
Strange Creature
Read Poems (3)
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Age 22
Relationship Status Single
Member Since 12th May 2010
mercies_2nd_chance joined 5253 days ago and last visited 5192 days ago
Comments 5
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Poet Introduction

Favorite Poets/Writers

Robert Frost, Lord Byron, Shel Silverstein, Vine Deloria Jr

About Me

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Hey, first and foremost, my name is Courtney. Please though, just refer to me as Court. I'm 22 years old, born in Southern Iowa, raised in Mid-Northern Wisconsin. I recently just graduated from a Native American College with my Associate's Degree as a Liberal Arts Major. I'm a church girl and quite proud to state that. Born into a family of preachers of the Apostolic Pentecostal Faith. I'm part of the FUSION Youth Staff. My passions are God, Family, Friends, Abstract Art (Writing, Drawing, Painting, Music, and Theatre), Youth, and Counseling. All of which is present in some way, shape, and form in my poetry. In fact, Abstract is apparent in pretty much every poem I write. If you want to understand what I talk about, look past the words.

My Reading List

to.get.her by Finding_herself