utenaka (cyanide kid102)

Thought Provoker
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Member Since 9th April 2013
utenaka joined 4371 days ago and last visited 3616 days ago
Comments 327
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Poet Introduction

We have something to say to each other, and how well we argue - you drew passions, i am full of grounds. /F.N.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Antonin Artaud, Marina Tsvetaeva,Celan, Kathy Acker, You

About Me

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eye am in love with my "illusions
eye am in love with my "illusions""

memento mori to all people and animals who happened to die in recent earthquarke in nepal.

imaginable listening: tool, undertow
                     ursula rucker

"Sport and Game can be one whole and real substitut for a war and murder".
            Aldous Huxley

“No one has ever written, painted, sculpted, modeled, built, or invented except literally to get out of hell.”
                       Antonin Artaud.

"ich hasse kleinbürgerturm mehr als jeder erdenkbare

"eins tuen wir nicht, wirbenutzen keinen Auskunftdienst" john cage

I hate and renounce as a coward every being who consents to having been created and does not wish to recreate himself
i.e. who agrees with the idea of a god, at the origin of his being as at origin of his thought.

I hate and renounce as coward every being who agree not being self-created, and who consents and recognizes the idea of a matrix nature as the world of his already created body.

I do not consent to not having created my body myself, and I hate and renounce as a coward every bieng who consentsto live wothout first recreating himself.

O hate and renounce as a coward every being who is quite unwillinmg to live with sensations, notions, ideas, that the body and being imposed upon him in advance, and who is unwilling to consent to live only to recreate himself as much in his whole anatomy as in the reconstitution of his thought.

I hate and renounce as a coward every being who agrees to any difference whatsoever in perception between the being of his being and that of his entire mind.

I hate and renounce as a coward every being who does not agree that life is given him only to separate himself from the masses.

I hate and renounce as a coward every being who will not consent to go through two hundret thousand reincarnations on earth until he finally become concious of having been born.

                            Antonin Artaud.

My Reading List

Rape by idolwords (Lacey Ann)
Bunny man... by manisha (cyanide kid)
forever.. by manisha (cyanide kid)
Take This Pill by Pi3c3s_0f_MyS3Lf (Bz)
Test Tube by idolwords (Lacey Ann)

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (21)