keep it brief


write for me in crucial detail the sins imprinted throughout my name
but erase the letters of O, U, E and maybe Y if necessary

when necessary

let's not try to feign understanding

my notebooks have been crusted with snot and Jack
into a somewhat curled poetry
they're nearly retired form a generations old plague that's almost ready to love
I can hear faint crying in a vintage Summerland
and I just need to know if you would've read my scars
if I could've barred my wounds long enough
for my blood to speak to you

let's not try to feign understanding

I'll conceal the spiders on my puckered tongue
for the epitaph

but you haven't forgotten me
couldn't have, could you?
it's been raining today

Written by kourtnissixxx
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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