
I am here. I am everywhere.
Every place you’ve been, I have waited.
Every face you’ve seen I have worn.
I have one name but thousands.
On your birth I am your twin.
At your death I shall be your shadow.
In a mother’s womb I have slept.
In a hero’s cry I have risen.
In the smile of a bride I took pride.
In a widow’s tears I am crushed.
I am the pledge of a groom.
I am the passion left by the dead.
I am the spark in every kiss,
The eternal flame of every vow .
Fourteenth of February I was born.
I am the spell in cupid’s arrow.
In the eyes of Aphrodite I am found.
Red as cherry I have been drawn.
I have no age. No gender.
I linger in your heart or perhaps in your mind.
‘Til eternity I shall live.
I am your hidden desire for others.
I am their hidden desire for you.
I am not LUST.
LUST is a friend and sometimes a foe.
TRUST is my companion. LIE destroys me.
BETRAYAL is my enemy.
TEMPTATION will lead you to another path.
Do not follow. You won’t see me there.
Don’t either find me. I WILL FIND YOU.
TIME is my deliverer. Be patient.
I have one name but thousands.
But you, you may call me
And I’m pleased to love you.
Adapted from Katy Towell's "Agony"
( Vanessa Arriba, February 14, 2011 )
Written by ssavena
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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