
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (1)
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Birthday 29th June
Relationship Status Taken
Member Since 8th March 2012
yadjischmatz joined 4651 days ago and last visited 4240 days ago
Comments 3
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Poet Introduction

I write formal, informal, free verse, rhyme, serious, humorous,familial issues and whatever damn well suits me at the time.I believe all poety is valid, especially when it comes from the sould/heart.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Samuel Butler, Tolkien, Doestoyevsky,Wharton

About Me

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I'm a recovering alcoholic who is also a survivor of childhood abuse. I've been married for 35yrs. (yes, to the same woman). I'm a graduate of San Diego State University, I taught for 15 years, and I'm currently at home taking care of my disabled son. I've done quite a bit of writing over the years, but I've never tried to publish anything before (never thought I was good enough or had the huevos to try). I enjoy writing, reading, and being with my wife. I still listen to Black Sabbath because they get right to the gut and rip out my anger for me. I've only recently begun to seriously address some of the issues that kept getting me drunk (molestation, etc.)I have a good sense of humor, which has kept me from going completely insane many times...love the Marx Bros.,W.C. Fields, Stooges. I disdain pretentiousness of any kind and have had my day at flaunting authority...pompous assholes are a waste of skin.