
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (8)
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Member Since 3rd August 2011
tonaleclipse joined 4964 days ago and last visited 4958 days ago
Comments 6
Forum Posts 2
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Poet Introduction

I am still way too young as an artist to really have a "style". However, I like coupling fantastical imagery with real life. I like the creepy, scary, or confusing things in life and tend to lean towards them in my writing.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Neil Gaiman, Virginia Woolf, Terry Goodkind, all of the Bronte's, Rilke, Borges, many more

About Me

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I was a part of this community a while ago and loved it. However... I have forgotten my username and password :'(. Oh well, a fresh start is always fun!

I am currently a Senior attending George Mason University (one semester left!)studying Vocal Performance(Opera) and Composition. I have been seriously writing for a couple years now, though I have always expressed myself best through the written word and musically. I self-published a chapbook entitled Atonal Storytime which everyone should check out. You can find it for $.99 on Amazon. I have the honor of being published in a small number of magazines: Cyclamens and Swords and Frontage Roads. I love sharing my work with colleagues and giving and getting constructive criticism.

My Reading List


Poets I Follow
