Poetry competition CLOSED 23rd August 2013 7:45pm
PsychicApocalypse (Darker Half)
View Profile Poems by PsychicApocalypse
RUNNERS-UP: EngrVV and tommielynn

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poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

I dare you poets of DEEP UnderGround

Write about serenity, a word I have always found fascinating.
BUT, WHAT IS it really, WHAT does it mean to you


make it no longer than five stanzas
Style...... any kind
NO colabs



poet Anonymous


Serenity cannot be acquired
Bought on the shelf of a store
Serenity must be a sea change
In the still small quiet
Of the cerebrospinal fluid
Protecting your brain
From mind throttling injury
Serenity is a gift to children
Who are wanted, comforted and loved
Lost as they grow up
Confounded by demands from above
Adults interpreting life for them
At home, at school, on the internet
Until an adolescent emerges
Full of angst and regret
For failing his parents
Failing his peers
He wants the road to oblivion
He experiments with drugs to heal
The great void within
Serenity is not a teenage thing

The search for serenity
Continues as they grow
She thinks love and marriage
Will give her that special glow
Years later, she reflects
I am not there yet

So we all desire to reach
That peak experience
Using various techniques
That lead to only one end
Acceptance of what is
Acceptance of oneself
Finally, acceptance of everybody else!


poet Anonymous

Solitude is Salvation

I usually wake,
to the cry of an infant
across the court in my complex.
It wails and screams
against the burden
of infancy and life,
I shut the window
which usually works.
But my mind is awake,
and I must quiet the
explosions of madness

So I shuffle over
to the icebox,
and pray I stocked it
with last months dole,
and the broads in here last night
didn't steal everything
after I kicked them out....
The tension is thick in my heart
as I open the door.....

HOSANNAH!!  There are Angels!
And they have blessed me!
A half-frozen bottle of russian nectar
lies prostrate in the freezer.
Pornographically beckoning me
with its sweaty curved bottle,
and thin neck.
It dares me to take it!
And ravish its insides with
my tongue!
In wild lonely celebrations
of the absence of my
kind, my dull, greedy,
selfish, whore-mongering kind.

Serenity?  Where?
It is where
everyone else is not...
Serenity?  What?
It is solitude

poet Anonymous

Thanks Vizard, Kitty and Dresdaman....!!!
So nice to read your entries in this comp when I woke up today and checked (eagerly....lol)SMILE
Great pieces there, all very original and creative.....

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17122

Serene with Serenity

A silent morning
Before the sun rays blast
lone dew falling
down to the lake water
ripples  that grow
nudging water lilies
a frog that stares
without a croak

rose flower nodding
to gentle zephyr’s whisper
a butterfly that passes
pauses for a kiss
a glow worm curled
under a spotted toadstool
a leaf falling down
a  caterpillar on a leaf
a gentle coo of pigeons
sighing wind

I sit
Watching serenity.

poet Anonymous

And thanks Grace for your most worthy entry, so nice to see you join in this Competition!!!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17122

Mourganna said:And thanks Grace for your most worthy entry, so nice to see you join in this Competition!!!
Oh Mourganna...its my pleasure!

Tommie Lynn
Tyrant of Words
United States 14awards
Joined 27th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 61

Serenity Walks

I'm alone,finally
wind kissing my
pale skin,to touch
would be cold
the sun bouncing off
the waves like
little shards of glass

I stand on the waters
edge letting the white
foam cover my feet in
wetness up to my ankles
I pull my roots from
the earth tossing them
into the air letting go

With pointed toe's I
balance along the warm
sand elegantly than open
my wings and float above

As the path for me ends
my feet will travel on
leaving a worn patch in
the earth for my followers
bringing them the serenity
they will need

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Tommie Lynn, and Indian princess, a pleasure to read your poetry! Thanks for your entries...!!!

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Thank you for your entry, Angel Of Blood...
Each has her or his own version of things, there fore all is unique, Amen....

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

- Serenity’s Face -

In thy face I canst behold the meaning behind the simple things,
Like the breath of the wind through my hair in the afternoon…
Or the sparkle of starlight, bejeweled beyond scepters of kings!
And thy face smiles upon me, more serene than the shining moon.
What contentment I do find in fireflies, rainbows, and sunsets…
I find too in thee, my love, for thou art the universe to my heart!
How completely I shall love thee, so that there are never regrets,
As I love thee without and within, unto thy soul and every part.

Laughing, sighing, living, breathing, in the moment!
To share that with thee, for our hearts to beat as one…
That to me is bliss, beyond the glorious firmament,
In the name of all we were, are, and shall yet become.
What can we not accomplish, we two together at last!
When I hold thee in my arms, I hold power unending.
For love is power, freed from the bonds of any past…
To heal, to remake, to rebuild, to go about mending!

Dost thou see in me, the magic of the morning and the evening?
Aye, for am I not those beautiful things embodied to thy eyes!
And I am thy serenity, thy imperishable light eternally gleaming.
Even my body does thee ease with my eager lips and thighs…
I am for thee, all of me, and thou art for me alone to call lover.
The night birds and crickets cannot sing as sweetly as my song,
Which is like the waves of the sea, which can the shore cover!
Let me cover thee, lover, for I am ever both tender and strong.

Walking, running, sitting quietly with book in hand!
Learning, yearning, growing and evolving beyond all…
Such serenity can transcend world, nation, or land,
Making us all one, indivisible, unable to fail or to fall.
Knowledge is power, tempered by wisdom perfect!
But love transcends all, shaping desires into reality…
And in thy arms, my love, I feel I am of the very elect.
Thou art all of Paradise I long for, thy fair company!

In my most serene contemplations, and in my dreams of joy…
There is naught to compare to the pure sense of purest elation,
Which thou dost fill me with, with the arts thou dost employ!
It is like a beautiful music sung before an adoring congregation,
Not come to worship but to celebrate and enjoy life’s beauty.
God is in the moment, in every sensation, in every small glory!
And so is Goddess not in thy eyes when thou dost behold me?
I am, for I am thy love, thy light, thy breath, thy fairest serenity.

poet Anonymous

Thanks Jessica (Lucifer) for your fine entry, nice to see you join in!!!

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