Poetry competition CLOSED 25th May 2013 8:56am
View Profile Poems by lightbaron
RUNNER-UP: clio13

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BEST DU POET ;) !!!!!

Twisted Dreamer
India 2awards
Joined 3rd Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 107

Poetry Contest

Dedicate a poem to your favourite poet at DU !!!!! The grandest tribute wins :) :) !!!!
1.One poem per poet.
2.No collabs.
3.No word limit.
ENJOY !!!!!

poet Anonymous



The best is not the one who has the most trophies

The best is not the one who has the most poems

The best is not the one who makes the most comments

The best poets hide in plain site

The best offers help when you do not ask

The best writes an email to contact

The best does not want to bask

In glory for the sake of genomic skill

The best gives more than one can see

For it is in the nature of givers

To be the excellent but silent

Quiet and grounded as they write on

Not for vanity, power, or glory

Many try to tell their story

With the careful use of vocabulary

Well woven strings of thought

Balance on top of spiraling imagination

Building a tower reaching for heaven

Digging down to make large roots

The poems flourish under their care

You can tell the best poets by their poems

Which are strong at the base but flare

Touching the unimaginable and make it look easy

Like a ballerina flying through the air

Captured on film or on paper

Dazzling with intelligence, perception and bright

Whirling the person around with his pen

For the best pens are poets

Whose vision is bright

Whose grammar, spelling, reading and writing

Leave the reader intrigued and enchanted

So they read more of the best

Through the long night.

PLEASE NOTE: The competition asked for one best.
However, in my observation there are several best poets who fit that category, so I thought it better to write about the characteristics of the best poets in DUP as a plural - the best poets and an explanation of why they are the best.

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

The most grand.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3047

The Grand Poobah

Twisted Dreamer
India 2awards
Joined 3rd Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 107

somelikeithot said:


The best is not the one who has the most trophies

The best is not the one who has the most poems

The best is not the one who makes the most comments

The best poets hide in plain site

The best offers help when you do not ask

The best writes an email to contact

The best does not want to bask

In glory for the sake of genomic skill

The best gives more than one can see

For it is in the nature of givers

To be the excellent but silent

Quiet and grounded as they write on

Not for vanity, power, or glory

Many try to tell their story

With the careful use of vocabulary

Well woven strings of thought

Balance on top of spiraling imagination

Building a tower reaching for heaven

Digging down to make large roots

The poems flourish under their care

You can tell the best poets by their poems

Which are strong at the base but flare

Touching the unimaginable and make it look easy

Like a ballerina flying through the air

Captured on film or on paper

Dazzling with intelligence, perception and bright

Whirling the person around with his pen

For the best pens are poets

Whose vision is bright

Whose grammar, spelling, reading and writing

Leave the reader intrigued and enchanted

So they read more of the best

Through the long night.

PLEASE NOTE: The competition asked for one best.
However, in my observation there are several best poets who fit that category, so I thought it better to write about the characteristics of the best poets in DUP as a plural - the best poets and an explanation of why they are the best.

Thanks for offering a grand start to the competition.

poet Anonymous

“Plodding Along in Skivvies (Humility Wears Underwear)”
We’re told beauty is
in the eye of the beholder
I am a believer,
so be it.
Under the
guise of enlightenment,
the poets,
have our likes
and our dislikes.
Yet still,
we should not pass judgment,
wearing the spiritual-side
our shoulder,
growing bold with
kissing ourselves.
Most writers
wear humility
like underwear
for that,
I love them
the best.
After all,
they are my peers,
my motivation to keep
plodding along
in my skivvies,
not terse
writing verse.

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1744

hemihead said:The most grand.

I came to say i'd be back for this one then I saw you were already here. amazing.

Here is my entry..

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3005

Not A Chance

              A fickle finger may fall
across certain lines of disconnection
           but the words and syllables
            some writers bleed onto DUP
can take my breath and steal me away

can cut to the bone with their sharp edge
        or melt me silly with silk passion
      open my eyes with insightful blasts
     give me courage when I've had enough
they never make me cry as my tears rarely leak

but many still reach in and grab my attention
           no matter their shape form or genre
       the digit definition laid before my eyes
        can hit like a hammer or stroke me serene
a passionate pen that drips with cryptic verse
       will stretch my mind like a rubber band

so the best poet for me on this here site
              are many and more
                       not ever one
                              not a chance

Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596

.:There's Alotta Monarchs That Reign:.


& eye

have not
just one;

a single cat
(e)r pillar’d

the butter
sit that



poet Anonymous

All or None...

Logging in to write, like
lost warriors who remember the sword
Here to spill their ink, not blood
exposing depths of inner storms
laying it all out, like hides
to dry or preserve

To judge who's best
whose pen qualifies as superior
in how it scribbles and arranges the letters
that clarify reasons, who best leaves their words
like stains, monogrammed
for us to read

Enter the poets
the writers amass here
congregating with hopes
of finding truth by expelling some

Some shout emotion in grammar that could
use improvement and some from a place
of such immaturity that to me, it's useless
but to another, necessary

and every soul captivated by poetry
is caught with different bait
different ways...

but the captured is equally worthy
regardless of the lure

it's like a comparison of night and day
rain and sun...

it's all or none

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3047

mikimoondancer said:All or None...

Logging in to write, like
lost warriors who remember the sword
Here to spill their ink, not blood
exposing depths of inner storms
laying it all out, like hides
to dry or preserve

To judge who's best
whose pen qualifies as superior
in how it scribbles and arranges the letters
that clarify reasons, who best leaves their words
like stains, monogrammed
for us to read

Enter the poets
the writers amass here
congregating with hopes
of finding truth by expelling some

Some shout emotion in grammar that could
use improvement and some from a place
of such immaturity that to me, it's useless
but to another, necessary

and every soul captivated by poetry
is caught with different bait
different ways...

but the captured is equally worthy
regardless of the lure

it's like a comparison of night and day
rain and sun...

it's all or none

<3 your soul right now..

poet Anonymous

Thank's Carpe, glad you like this one!! :-)

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17119

The Best

Hearts and souls
On white sheets
Emotions and passions
On tearstained scrolls
Anger splattered on the wall
Hurts shouted
Sarcasms dripped
Hate and rage
Reviles and revolts
From their Pen
And touches others
Deeply and surely
They are the Greatest
Poets of Dup

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2374

wow, seems like a unified rebellion against you huh? haha

and as much as I like rebellion, and these wide net praise poems, I think we are giving this kid a hard time. Yeah the title says "DU best" and we all hate that, and it's subjective, and all that jazz.. but, he does detail that he just wants a poem about your favorite poet... there has been a million comps like this, just phrased differently. Maybe since he is newerish, he just wants to know which poets we are into here, so he can check them out, or he is a fascist prick, dunno

edit: plus he put the goddamned squinty-eye-semicolon thing in the title... C'MON now

poet Anonymous

lightbaron said:wow, seems like a unified rebellion against you huh? haha

and as much as I like rebellion, and these wide net praise poems, I think we are giving this kid a hard time. Yeah the title says "DU best" and we all hate that, and it's subjective, and all that jazz.. but, he does detail that he just wants a poem about your favorite poet... there has been a million comps like this, just phrased differently. Maybe since he is newerish, he just wants to know which poets we are into here, so he can check them out, or he is a fascist prick, dunno

edit: plus he put the goddamned squinty-eye-semicolon thing in the title... C'MON now


I'm not sure if it is a rebellion or we just have too many "bests" to single any particular poet out...pondering!

Ha ha.


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