mrmelodyseven (Joseph Woodward)

Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (10)
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Member Since 26th July 2024
mrmelodyseven joined 43 days ago and last visited today
Comments 29
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Poet Introduction

Joseph Woodward my name my license plate number of years now MRMELOD

Favorite Poets/Writers

Sly Stone Edgar Allen Poe Rudyard Kipling

About Me

Read Full
75 year old non combat Vietnam Vet Have PTSD Writing good therapy have 2009 self published book 64 page poetry title Dreaded3RD Eye Forehead  Writing is a gift born with veils over eyes live in SC grew up Hartford Conn Basketball Music always my first love collect old school LPs like the 70s Funk groups If Rudyard Kipling favorite poem Sly Stone favorite poet mostly just write in winter its my winter thing Natalie Cole my favorite singer War Mandrill favorite group

My Reading List

Caged Freedom by Mstrmnd1923
coming attractions by buddhakitty

Poets I Follow
