
Lost Thinker
1awards United Kingdom
Read Poems (24)
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Member Since 6th December 2010
stan joined 5046 days ago and last visited 4820 days ago
Comments 66
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Poet Introduction

hello im stan

Favorite Poets/Writers


About Me

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My Name, Stan Bridge

My Age ,   49

Status ,     Happily Divorced

Family ,    3 Beautiful Daughters

Relationship, In a relationship

Hometown,  Stoke-on-Trent

Fav Music,   Snow Patrol,The Script,The Fray,The Who,Dance/Trance Pretty Most Everything Really From RocknRoll To Dance Trance Euphoria

Fav Film, Lots but i would have to say Saving Private Ryan

Fav Book, I Love Horror And Suspense So Stephen King,Grahaem Masterton,Poe,Rice,

Fav Colour,Black

Fav Food, I Love Indian Food Chinese Food Anyrthing Oriental

Likes , A Sense Of Humour,Patient People,People Who Dont Judge

Dislikes, Insensitive People,Racial Intolerance,

A Little Bit More About Me,Im in a very good place right now my karma is good

what goes around comes around

My Reading List

New Start by notapeot (notapoet)

Poets I Follow
