
Thought Provoker
1awards Canada
Read Poems (92)
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Member Since 30th September 2011
keys_and_gloves joined 4926 days ago and last visited 1942 days ago
Comments 119
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Poet Introduction

I'm a story teller not a poet but maybe one day that will change to

Favorite Poets/Writers

To many for this small box

About Me

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I could say that there really isnt much to say about me, but that would be untrue.

I've never considered my self much of a poet... not ever.
I tried many times to write a poem I thought was good enough to be shared outside of my bedroom walls but nothing ever felt like it could match up the words in my head dont translate to paper.

My brother is an avid writer on this site as well and I think he is much better then me, even as he says I shouldn't give my self to hard a time and should open up more to what I could do.
but what can I do.

I think I'm a story teller more then a poet.
To be the faceless voice behind somthing that people want to hear again and again, weaving words into feeling that make everything around you even the keys under your fingers fall away so its just the voice and the words making their own world just a step ahead of you always.

That's me finally I have written somthing true.

My Reading List

Full Reading List
Fact or friction. by RabbitJunk
It was Ketchup Mortimer  (part 3 of 4) by Nameless_Traveler (Andrew Kerklaan)
The Morbid Insanity of Charlie The Milkman  (Part 1 of 4) by Nameless_Traveler (Andrew Kerklaan)
A Ceiling Full of Invisable Bats   (Part 2 of 4) by Nameless_Traveler (Andrew Kerklaan)

Poets I Follow
