
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (1)
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Member Since 28th August 2011
weaverj joined 4776 days ago and last visited 4774 days ago
Comments 4
Forum Posts 1
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Poet Introduction

Favorite Poets/Writers

John Lennon

About Me

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Greetings my friends, there's not much to say about me. I'm 51 yrs old never been married have no children. I live in Arkansas, I work at wall-mart 40hrs. a week. I do like to fish and hike out in the mountains of the ozarks mountains. I very little watch t.v. mostly western movies. I enjoy listening to all music, my favorite John Lennon, Art Garfunkel. I am a divine person who enjoys helping others that's in need of help do the the best I can. Thank you. weaverj      

My Reading List

Me and Only Me by 2987Afrika
Life by BlondiLinni
My dark secret love by 666gothchick (Paulina Dionne)

Poets I Follow
