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Member Since 17th July 2013
reverendPete joined 4212 days ago and last visited 687 days ago
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Poet Introduction

Love is the way to cure all mystery and angst. Poetry and Music can help you arrive at that conclusion. It took me many years to realize this. Be who you are...

Favorite Poets/Writers

e.e. cummings / John Lennon / Patti Smith

About Me

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Reverend Peter John Silvia was born in Northeastern America and grew up at a time when truth, freedom, and love seemed more abundant. Raised by his maternal grandparents, he began drawing, writing, and playing guitar at an early age, and was a natural at being the class rebel once he got to high school. After numerous visits to the vice principals' office, usually for refusing to "pledge allegiance", he dropped out a month before graduation, and two years later got his GED, which to this day, no one has ever asked to see.

He began working at the Newark Public Library, which lasted for nearly 15 years. Being an avid reader, he balanced his passion for art history research with ten years of clerical work in the U.S. Government publications collection. Immersed in both of these areas of study, he earned himself the equivalent of two PHD's. All this while juggling a career as a rock n' roll musician on nights and weekends.

Having written and self-published books of his comic strips, drawings and poetry, he decided after many years of creative endeavors that rarely made him any kind of serious money to live on, to pursue two areas that currently occupy his time. He became an ordained reverend, and is devoting much more time to writing poetry and prose. He felt that being a reverend would garner him much needed respect, and as a poet, he could use all that he could get.

Recently he moved from New York to Kansas, and is more broke than he has ever been in his entire life, though more content with who he is.

Poets I Follow
