Poetry competition CLOSED 20th January 2013 00:23am
View Profile Poems by MaggieG
RUNNER-UP: johnrot

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poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

Write a poem about DIVORCE or dissolution of a Common-Law Marriage or a Long Term Relationship.

You can take any position in this poem: the divorced or dumped person, the children of divorced parents, the grandparents of divorced children, the friends of the divorced person....

The word DIVORCE is used loosely
The poem about the break-up can be in any genre
You may submit up to 3 poems, old or new
Any length

Please ask for clarification if unsure...thanks.

The dissolution of a marriage is a legal act that may not always coincide with a couple's emotional tearing asunder. Divorce is typically a painful process for all concerned. While it can take adults time to regain psychological equilibrium, whether or not children ever recover a stable perspective continues to be debated. Post-divorce hostility between adults, in addition to directly harming kids, is a sure indicator that the emotional split is incomplete.

In the U.S., divorce rates have been rising since the beginning of the 20th century, and especially since the 1970s, when no-fault divorce was instituted. Some experts contend that the easing of divorce laws has helped make marriage stronger by rooting it more deeply in personal choice, although it does little to give people the skills needed to work out the inevitable difficulties that arise in marriage.


poet Anonymous

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
Artist: Neil Sedaka

Don't take your love away from me
Don't you leave my heart in misery
If you go then I'll be blue
'Cause breaking up his hard to do

Remember when you held me tight
And you kissed me all through the night
Think of all that we've been through
Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

They say that breaking up is hard to do
Now I know, I know that it's true
Don't say that this is the end
Instead of breaking up I wish that we were making up again

I beg of you, don't say goodbye
Can't we give our love another try
Come on baby, let's start a new
'Cause breaking up is hard to do

poet Anonymous

This DIVORCE competition is about BREAKING UP....you can chat about breaking up at:


Lost Thinker
Joined 1st Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 14

I don't know if this is right to post here. It is most certainly something I wrote about break up but thats the thing. I wrote this a while back. Your request was to write, not to post something you once wrote. However, for good or bad, here it is:

Consume Me

Lovely traces
I can sense you in everything
The way that you move me
Takes me far away – absent. I seek no escape, I flee
Dreaming through your eyes, you wander through your mind
I'm overtaken by the way that you deliver me
I'm transcended, there's no place I'd rather be
Than here in your arms, yet incomplete, it's agony

You consume me, you consume me
Like a burning flame running through my veins
You consume me, move through me
Anytime, anyplace. Invade my space and consume me.

Wholly devoted
I immerse myself in you
Wash me in your love
Cause drowning in the thought of you floods my soul.
I'm taken by the things you do
doesn't matter what I lose, I'm yours
I've walled off my heart you'll never get in
Yet you smash through my defences, time and again
How do you do that? How can that be?
(repeat chorus x2)

There's no other way I can fly. It's you and I, you and I. I'll take you so high,
where you've never been. I'll drop you then catch you.
I'll consume you, burn right through you.
I'll inflame you devastate you.
I'll destroy you then kiss you whole.
I love you, I hate you.

Tyrant of Words
Kiribati 21awards
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 3559


Angels know everything
so as sure as gravity
the little plastic fellow
who pooped on our wedding cake
must have realised
how things would pan out

All these years
she'd coddled him faithfully
cocooned in white muslin
safe in her bottom drawer
just waiting
for his date with the bin
until landfill
the final resting place
after the divorce

So if you ever see a gull
with a halo
at least you'll know
there's no use dreaming
about love eternal
or the lie
of for better or for worse

poet Anonymous

Hakamike said:I don't know if this is right to post here. It is most certainly something I wrote about break up but thats the thing. I wrote this a while back. Your request was to write, not to post something you once wrote. However, for good or bad, here it is:

Consume Me

Lovely traces
I can sense you in everything
The way that you move me
Takes me far away – absent. I seek no escape, I flee
Dreaming through your eyes, you wander through your mind
I'm overtaken by the way that you deliver me
I'm transcended, there's no place I'd rather be
Than here in your arms, yet incomplete, it's agony

You consume me, you consume me
Like a burning flame running through my veins
You consume me, move through me
Anytime, anyplace. Invade my space and consume me.

Wholly devoted
I immerse myself in you
Wash me in your love
Cause drowning in the thought of you floods my soul.
I'm taken by the things you do
doesn't matter what I lose, I'm yours
I've walled off my heart you'll never get in
Yet you smash through my defences, time and again
How do you do that? How can that be?
(repeat chorus x2)

There's no other way I can fly. It's you and I, you and I. I'll take you so high,
where you've never been. I'll drop you then catch you.
I'll consume you, burn right through you.
I'll inflame you devastate you.
I'll destroy you then kiss you whole.
I love you, I hate you.

