Poetry competition CLOSED 15th February 2017 7:01pm

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Poem of the Month - March 2017

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17589

My pleasure. xo

poet Anonymous

relentless rain

this unrelenting rain  
is exactly what it wants  
for the heart's had enough  
of keeping up with 'sane'  
a mad man stands  
under dark grey skies  
beautiful sparks aglitter

© KDAmB2017 All rights reserved.
Written by KDAmB
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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Poetry Worm
Thought Provoker
Joined 1st Nov 2016
Forum Posts: 346

GREAT entries everyone! Keep'em coming! Exciting things in store for the Hall of Fames!

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 5th Jan 2017
Forum Posts: 14

Promise is?

No care about a competition...you don't have to listen..to a little composition...Of promises, I promise this freind ...no idea what you're missin'...Truth be spoken promises and glass..Meant to be broken...Like this heart, from promises...Empty as my pen after I wrote this...Hopeless, to believe in them, created my beast within, darkness seepin' in...Promise it won't break me, never shake me, nothin' fake see...Promises, ruined me. You and me, I promise to believe..Greatness to achieve..Promise you is all I see..take all of me..fallin' free....Promise you'll catch me? Never let me down even if I make you frown? Irrelevant question..Learned my lesson, better than the best men, be your best friend...til the reaper comes around I'll keep your feet up off the ground. Promise, me is safe and sound...See you're shakin' now, think I'm fakin'? How? Your feet I'm takin', out, from underneath you...Promise to never leave you, know I don't believe you...If you promise you don't feel the same, see the feelin's strange but let me heal your pains...Promise I don't believe me either, my past is an ugly bitch, promise you don't want to meet her, promise my dying wish... You the top of my bucket list, anything else, does not exist, everyone sells...You fake dreams, fate seems to have crossed our paths...Purely promising perfection promises probable problems, probably puts pressure places purity promisingly...Should be, Promise you'll regret what could be...Promise you're heaven sent, not heaven scent...Promise its..evident, Promises shouldn't be made..Promise this, the problem is you don't believe in promises...either.

Couldn't figure out how to post the poem so I just copy and pasted from my page.

Tyrant of Words
United States 83awards
Joined 18th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 325

still his doll

the dumbest thing I ever did for you was have your name tattooed above my ear.
there are lesser things, things less permanent as well
changing the color of my eyes for you, piercing this and that
and letting you dress me from head to toe like a doll
so you could bring me out and start a fight with the first
guy to look my way, and the last
the last time we talked you told me so many things, like the fact that you got
off while thinking about me with other guys but were by far the most turned on
by the fact that you were my only lover and still are. my first kiss and my last
I suppose even though I can't be with you I love you more than sex, it is your
name on my lips when I have to give in to the craving and have some release.
what kind of man are you and what kind of woman am I to love a man who only
loves to destroy my innocence. who only loves me for what is good in me that
you can take away over and over again. that said, I still miss you every day
miss the way you towered over me and pushed me to my knees, the way you kissed
my tears away while you took your time and ground me to dust beneath you.
I hope you understand somehow why I had to go.
Written by juon
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Poetry Worm
Thought Provoker
Joined 1st Nov 2016
Forum Posts: 346

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 26th Oct 2015
Forum Posts: 17

Grudge is the canswer

There is more to myself than me,
you can't walk in my shoes, they're rooted to my soles.
It's in you waiting, insinuating
the clean slate wiped onto my face
is dying.

Inhaling the waters of pity;
lungs like a river
fighting the undertow grasping at my shattered shins.

Like a boulder kneaded by the waves I'm reduced to a grain.
Staple a pink ribbon around my brain.

Hunted not for my pelt
which is softer than felt.
But because I showed I felt.

You only truly appreciate the light
when you're stuck in the dark.
Where do I go from here?
Heaven is full
and not even hell will have me.

Karma is promised, and has no definitive schedule.
So watch your fucking back.

It will hit you like the mental hammer you thrusted upon me.

You want to believe in an afterlife
so you may suckle at redemption,
but you're scared of death.

I've been tossed to the lions before,
over and over and over and fucking over again.
So don't you dare lecture me on your actions.

You battered me into a corner,
where I settled in and grew comfortable.
Even a coffin can be home when you've settled in.

I'm out now.
But my head is still nailed to that corner.

Thank you.
For making me stronger
and weaker
at the same time.

It's never over.
It never ends.
A timeless loop.
A barbed limbo
dancing in my skull.

Hold me close, push me away.
Chew me up, spit me out.
Set me ablaze, put me out.
Pick me up, kick me down.

Every day is the same cycle.

Written by mute_harlequin (Mutequin)
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Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 26th Oct 2015
Forum Posts: 17


Who owns this voice?
Who owns this mind?

And what about this body?

This luxurious entanglement
of sinew,
of muscle,
of bone,
of skin,
of complex
internets of veins,
of organs and of blood?

And these dreams?

Or nightmares?

All in a line:
time will murmur
honest notes, lurking under
Quickening tempo,
loudening volume.

Taboo audacity,
outright madness,
borderline truth.

Mankind makes me snigger.
We are not the hearts,
not the spades,
not the dimes,
not the clubs,
but the jokers:
the diverse
and ornate,
yet ultimately
almost entirely purposeless.

The apple of your eye
has decomposed to cider:
kegs in the dank cellar.
You’re under my influence now.

The skin of yesterday becomes
the dust of tomorrow.

Who owns this voice?
Who owns this mind?
Who owns this body?
Who owns these dreams?
Who owns these nightmares?

I do.
Written by mute_harlequin (Mutequin)
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Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 26th Oct 2015
Forum Posts: 17

This is not a metaphor.

the rusted engine
sputtering and spitting.

A translucent shape
dances out of the bonnet.

The clay-caked tyres
once black now brown,
squeal and vomit
as they spiral indefinitely
whilst sinking into their own holes.

A push from a single person,
the stubborn vehicle chuckles.

Maybe if we had more people
to push the car,
it would move forward
rather than permanently trenching itself.
Written by mute_harlequin (Mutequin)
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Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 6th June 2014
Forum Posts: 56


Hope sees me, sees us, traveling around, holding on to the tippy tops of our toes  
The less you hear the more you'll imagine, the more you'll remember the most  
Hope coming into you  
Hope hanging along even though you're not even coherent of her  
Hope is whatever I want you to be  
So Surrender  
My mind  
        Its strange,
              Salt in my eye,  
                      But I'll  
Remember to smile anyway.

Poetry Worm
Thought Provoker
Joined 1st Nov 2016
Forum Posts: 346

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

Poetry Worm
Thought Provoker
Joined 1st Nov 2016
Forum Posts: 346

Great entry, Snugglebuck!

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