
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (2)
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Member Since 31st December 2013
saskiaiamsix joined 3921 days ago and last visited 3879 days ago
Comments 2
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Poet Introduction

i am myself. no one else but me/

About Me

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me? about me? well there is not much i can say, you will just have to learn who i am. and you will if you take enough interest in me. i will say, i never judge, and i am always here for anyone. and everyone. please come to me if you need something anything.

My Reading List

PeAcE oF MiNd.. by RedHot_Peppers
Do you know who I am? by alwaysrunning
Smoke It All Away by Koraru (Aerial)
You're a disgrace by Zodiax (Rob Washick)

Poets I Follow