This is fine.  People sang...ie lyrics before they put the words on paper...so it is poetic...Thank you for starting the competition.

poet Anonymous

Abracadabra said:Keepsake

Angels know everything
so as sure as gravity
the little plastic fellow
who pooped on our wedding cake
must have realised
how things would pan out

All these years
she'd coddled him faithfully
cocooned in white muslin
safe in her bottom drawer
just waiting
for his date with the bin
until landfill
the final resting place
after the divorce

So if you ever see a gull
with a halo
at least you'll know
there's no use dreaming
about love eternal
or the lie
of for better or for worse

Abra...thank you for submitting!

Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 27th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 1831

One of its causes... lol

When Delilah Knocks -

What do you do when Delilah knocks ?
At your front gate, she waits
and she is not what God swore she was.
Dressed in your Levis, a younger
smaller pair, you stare at this little girl ...

She's just a girl, just a girl.

You look for his locks of hair
in her tiny hand. That you might
understand, this cut of sin
committed in a moment of blind sight.
NO ! That is her sin. What then is his ?
His is the omission of you...

Once a girl, just a girl.

Delilah cries, and this pillar falls.
Faith dies. God is a myth, God is a myth
and Sampson tells lies to his wife.
Biblical burns in the grounds of a life.
as you invite the concubine in for coffee.

What would you do if
Delilah knocked on your door ?

poet Anonymous

“Always on the Heights”
Once we,
you and I,
refracted all
the light in the universe,
eternity spun around us,
addicted to our love,
we were meant.
I could not take
my eyes off of you.
I adored you,
you me,
husband and wife,
inseparable friends
So, we thought.
Then, our perfect galaxy exploded,
the black holes sucked us in.
Exposed our insecurities,
our energies ebbed, we gave up.
We blamed each other
for the strife that ended
our magical bond, and
when the deal was sealed,
you were no longer my wife.
It was terrible, eating was difficult.
I lost half of myself, yet
I still wish upon the stars,
the same ones
we held hands counting.
And, though you make me weep,  
I cannot bring
myself to hate you,
nor will I ever,
I'm always on the heights.
Good-bye Dear,

poet Anonymous

Maggie G and Strider...thank you and WOW!

Twisted Dreamer
Australia 2awards
Joined 3rd Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 20


Dangerous Mind
Scotland 35awards
Joined 27th July 2010
Forum Posts: 2329

Hakamike said:I don't know if this is right to post here. It is most certainly something I wrote about break up but thats the thing. I wrote this a while back. Your request was to write, not to post something you once wrote. However, for good or bad, here it is:

Consume Me

Lovely traces
I can sense you in everything
The way that you move me
Takes me far away – absent. I seek no escape, I flee
Dreaming through your eyes, you wander through your mind
I'm overtaken by the way that you deliver me
I'm transcended, there's no place I'd rather be
Than here in your arms, yet incomplete, it's agony

You consume me, you consume me
Like a burning flame running through my veins
You consume me, move through me
Anytime, anyplace. Invade my space and consume me.

Wholly devoted
I immerse myself in you
Wash me in your love
Cause drowning in the thought of you floods my soul.
I'm taken by the things you do
doesn't matter what I lose, I'm yours
I've walled off my heart you'll never get in
Yet you smash through my defences, time and again
How do you do that? How can that be?
(repeat chorus x2)

There's no other way I can fly. It's you and I, you and I. I'll take you so high,
where you've never been. I'll drop you then catch you.
I'll consume you, burn right through you.
I'll inflame you devastate you.
I'll destroy you then kiss you whole.
I love you, I hate you.

This is a plagiarised set of lyrics. I would disqualify it from the competition if I were you, Kitty, and I'm away to check the submitted poetry.

*edit: Unless, of course, this person is a songwriter that has been somewhat to moderately successful... I'm open to that possibility.

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14623

http://www.matthewward.com/images/book2.jpgLyrics were written by one Mathew Ward.


uncanny resemblance  :D

poet Anonymous

Lol, you didn't even take the time to eradicate the "(Chorus)" and "(repeat chorus x2)"

poet Anonymous

'Consume me' - Popularly released by DCTalk. From their 'supernatural' album. My youth group used to play it. Back in the days of church...


(Btw Jesta, googled three of his 'poems' and they're all lifted off blogs and song lyrics)

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