Pleasureable screams (Co written with Chemical Rose)

Creeping in the twilight out of sight,
In the middle of the night,
Darkness hides their face of sin,
But they'll soon unleash the beast within...

With a knife in their hand,
They lurk in the shadows with a twisted plan,
They find their victim and come in for the kill,
Grinning as they approach, hoping the screams will be shrill...

A hand over a mouth,
gets the heart pumping.
It's not joy they feel,
it's pleasure or something.

Pinned to the floor;
let pleas free.
"Would you look at that,
look how she screams for me"

Enjoying the screams of the victim,
They grin a grin that can only be grim...
And start to slice away at a limb or two,
Until the victims face turns blue...

But the patient clearly isn't dead,
So we will have more blood shed..
Oh we're not doctors but, we're "Fixing them up"
While we drink your blood from a cup...

'The pleasures in the chase'
Or some rubbish from Agatha Christie. There's no getting away from the crimes they're committing on me.

There's no escape from these creeps...
They'll just do it again and again...
It's there viscous cycle...
And it will never end...

Defenceless and Unconscious, almost bled out... They continue their game. I won't make it through this but I wanted to say...
Written by DeathnoteWhovian
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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