broken glass

beautifully broken I awake standing on shattered glass
I can feel the shards puncture my feet but I feel no urge to move
maybe the pain is what my body craves, or maybe ive just become so numb to what hurts me
either way im frozen
I look down slowly as my mind generically takes in my surroundings
almost immediately my hands fall to the glass.
i clasp a piece in my grip and watch the red river flow from my hand
its nothing like the pain ive felt before
its euphoric.
its captivatingly calm.
i am alive.
all at once i succumb to the intense ache on my skin
i scramble to my feet and beg my legs to float above this hell
but they dont oblige and im weak
endorphins race through my veins but its not enough
its never enough.
ive been numb for so long they've forgotten what route to take.
i feel my heart beat one last time
i was alive.
Written by sosherose
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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