The Silvermine Hiking Circuit

Racing chasing, pushing the Saturday shopping traffic spits me out.
Rolling strolling, slowly game reserve speed
Cracking, crunching, turning onto parking gravel.
Swinging legs and levering body from the car,
Clicking, unlocking swing the boot open, rucksack in hand
Scrunching, bunching gravel, underfoot, path rising up to meet my boots.

Murmuring stream, murmuring voices, comfortable walking friends,
Sparkling, flashing, brown reservoir water on our right
Towering, encircling mountains, beckon us on.

Rising, turning, rising still more the path goes on.
Twinkling, flickering, distant vistas of the valley
Far beneath our feet.

Climbing, swinging, up to the forestry look out,
Cooling, tugging, pushing wind, snags us
Watching, resting admiring the view below our feet.

Turning, climbing again, up the next rise
Singing, whistling calling birds retreat before us
Beckoning, calling forbidding our progress.

Sparkling, flashing, blue and green, the sea
Encircling, holding towering mountains
Bordering, enclosing, showing off Hout Bay.

Drifting, swirling, spiralling eagle on the wind
Flashing, turning, playing on the updraft
Cooling, wind pushes us back.

Descending, twisting turning path,
Rolling, stumbling, leg wearing rocks
Slowing, impeding rapid descent and make
Trembling, wearying legs, stumble now and again.

Sparkling, flashing brown water, the reservoir again.
Welcoming, luring, beckoning us closer
Back to the parking gravel and the cars.

Rumbling, grumbling tar
Humming, rolling, restful; the car carries me back to the
Racing chasing, pushing the Saturday shopping traffic
Written by ThePiper
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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