing great-everything’s just wonderful-thanks to you-
i couldn’t have done it without you-
reinforcing it with a smiley face
no full stop, stopping
natural pull of gravity.
in a mailbox
opened, closed
reopened, reclosed
Settling to oldest assignment
in human nature
burying myself in ruins
built with my own hands.
ward 19
By Vee
I stare at her red shiny shoes week after week
muttering all things matting the grain
with a wet tongue like a cat, cleansing herself
of something that was never there.
I pay the bill on my way out, make another appointment
walk out in January frost pavement and ground covered
artificial white-ness reflecting benign sun or salt
bitter cold, perhaps both
dormancy and infancy intermingled. One warm tear
streams moistening the corner of my lips, mocking
all that need to be still; art of death.
In shallow breaths
the distance stretches
body caves closer to center
each fold becoming smaller
soon (if we’re lucky)
to disappear
without a trace.
She sent a postcard
telling me they will file my file away
they had not heard from me in three months.
I was thankful
for non-ceremonial-short-ness
no formal letter in envelope
no suspense, jitters, expectations
good or bad
I was more thankful
for no phone calls
to hear that other voice
flow from my mouth with practiced cheerful-ness
polite, apologetic, plastic, bent with weight of the day.
It was only right
to send a postcard to thank for the postcard
cursive letters, one lie looped into another
I’m okay-doing great-everything’s just wonderful-thanks to you-
i couldn’t have done it without you-
reinforcing it with a smiley face
no full stop, stopping
natural pull of gravity.
in a mailbox
opened, closed
reopened, reclosed
Settling to oldest assignment
in human nature
burying myself in ruins
built with my own hands.
jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
I wish that I could take you in like air
(a sonnet)
I wish that I could take you in like air,
That you with every breath should fill my soul.
Give life to love where once was blank despair,
Give love to life and, with it filled, leave whole.
I long to revel in your salty sea,
To wash away with you in lovers' rain.
That you might seep in every part of me,
And there find home, while breath and life remain.
When we must part, though every step repent -
We have two lives, though I would have one new -
I wear your words as if they were your scent,
And sing that I might bathe myself in you.
I would that I might fill your soul as well.
For in your bliss I would as deeply dwell.
(A reconfiguring of one of my favorite sonnets - took the trophy in xsteff1991x's "The One" competition)
I wish that I could take you in like air,
That you with every breath should fill my soul.
Give life to love where once was blank despair,
Give love to life and, with it filled, leave whole.
I long to revel in your salty sea,
To wash away with you in lovers' rain.
That you might seep in every part of me,
And there find home, while breath and life remain.
When we must part, though every step repent -
We have two lives, though I would have one new -
I wear your words as if they were your scent,
And sing that I might bathe myself in you.
I would that I might fill your soul as well.
For in your bliss I would as deeply dwell.
(A reconfiguring of one of my favorite sonnets - took the trophy in xsteff1991x's "The One" competition)
Written by Hepcat61
(geoff cat)
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