Will you take it?

I won't be shy this time.
So yes, I am addicted to sex
I am addicted to you
Can you handle it?
You suggested it once, I said no.
But we agreed to be honest,
no need to deny
I want you all the time.
Your invisible hands
play with me everyday.
I arch my back, I gasp, I moan
my body shudders. You are here.
And I don't want to quit
You are mine. I will absorb you
And you will consume me.
We will melt, we might vanish.
Is this love that burns inside
a fire, impossible to stop.
And I don't want it ever to change.
This is me. Will you take it?
Written by Atenea
Published | Edited 9th Feb 2018
Author's Note
Dear community, please help me to make it nice and fluent English :)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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