Peace then until

I miss it
the sense of rhythm
a hint of purpose
that poetry helped describe
it never mattered if I
were good or bad
or if my thoughts were
deep or small
as words flowed
from an unknown
and crystalized by being right
I became .... more than I am
which in all honesty
is true for all that rhyme
and offers a bond
though tenuous at best
letting words seep into our soul
and then it's gone
in the blink of an eye
unable to write
or feel complete
I miss it
even though
I'm not sure what
was lost or what I need
peace then until
the world is less confused
or at least until I can write again
Written by APissPoorShaman (Ryszard)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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